I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1201

As soon as this was mentioned, Olga Marie's mood also fell.

Chaldea is a human rights protection institution created by Marisbili, who Shirou had a fate in Fuyuki City.Of course, the current director is her daughter, Olga Marie.

Not long ago, Chaldea’s main system, Chaldea, observed the disappearance of the civilization lights and discovered the peculiarities of Fuyuki City. As a result, forty-eight masters including Fujimaru Tatsuka and Matthew were summoned. Prepare to explore the singularity.

But it is a pity that the control room in the Chaldeans was blasted in the middle of the journey, except for Fujimaru Tatsuka, Romani who was a Chaldean medical staff, and scattered members, all were killed.

In this blasting process, Ma Xiu merged with a heroic spirit by coincidence, became a heroic spirit, survived, and contracted with Fujimaru Tatsuka to become a Servant, and finally entered this singularity with Fujimaru Tatsuka- Fuyuki City.

After exploring all the way, they merged with Olga Marie who had also entered this peculiar point, and under the guidance of Olga Marie, they summoned Shirou.

As for Leif, he was also in the control room at the time and was naturally attacked by blasting.

What's the situation, even if Romani didn't say anything wrong, Olga Marie knew in her heart that Leif was more than good.

Of course, this is what Olga Marie and others think, but as a traveler, Shirou, a former moon fan, knows that this is not the case.Because it blows up the Chaldean control room and kills the gods in Chaldean Group A, it is Olga Marie and others who trust incomparably blasting ghost-Leif!

However, this is the "FGO" plot known to Shirou.And here, whether it is "FGO" or not, he does not know whether it will follow the script.

Therefore, he said nothing.

Olga Marie is a very glass-hearted person, but under the circumstances of the complete destruction of Chaldea, as the director, she converged her broken glass heart and forcibly invigorated herself.

She first asked about the disaster situation of the Chaldeans, and gave the position of the deputy director to Romani, and asked Romani to use Chaldean's advanced equipment to assist Fujimaru Tatsuka to repair the peculiarities.

"Director, in the city government's position, there is a huge magical reaction, which should be the source of the singularity!" said Romani.

"The location of the city government..." Olga Marie swept around, finally fixed his eyes on the abandoned building in the distance. There was the most expensive area in Fuyuki City, the new city government!

After locking the position, Olga Marie turned her head and looked at Fujimaru Tatsuka and said, "Then, let's go, Fujimaru Tatsuka!"

Fujimaru Tachika nodded in agreement, but Matthew did not have any opinions and listened to Fujimaru Tachika, but at this time someone raised an objection.


Everyone looked back, and it was no one else who raised the objection, but Shiro who jumped off the stone.

Shirou looked at Fujimaru Tatsuka, and said, "Master, you are not close and far away. If you want to fix the singularity, go to the big hole!"

Shirou raised his hand slightly and pointed to the Fukayama area on the other side of the sea.

And that direction is Wonzo Mountain in the Fukayama Town area!

Shi Lang has seen the script of "FGO", and he already knew that Saber, as the guardian of this singularity, was in the big hole of Yuanzang Mountain.Of course, that is the script of the mobile game "FGO", and no one knows whether it will be staged like this in reality.

However, the Shirou who possessed [evil] was very keenly aware of the incredible fluctuations of [evil] from the big hole.

"This one……"

Fujimaru Tatsuka did not speak, but turned to look at Olga Marie.Obviously, Olga Marie is here, and she can't act alone as a Master.

Shi Lang sighed. After all, this Fujimaru Tatsuka is still an ordinary girl who has just come into contact with the singularity and heroic spirits, not the Qin II who will sweep the singularity, tear the Demon King, and gallop freely in the heterogenous belt.

Olga Marie looked at Shirou, and asked in a bad tone: "What basis do you have, the key to judging the repair of the singularity is the big hole? After all...where is the big hole?"

"I have a special ability to find enemies, and it is also my treasure. As for the big hole, it's in the Yuanzang Mountain at the extreme west of Shenshan Town." Shirou did not care about Olga Marie's tone of voice, his expression was as usual. Replied.

Olga Marie turned to look at the virtual screen Riromani and asked: "Romani, look into Yuanzang Mountain."

"I see, director."

On the virtual screen, Romani was busy for a while, and then replied: "Director, Yuanzang Mountain does not have a huge magical response."

Olga Marie nodded, turned to look at Shirou, and said, "It seems that you are wrong, Fujimaru Shirou."

"Sometimes don't trust the instrument too much. Trust me, there is a problem in the big hole." Shirou said.

"Data has logic, and you are the Servant, and I am the director." Olga Marie said.


Shilang felt strange. He felt that Olga Marie seemed a little unkind to him. After thinking about it carefully, Shilang nodded and said, "I understand."

Then there was no speech.

Seeing that Shirou hadn't spoken, Olga Marie hadn't said anything.It's just that she couldn't help complaining in her heart, why should I meet such a thing...

In fact, Shirou felt right, Olga Marie did have some opinions on Shirou.

Although Olga Marie looks very tough, she is actually quite vulnerable.

Simply put, it is a glass heart.

Such she could not have been qualified for the post of Chaldea.But her father, the old director of the Chaldeans-Marisbili suddenly died, so she had to take up the post.

It's just that the burden of Chaldean director, she couldn't afford the fragile burden no matter what, but with Leif's encouragement, she came here.

Therefore, she is very dependent on Leif, just like the dependence on Shirou of El Teluci, it is a mental illness.

But this dependence has not changed the fact that Olga Marie is a glass heart.

In the face of this situation, Olga Marie asked Fujimaru Tatsuka to summon the Servant, actually trying to summon a powerful hero, so that she would feel safe.But it's a pity that Shirou who has almost all attributes E was summoned, so her mood can be imagined.

Perhaps, even she herself hadn't noticed it, so she would have a lot of opinions on Shirou.

Of course, this point has been seen through by Shirou who is good at perceiving people's hearts.

Shilang had already understood that there was no objection in this way. Olga Marie breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to urge everyone to rush to the new city government. At this time, Shilang raised his hand and had objections.

"If this is the case, let's act separately. You go to the new city government, and I go to Dakong. It happens that I also have the ability to [act alone]."

"You, you have no team spirit, right?" Olga Marie accused.

Shirou said: "It's not that there is no team spirit, but I think my choice is the right one. We have differences. It is better to act separately. What do you think, Master?"

Shirou turned his head and looked at Fujimaru Tatsuka.

"This one……"

Fujimaru Tatsuka has never had any experience in dealing with this kind of thing, flustered, not knowing what to do, and turned to Olga Marie.

Shirou saw this and said to his heart, it was really young.

Seeing Fujimaru Tatsuka's view, Olga Marie was also panicked. She was able to instigate the members of the Chaldeans, but for the heroic spirits, she did not have such courage.

After all, she was just a stern officer.

Why, why, should I encounter this kind of thing?

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