I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1204

Medusa couldn't help but stepped back in fear.

There are so many treasures... it makes her feel terrified.

Treasure, this represents the great cause of a hero.And the heroic spirit with so many treasures has done so much, it is hard to imagine.But only one thing is certain, this hero is absolutely outrageous!

Olga Marie murmured: "Is this really Caster who is good at magic power, not Archer who is named after the number of treasures?"

Of course, what they didn't know was that all these treasures that Shi Lang brought out were fakes!

It was copied from Gilgamesh's [Treasure of the King].

At this moment, Shi Lang just took out these treasures copied in advance from the [Infinite Sword System].

"I won! I definitely won!" Olga Marie said excitedly: "If you have so many treasures, even if you shoot, you can shoot her to death!"

"Wait! She's Medusa! It's Medusa, director!" Romani thought of a little, and hurriedly yelled, "Be careful! Be careful of her eyes!"

Shiro turned his head and looked at Romani on the virtual screen, showing a speechless expression.

Although I revealed her true identity and understand what you want to remind me, you don't have to be so loud, right?Are you afraid that others will not know?

Sure enough, because of Romani's loud yelling, Medusa himself thought of his magic eyes.

Correct!I still have the Demon Eye of Petrification!

Medusa's eyes lit up and she pointed at Shirou, and her lavender eyes began to shine with iridescent light.

Medusa has the most advanced petrified eye.

As legend has it, once caught by Medusa's magic eye, it will be unconditionally petrified when the magic power is below C level.Class B people are very likely to be petrified.Although it is impossible to petrify the A-level, it will bring the effect of "stressing" the opponent, making the opponent deeply cursed, and all abilities are reduced!

"Oops! Medusa used magic eyes!" Romani shouted.

Shiro: "..."

Who is to blame, brother?

Olga Marie and others are distraught. They also know the legend of Medusa. They are extremely taboo against Medusa's petrified eye. If Shi Lang is killed by Medusa's petrified eye, what should they do?

Olga Marie glared at Romani fiercely. Originally, as long as Shi Lang shot all the treasures out, Medusa would die, but she didn't expect this second stunner to shout directly, making Medusa remember that she still had This ability of the Demon Eye of Petrification.

Shi Lang's rank is Caster, and he does not have the ability to complement the Saber rank [to magic power], and seeing Shi Lang wears so thinly, it is very likely that he does not have [to magic power] in his inherent ability.

How to do?Olga Marie was anxious and hated Romani.

But Medusa was very lucky.

To be honest, she was really photographed by the number of Shilang's treasures just now, and for a while, she forgot her petrified magic eyes. Of course, this was also related to her being full of revenge on humans after being altered.

But now, she has used the magic eye of petrification.

What if there are countless treasures?As long as there is no ability to resist her petrified demon eyes, it will turn into stone and be crushed and killed by her!

Victory has been confirmed!

The rest is just waiting for Shirou to turn into stone.

However, time passed by, Shirou showed no sign of turning into stone.

"No, it's impossible...!" Medusa widened her eyes and asked with a horrified look: "You, do you have [to magic]?"

"No." Shi Lang shook his head.

"Then how could you not be petrified?" Medusa asked in horror.

"Unfortunately, I have something more reliable than [to magic]."

Shirou smiled, then snapped his fingers.

The treasures displayed in the mid-air, like a meteor shower, fell towards Medusa!

In Chapter 4, what you see is the present, and what I see is the future!


The group of treasures resembling a meteor shower fell. Although Medusa rose up to resist, she was eventually stabbed into a hedgehog, scarred and dying.

She fell on the ground, crawling forward even though she had several swords in her body.

What is it that supports her with such motivation?

"Vengeance, revenge... Revenge..."

Medusa muttered to herself.

A shadow appeared before her eyes.

She raised her head and looked at her. Her consciousness was blurred, but she knew that the one standing in front of her was not someone else but the hero who killed her-Fujimaru Shiro!

"Want to come, want to trample on me, ravage me, humiliate me, human?" Medusa demanded.

Shi Lang squatted down and said nothing. He just reached out his hand and gently stroked the bangs in front of her behind his ears, revealing her beautiful face completely.

"Look, I only know Medusa, the beautiful Greek goddess, and never know any Gorgon." Shi Lang said with a smile.

"See you if you have a chance, Medusa." Shirou said, standing up.

Medusa did not speak anymore, her body dispersed like stardust.

Matthew looked at Shi Lang who came back, and couldn't help saying: "Okay, so amazing, Mr. Shi Lang."

Hearing this, Shi Lang shook his head, and said with a smile: "It's not a big deal, just relying on more weapons. If there are not so many weapons, I am afraid it would not end like this."

"In the final analysis, who are you?" Olga Marie asked, "With so many treasures, it is impossible to be an unknown person anyway. Your real name is not Fujimaru Shiro?"

"No," Shirou shook his head, and said, "My real name is Fujimaru Shirou, Director Olga Marie."

Olga Marie looked disbelief.

If you think about it carefully, if you are really an unknown pawn in history, how could there be so many treasures?


That's a treasure!

The realization of the heroic cause.

There is only one normal hero, and there are only two or three more. How can there be hundreds or thousands of them like this guy?

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