I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1215

At the moment when the meteor was extremely close, everyone saw its true face clearly.What kind of meteor is this? It is clearly a rotating spiral sword!

It's an enemy attack!

Seeing that the spiral sword was getting closer, Ma Xiu reacted and quickly resisted with her shield.

Seeing the moment when the two were fighting, someone said softly: "[Fantasy Collapse]!"

Hearing a "bang" sound, the spiral sword burst open. The powerful blasting force directly blasted Ma Xiu back several steps and fell to the ground.

"It's him! It's that guy!" Cuchurin yelled.

Everyone became alert.

Then, there was another meteor falling from the sky, which struck everyone.

"Dare to take advantage of the prestige in front of Lao Tzu!" Cuchulin yelled and drew several lines of the original Luen.

These original Luen all have the meaning of "fire". After drawing a moment in Cuchurin, these original Luen have become huge fireballs.Cuchurin waved his staff along with them, and these big fireballs were like anti-aircraft missiles, rushing directly from the ground, and fighting the meteors in the night sky.

"Boom" several times of muffled thunder, brilliant fireworks exploded in the sky, illuminating this dark forest.

The smoke filled the air, and there was a "shoo shoo shoo" cutting sound in the air. Two short knives flashed in the air and converged in the air, grabbing Fujimaru Tateka and Olga Marie.

The enemy's goal is obvious, to directly kill the most important personnel of Chaldea, the last Master of mankind, and the chief of Chaldea!

However, those two short knives galloped in, but there was something faster than them!

With a "shoo", everyone saw a flash of golden light in front of them, and then two sharp swords with glittering light flew past the sky, directly knocking the two short knives to the ground.

With such a protective posture, everyone doesn't have to think about it, and they know that Shirou has taken the shot.

Someone said softly: "Fantasy..."

Before he finished speaking, Shi Lang took the lead, clenched his fists, and detonated the magic of two sharp swords.

With a "bang" burst, two sharp swords directly blasted the two short knives that had fought to pieces.

"It's also a fantasy collapse..." The man was a little surprised.

Shilang's mind moved, and a dozen sharp swords appeared around him, like meteors, shooting straight toward the place where the short sword shot.

The sharp sword pierced the night sky, and the cold light flickered, but at the place where the short knife shot out, a dozen sharp swords also appeared, and then blasted towards Shilang.

The weapons of the two sides are intertwined, and the "clang-clang" metal surging sound is endless.

"Even so..." Olga Marie was shocked.

Because the weapon that the opponent appears is nothing but a treasure!

And it was exactly the same as the weapon that Shirou threw out, it was as if it had been re-enacted!

The weapons of both sides offset each other and fell on the ground, filled with mud.

A figure holding a pair of knives is looming in the distance.

"Archer..." Cuchurin looked solemn, "It really is that guy!"

The man threw the double knives toward everyone again, then took out a long bow, built the bow, and shot out a spiral sword.

Seeing this, Shi Lang directly took out the shield of the gods (pseudo) from the [Infinite Sword System], which looked like a wall, and placed it in front of him.

Just listen to the sound of "clang", the sword is sharp, but it fails to break Shilang's shield of the gods (pseudo).

"I'll deal with him!"

Cuchurin said, picking up his staff and about to go out to fight Archer, but Shirou caught him.

Cuchurin turned his head, looked at Shirou, and asked, "What are you doing, kid?"

Shirou said, "You and my Master will go to deal with Saber, and Archer will give it to me."

"What are you talking about?" Ku Qiulinhu stared.

Fujimaru Tatsuka was also surprised, and asked, "Aren't you going to deal with Saber with us, Caster?"

Hearing this, Shi Lang shook his head and said: "I can feel that this Archer is very powerful, and the strength may not be below me. So, I will deal with him. Master, Matthew, you go and deal with Saber!"

"I see." Fujimaru Tatsuka nodded heavily.

"Wait, wait a minute!" Olga Marie found the blind spot and said quickly: "If Archer is so good, Saber who can defeat him will definitely be even more powerful. Shouldn't we defeat Archer first and then fight together Saber?"

Fujimaru Tatsuka gritted her teeth and said, "Director, this is already the boundary of Mount Enzo. Since Archer will appear here, it means that Saber has noticed us. It may be watching us. There is only one Archer here now. , If we waste any more time, maybe Saber will show up too. It won’t be so easy to deal with Saber and Archer when that happens. So Caster stays here to deal with Archer, and we will deal with Saber with Mr. Cuchurin!"

"This, this...what's your logic?" Olga Marie felt that her IQ was severely ravaged by Fujimaru Tatsuka's thrown on the ground. What kind of logic is this!

"Can't go! I am the director, you should listen to me!" Olga Marie exclaimed.

"But, I am the Master, director!" Fujimaru Tatsuka said.

Olga Marie was startled.

Fujimaru Tachika's tone softened, glanced at Shirou, and said, "The most important thing is that Caster said before that if he was allowed to see Saber, he might turn around. Right, Caster."

"Yes, Master. I still remember this, I really deserve to be my Master." Shi Lang said with a smile, and then said with a serious face, "Go, defeat Saber, the last Master of mankind!"

Fujimaru Tateka nodded, turned to look at Matthew, and said, "Masiu, let's go!"

"I see, senior!"

Matthew nodded and followed with her shield.

Fujimaru Tachika took a few steps and found Olga Marie hadn't followed. Turning to look at Olga Marie who was stunned on the spot, he hurriedly shouted: "Keep up, Director! Are you trying to fix the singularity? Keep up!"

"This, this is nothing! Why did I meet such a stupid thing!"

Olga Marie was almost crying, but she had to follow.There is no way, the subordinates have rebelled and have the initiative, and she, as the leader, can only hold her nose and follow it temporarily.

"Wait a minute, Archer is mine, brat!" Cuchurin shouted, uncooperatively.

In his vision, Shirou and Fujimaru Tatsuka should defeat Saber, and he would defeat Archer.

Of course, after defeating Archer, give Saber a treasure, a perfect curtain call.

The result now?

Now all the prestige has been taken away by Shi Lang!

It is unbearable to have to rob the person he has booked!

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