I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1217

Shiro changed the direction of his attack, changing all the treasures displayed around him from aiming at Archer to aiming at the ground at Archer's feet, and then carried out cover bombing like a grenade.

Upon seeing this, Archer first projected a dozen sharp swords to meet him, but found that the number was not enough to resist. Many treasures passed through his sharp sword and fell towards him.

Archer is worthy of being Archer, with high martial arts, and when he saw it, he rolled straight and neatly, and easily escaped Shilang's attack range.

But so, it also fell into Shirou's intentions.

The treasure that Shiro threw out was like a machine gun bullet blasting the ground. The sound of "Boom Boom" kept coming. The ground was smashed to pieces, the smoke was soothing, and the scene was chaotic. Archer's sight was blocked.

When Archer rushed out of the smoke and dust, and rushed to the position prescribed by Shi Lang, he was surprised to find that Shi Lang was no longer visible at any time.

Where did you go?Archer looked around, there was no sign of Shirou.

At this moment, with a "shoo" sound, the sound of breaking through the air rang in my ears.

not good!

Archer yelled in his heart, turned around and swung a knife, only to hear a "clang" sound, a sword was cut and shot down by him.

Behind him, Shiro took off a black hat from the top of his head, and Shiro's figure suddenly appeared in the empty space.

"Invisible?" Archer frowned.

Shilang nodded, and admitted generously, "Yes, it's invisible."

It turned out that Shirou attacked the ground and raised the dust to confuse Archer's vision and took the opportunity to wear the invisibility cap on his head to avoid Archer's close assault.

The invisibility hat in Shilang's hand also has a great background, and the prototype is the artifact of Hades, the king of Hades in Greek mythology.

Of course, the artifact in Shilang's hands is not the artifact of Hades, but he copied it from Gilgamesh's [Treasure of the King] during the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Archer frowned, "You said you are my co-individual, how could you have such a treasure as the invisibility hat?"

"You have the ability to copy, and of course I do. I copied it from a guy I don't like very much."

After a pause, Shi Lang said with a light smile: "Also, while I answer, I want to sneak attack on me, this kind of low-level sneak attack is useless to me, just give up."

As he said, Shi Lang waved his hand, and two swords appeared and shot towards the dense forest on the left. Only two "clang" sounds were heard. The two swords died together with the other two swords, and the broken blades fell on the ground with white light.

Archer's face was solemn. Those two swords were ambushes when he rolled to prevent sudden changes. Before asking Shirou to prepare for a surprise attack with those two swords, he was still caught by his attention. Shi Lang saw through.

What should I do?

Archer was solemn in his heart. He couldn't beat Shi Lang in a normal number battle, and Shi Lang in close combat, with a stealth hat, could create smoke and stealth, even a surprise attack... he could easily see through.

Of course, the most important thing is that Archer doesn't know what treasure Shirou still has, what hole cards!

Archer knew very well that there was only one way to defeat Shirou at the moment.

That is to defeat Shirou head-on!Defeat Shiro head-on with a number battle!

And to achieve this, only complete liberation [Infinite Sword System]!

However, the singing of [Infinite Sword System] requires more than five bars of singing!

Since the other party knows him, he must know this and won't give him a chance!

Could it be that in this way, can I only admit defeat?

Archer frowned.

"Sing," Shi Lang said.

"What!?" Archer raised his brow.

There are dozens of weapons displayed around Shirou. He stands among them like a king of weapons. He lifted his chest, looked straight at Archer, and said, "I said, you can sing."

"Only take out your [Infinite Sword System] before you can fight me. Why? Worry about my sneak attack? Don't worry, anyway, you are my co-identity, and I will not attack you. I must be upright and defeat you completely, otherwise I will be very unhappy when I think about it in the future."

So, is it the same person as Saber?

Archer's eyes flashed brightly, and he sang directly:

"I am the bone of the sword I hold."

"Steel is the body, and the flame is blood--"

Archer sang and watched Shirou.

He didn't believe Shiro's words, but watching Shiro's unmoved appearance, Archer couldn't help thinking, is this guy really going to watch him liberate [Infinite Sword System]?

If this is the case, that would be great.

It doesn't make any sense to think of something unpleasant in the future.

As a executor, you only need to complete the task perfectly!

Archer chanted loudly to the last verse: "So as I prayed,'Infinite Sword System'..."

The earth began to fission, the cyan thunderbolt from Archer as the center, fission to the surroundings, the rich magic began to envelope, as if to form a world, Shirou and Archer were closed.

Infinite sword system is here!

Archer said to his heart, and in this mood, he found that Shirou still did nothing unusual.

It can be seen that this guy is indeed a pedantic person, but this constitutes your failure!

[Infinite Sword System] has been completely liberated, Archer does not think that after [Infinite Sword System] is activated, he will lose to Shiro in the quantity battle.

At the moment when the inherent barrier formed by [Infinite Sword System] is about to completely close the space, this is Archer's strongest but least vigilant moment, and the sudden change occurs!


The land behind Archer was turbulent, and a sharp sword hidden in it, with a "shoo," abruptly stabbed.

Just hearing the "chap", Archer felt a sharp pain in his chest.

Archer lowered his head in amazement, only to see a sharp blade piercing from the heart.

In the midst of it, with a "click", Archer felt that something in his body that maintained its existence was breaking.

That's nothing else, it's the fundamental spiritual foundation of Servant's present world!

Archer's spiritual foundation, broken!

Because of this sudden attack, it pierced Archer's heart!

Shirou saw this and said with a smile: "The strongest time is also the weakest. As a soldier, you actually forgot this."

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