I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1226

"Great, what can I do?" Fujimaru Tatsuka asked quickly.

Everyone's eyes also fell on Shirou, their eyes full of trust and hope.

Fujimaru Tatsuka and Matthew both felt that staying in Shirou felt too safe, not to mention that it was very strong, and there were so many methods, as if all the problems encountered by Shirou would be solved.

To be honest, although they don't want to admit it, their hearts are somewhat dependent on Shirou.

Seeing everyone's gazes, Shirou smiled at Fujimaru Tatsuka, "Master, you have to work hard in the future."


Fujimaru Tachika was taken aback, wondering what this meant?

Before he came up with an answer, Fujimaru Tateka's eyes widened, and Shirou stretched out his palm, slammed directly into his chest with a "chat", and blood poured out like a column.

"C, Caster! You, you are...!" Fujimaru Tatsuka cried out.

Shi Lang dug out his heart.

That is not a normal heart, but a materialized crystallization, in simple terms, a spiritual foundation.

As soon as the spirit foundation was dug out, it began to dissipate, and black mud emerged from Shi Lang's palm, which enveloped the spirit foundation, which greatly slowed the speed of the spirit foundation's dissipation.

When everyone saw this scene, they were all shocked.

With blood flowing from the hollow chest, Shirou said: "With my treasure, my spiritual foundation can be preserved for another seven days after I disappear. But it only takes three days for Da Vinci to make a human body. During this time, Olga Marie’s soul can be carried by my spiritual foundation."

With that, Shiro walked to Olga Marie, handed his heart to Olga Marie, and placed it in Olga Marie's hand.

In this process, Olga Marie was stunned.

Shi Lang smiled and said, "I have to work harder, director."

Olga Marie was speechless, she didn't know what to say.She did not expect that Shi Lang would choose to commit suicide, so as to give her a chance to survive.

The heart was dug out, Shi Lang's body began to show a faint golden light, and his figure began to dissipate.

"C, Caster!" Fujimaru Tatsuka looked at Shirou with a sad expression.

"Go, Master. The rest of the road, you have to go on your own." Shi Lang said with a smile.

Hearing this, Fujimaru Tatsuka clenched her fists and looked at Shirou with hatred, "Liar!"

con man!

He said he would stay with me all the time!

Fujimaru Tatsuka hated her deeply.

"Well," Shi Lang nodded, "I'm just a liar."

Fujimaru Tateka gritted her teeth, stretched out her hand, and hit Shirou's other side of the chest with a punch, lowered her head, and said, "But I am not a liar."

"I, I will become an excellent Master! Save humanity!"

Shi Lang nodded: "Yeah. I believe you."

Fujimaru Tatsuka turned her back and said, "Go away, Ma Xiu, director!"


Matthew really didn't know what to say. In the end, at the end of the team, is it still to say goodbye?

Shi Lang smiled at Matthew and said, "The short farewell is for the excitement of the next reunion. Go on, Matthew."

Matthew nodded, followed Fujimaru Tatsuka, turning her head three times.

Olga Marie also followed Fujimaru Tatsuka, she really didn't know what to say to Shirou.

This, this third-rate hero!

Olga Marie squeezed the materialized heart in her hand, warm.

Chaldea initiated the conversion of the souls and sent them back.

At the last moment of leaving, Fujimaru Tatsuka turned her head, looked at Shirou and asked, "Caster, will we, shall we meet again?"

"If it's destined, sure." Shi Lang smiled back.

"If I can still meet, I will surprise you. I will become a very good and excellent Master. So, I must be my Servant next time!" Fujimaru Tatsuka shouted.

And this time, Shi Lang nodded.

Seeing Shirou nodding, Fujimaru Tatsuka left with a smile.

Watching the Chaldeans and his party leave, Shirou looked at the singularity that was gradually being repaired, smiled, shattered his body into a spiritual child, and slowly disappeared.

This time the help to Chaldea was over.



Shirou returned to his body.

It was the darkness that couldn't be felt on the edge again, and all the senses of sight, taste, smell, hearing, touch...all were deprived again.

Where is this place?

Shirou asked this question, but he didn't understand why he should have returned to the modern era from Camelot, why the ontology got involved in such a strange place.

No one answered him.

There is darkness here, all his senses have been deprived, he is not aware of the existence of the body, nor is he aware of his own existence, the only thing that still exists is his own mind.

Shirou felt fear.

In this boundless darkness, Shirou felt terrified.

It's so dark.

It's terrible.

Shiro started to run.

He doesn't know if his body is running with it, but his mind is running.

Run, run...Run out of this darkness.

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