I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1259

Wang Hassan is an existence that constantly wanders in the realm of the valley. He has become accustomed to death in the valley and has assimilated it with death.His swordsmanship has reached the realm, has reached the realm of death and life, it can be said that it is the incarnation of death, capable of giving all attacks a blow of the fate of death.

Even if the enemy has no concept of death, he will be endowed with the concept of death by his sword and killed!

But when Wang Hassan faced Shiro’s [Evil Flower Leading to Freedom], the end of his death was originally reduced by [Evil]. It was unable to kill Lan Mallok and cut down Ozmandia. Si's head was the same, and Shi Lang was killed directly.

But in fact, there is a certain probability that his death can break through [evil] and kill Shirou and [evil] directly from the concept of death.

But at this moment...

The end of his death has completely disappeared!

Wang Hassan could feel that at this moment, Shi Lang's [evil] contained a huge indescribable malice and curse. It was the malice and curse that even feared death, which directly perished Wang Hassan's end of death.

However, this unspeakable great malice is like a newborn baby. Although it possesses unspeakable great malice and curse, it is not strong yet, but possesses unspeakable growth.Therefore, Wang Hassan still split the mud sea with a single sword.

He looked at Shirou and noticed that Shirou's eyes had changed, and he also noticed the rare starry brilliance in the mud sea and the small whirlpool.

What made Shiro's [evil] show growth?

And he has never been able to completely resist his end of death, growing up to be able to completely disintegrate his end of death?

Wang Hasan glanced at Sanzang, who was full of Buddha's brilliance, turned his head and turned his gaze on Shilang's body. He clenched the big sword tightly and was murderous, but hesitated very rarely.

Yes, without any disadvantage, Assassin-King Hassan, the crowned king of Assassin, facing Shirou, hesitated rarely!

This is an extremely unbelievable phenomenon. If the other Hassan knew about this, he would have even dropped his jaw!

Wang Hassan's hesitation stems from Shi Lang's [evil] growth and the existence of Xuanzhuang Sanzang.

At this time, intensive footsteps came from outside the Guanghui Grand Complex Temple.

"Quickly, did Pharaoh have some accident?"

"Hurry up and see, there are always sounds of destruction in the temple."

The voices are noisy, the citizens who were awakened by the fierce battle of Shirou and others.

Wang Hasan turned his wrist and slid his great sword on the ground, and said in a deep voice, "The time is over, I will retreat. But when the evening bell has sounded, the destiny has already encircled your body, the end of death is already calling You wait. Especially you, the red dragon of Britain."

Shi Lang's heart sank, frowning and staring at Wang Hassan, with an uncontrollable killing intent in his heart.

Wang Hasan looked at Shi Lang and said: "The evening bell has revealed your name, and my sword is the end of your luck. You will find the last rest under my sword."

"Of course, if you say that the destiny is in your own hands, well, the devil has already come, so you can use your sword to test and see if you can break your destiny."

After speaking, a gust of wind blew up around Wang Hassan's body, and Wang Hassan slowly disappeared.

At the moment he disappeared, his eyes burning with the flames looked at Shirou deeply, and then disappeared completely.

When King Hassan left, the Guanghui Grand Complex Temple finally recovered its tranquility.

However, the influence he left behind was extremely far-reaching.

Ozmandias was educated by Wang Hassan for a while, and his arrogant temperament plummeted.

What Wang Hassan left behind is also intriguing.

The demon who descended... It should be said that the demon Charles I?

Majin Charles I, this is the hidden BOSS background board of Chapter 6 of "FGO".Before Chaldea as the player reached the sixth chapter, the Lion King Altoria led Gao Wen and others to kill Kai and others, and commanded the round table knights in crusade against the coming Demon Charles I, but still lost.

After Gareth restrained Majin Charles I at his own expense, Gawain destroyed Gareth and Majin Charles I together.

Majin Charles I, this is the hidden BOSS background board in Chapter 6 of "FGO", but why did Wang Hassan mention this to him before he left?

Chapter 31 My Name, Gurneyville Pendragon!

In the vast desert, a caravan riding a camel slowly passed by.

They were exactly the same as the caravan Shilang encountered, and had escaped from Jerusalem.

"We have entered the territory of the Sun King. Let's get down to hydrate and rest for a while. Remember, when you enter the territory of the Sun King, you must show respect to the sun. In this way, the beasts of the Sun King along the way are not It will embarrass us." said the leader of the team.

"I see, Captain!"

People nodded their promises and got off the camels one after another, leaning against them, replenishing water and enjoying the cool.

The children of the caravan began to chase and fight.

Seeing their innocent and energetic play, the adults in the caravan couldn't help but laugh kindly, bringing vitality to this barren desert.

Suddenly, the kid being chased by a ghost stumbles to the ground without notice.

A group of children running behind him quickly chased him, surrounded him and caught him.

The big kid king raised his nose and triumphantly announced the end of the game.

The kid who was a ghost refused to accept, saying that he had tripped over a stone, otherwise he would not be caught by them.

The other kids laughed at him and couldn't afford to lose.

The child became angry and reached out to dig into the sand under his feet, trying to prove to everyone that he was really tripped, not a loss.

The sand was thrown out by the child, and eventually everyone found that the child really tripped over.However, it was not a stone that tripped him, but a cup.

A beautiful cup made of gold, glowing in the sun, looks like an extremely expensive treasure.

A group of children were startled by the golden cup, and at this moment, the kid king reached out and grabbed the golden cup and ran towards the adults.

Several children hurriedly followed.

The kid king took the golden cup and ran back to his parents in the caravan. He handed the cup to them. He raised his nose triumphantly and said that he had discovered it. He looked at his parents expectantly, waiting for them Praises and rewards.

But he happened, the parents' eyes were all on the golden cup, and the eyes flashed with greed.

When the couple combined, the man told the kid not to speak out, and the woman hurriedly hid the golden cup.

However, at this time, the child who dug out the golden cup had already brought his parents over to reason.

Because of the ownership of the treasure, the two families clamored and fought. Everyone in the caravan knew about the golden cup.

People gathered in a group, their eyes shone with greed, either covering up, or directly exposing their selfish desires, each of them wanted to take the golden cup as their own.

In the face of absolute interests, human desire became the fuse, everyone quarreled, and the children looked at the quarreling red-faced adults in fear.

No one noticed that in the desert, a small black mud ball was like a cobra, wandering in the desert, and entered into a golden cup placed aside by everyone.

This golden cup, nothing else, was thrown away by the Lion King Altria, and it was also the Holy Grail that Ozmandias sent Nitocris to find.And the black mud ball was nothing else, it was the mud tide summoned by the small wormhole created by Shi Lang's broken arm.

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