I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1262

For Mordred...she was disgusted by Shirou.

Guinevere, this is also a very important figure in her life.

She is the product of Morgan Lefy and King Arthur, and the illegitimate son of King Arthur.Through her own efforts and Morgan's recommendation, she became one of the Knights of the Round Table.She admired her "father" extremely and was extremely confident that she had the right to inherit the throne, but unfortunately, King Arthur declined her.

But after the incident between Guinevere and Lancelot, King Arthur handed her the task of staying at the base camp during the expedition to France, making her the Minister of Regent.

Because King Arthur refused to recognize her, she took the opportunity to lead a rebellion at the instigation of Morgan when King Arthur led an expedition to Rome.

She announced to the nobles that King Arthur had died in battle, and thus inherited the throne.She also got the great sword "King Sword of Brilliant Shining" from the treasure house, which proved the king's status, and later proposed to Guinevere who was the princess.

"What are you talking about? It's ridiculous."

Facing Guinevere with a nonchalant attitude, Mordred smiled and said:

"It should be your husband and wife game that is absurd."

When Mordred finished speaking in a mocking tone, he took off his helmet and revealed that face exactly like King Arthur, and then forcibly married Guinevere and completely inherited the throne.

After that, he expedition to France and signed a peace treaty with Rome. The already exhausted King Arthur heard about it, and his class returned to the court to have the final sword fence battle with Mordred.

It can be said that in the legend of King Arthur, Guinevere is the most important figure.The stunner hovering between King Arthur Altria, Modred, and Lancelot.

Therefore, Guinevere is also a very important figure for Mordred.

And now?

This stinky kid actually said he was Gurneyville...

Honestly, Mordred was really disgusted.If this is the case, then she was for political reasons and the person who forced her to marry was the one who helped her?

In addition, Mordred had special feelings for the gentle and strong princess.If it is love, it does not exist, because she is not Lily.If you insist on describing it, it's somewhat like an attachment to a mother.After all, when she became the Knights of the Round Table, the princess took good care of her and made her feel the warmth from the princess that she had never experienced from Morgan Lefy.

In addition to political reasons, the reason why she would forcibly marry Guinevere before her is not certain that there is also this unique emotion in it.

Therefore, she was disgusted by Shi Lang.

"Do not joke!"

Mordred slapped the cage with an angry face, "If you are Guinevere, doesn't it mean that my father is a man, and Morgan Lefy is also a man. The'I' they produced before is also A man. Then you man was married by my male father, and then the male me forced you to marry again?"

Shiro: "..."

Girl, why do you think of so many all at once?

Shi Lang looked at Mordred dumbfounded.

"The most important thing is, if this is the case. Isn't the Knights of the Round Table all women? Don't be kidding! I feel sick just because Merlin's women's clothing blames me in front of me. If it's Kay, Gah Reese, gorillas like Gawain are dangling in front of me in women's clothing, and I can vomit it out overnight! It's disgusting!" Mordred cursed.


Kay and Jahris are dumbfounded, why take them?

But think about the appearance of Gawain wearing women's clothing... They are also disgusted, it is simply a hell!

"Tristan's words, you can try it, it must be very beautiful. I used to think his slender body is especially suitable for women's clothing." Gerant added suddenly.


Tristan, who was staying aside enjoying the tranquility, suddenly felt that he was hit by a fatal urging palm, and his heart was cracked.

He turned his head, his breath locked on Gerante, murderous in his body.

"Just kidding, kidding." Gerant sneered.Sometimes he is very confused.

Looking at Mordred, who was already trapped in his brain and unable to extricate himself, and then at the knights of the Round Table who were disgusted, Shirou showed a helpless expression and said: "It's not what you think. Although I am also called Ge Neville, but it’s not the Guinevere you think about. In fact, besides me, there is indeed a Guinevere in my Camelot. And your father is still a daughter, Morganle Fei is also a female, and the Knights of the Round Table are still men. They are all your parallel world individuals. You should be able to detect this from the Heroic Seat."

"Oh, that's right. I can't say everything, because my Camelot has fifteen knights of the round table, and some of them are indeed women."

"As for whether I am King Arthur, in fact, I myself don’t really want to expose this identity in this singularity. Because there is another King Arthur here, and you are not my Knights of the Round Table. There will be a lot of trouble, so I changed my name to Lucius."

Shiro said.

Mordred said: "It's beautiful. If you are King Arthur, what about your proof of the king?"

The knights of the round table got serious.Indeed, from the perspective of the Heroic Seat, there are indeed countless parallel worlds, and indeed there will be the phenomenon of King Arthur who summons other parallel worlds.But as long as it is King Arthur, then there will be a proof of King Arthur's king.

As long as you can't show the proof of King Arthur's kingship, and let others say it, it's just a rhetoric.

Ozmandias sat on the throne and watched this scene with interest.For him, it was a pleasure, enough to comfort the heart hurt by King Hassan.However, he was also curious about whether Shirou could produce the proof of King Arthur's kingship.

"The proof of the king?" Shi Lang's face was embarrassed.

"Why, can't you get it out?" Mordred asked.

"That's not true, it's just that I'm very worried...Which one is the proof of the king you mentioned."

Shi Lang took out the sword in the stone and asked, "Is it this?"

"Stone, sword in the stone!?" Mordred raised an eyebrow.

"Or this one?" Shi Lang took out the Holy Spear Lungominiad again.

"Holy Spear!?" The knights of the round table were surprised.

Shi Lang held the sword in the stone in one hand and the holy spear Lungomiard in the other, and said with a sad look: "To be honest, I am very sad. Which one do you mean by the king?"

Kay and Gahris looked at each other, then looked at Gerante in the cage, took a deep breath, knelt down on one knee, held a knightly ceremony, and said, "See King Arthur!"

Upon seeing this, Shi Lang asked a little strangely: "Although I am also King Arthur, but not your King Arthur, you also want to recognize me?"

Kai raised his head, looked at Shirou, and said: "We are the Knights of the Round Table. On the Heroic Seat, both [Knights of the Round Table] and [King Arthur] preserve the ontology in terms of concepts. Therefore, from the perspective of the Heroic Seat, [ The Knights of the Round Table must be a knight of [King Arthur]. The Lion King is not the real King Arthur that we have been loyal to, but she is [King Arthur], so we must recognize her and be loyal, so you are the same."

After hearing this, Shi Lang understood.To put it simply, the relationship between the heroic seat and the heroic spirit is like the relationship between the collection and the subset. The ontology on the heroic seat, such as [King Arthur] is the concept of the collection, and the [king] the collection contains [Alto Liya], [The Lion King], [Arthur Pendragon], [Gurneyville Pendragon]... these subsets.

The same goes for [Knights of the Round Table].

Generally speaking, the Holy Grail War only summons the heroic spirits from the sublimation of this world to the Heroic Spirit seat. Take Kuchulin as an example. There are countless species of Kuchurin naturally in countless parallel worlds. Under normal circumstances, World A will only summon the Kuchurin of World A from the Heroic Seat.

Of course, there are also heroic spirits that are summoned to other parallel worlds, such as Cú Chulainn who summoned from the heroic seat of the A world to the B world.These are all possible.

It can only be said that the Heroic Seat is so magical that both its existence and its operating mechanism are beyond human perception.But with scientific knowledge, it can be explained simply, but it is very specific and complete.

Of course, the most important thing is that Shirou can't know the Heroic Seat specifically.Although his position exists on the Heroic Seat, it is a pity that Shilang is not a Heroic, nor does he intend to be a Heroic.

And now, because Shi Lang took out the sword in the stone and the holy spear Lungominiad, the two witnesses of King Arthur, Kai, Gahris and others all recognized him.

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute!" Mordred shouted: "Sir Kay, the sword in the stone and the holy spear he took out are fakes made by projection magic! They are fake!"

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