I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1272

"Hahaha—" Ozmandias laughed.

Shi Lang wondered: "What are you laughing at?"

"Yu Xiaoru is too stupid. How can I know what you all understand?" Ozmandias said with a smile.

Shiro: "..."

What's the situation, this guy still wants to put himself above others?

Nitokris on the side added: "The Pharaoh has summoned the sphinx in the territory and gathered around the city. The number is about 800."

Hearing this, Shi Lang nodded clearly, looked at Ozmandias, and said: "So that's it, have you mobilized troops and horses in advance?"

"Huh...Who do you think Yu is? Yu is the pharaoh among the pharaohs, the first king, how dull like you?" Ozmandias said proudly.


Shi Lang sighed. Although he knew that Ozmandias had such a temper, he still wanted Wang Hassan to come over and give Ozmandias another knife.

I have to say that compared to the complete body of Ozmandias in this arrogant second, Shirou still feels that turning around is more suitable for Ozmandias.

Because Ozmandias turned around, he couldn't put on such an arrogant posture.

Ozmandias got up and said, "I plan to sniper the demon in the sand dunes ten kilometers before the city. The red dragon of Britain, the 200-man army you trained should also come in handy. ?"

Sure enough, Ozmandias was not a mediocre master. Although he gave Shirou the right to manage the city and allowed Shirou to move at will, his instinct as a king made him aware of Shirou's actions.

In fact, Ozmandias will allow Shirou to move at will in this city. Apart from his approval of Shirou, the biggest reason is that this is a singularity. No matter what you do, after the singularity is repaired, everything will be fine. Will return to the correct human history.

If it was in Egypt where Ozmandias was alive, if Shiro, the king, came to his territory and did not submit to him, he would have killed him with his temperament, and would he let Shiro move at will?This is naturally impossible.

What to do in what situation.Although Ozmandias had a big tone and an arrogant attitude, he looked like a silly idiot, but he actually controlled everything clearly.

In fact, without this ability, he wouldn't be able to become Ramses II who is famous in human history.

Shirou was not surprised when faced with Ozmandias. Of course he knew that his actions could not be hidden from Ozmandias.

He nodded, smiled, and said, "Of course."

Turning his head, Shirou looked at Nitocris and said, "My soldier, I will leave it to you, Pharaoh in the sky."


Nitokris was stunned at the time. According to this dialogue development, shouldn't the Sphinx army of Ozmandias and the army trained by Shiro converge to encircle the demon?Why is Shirou now saying instead, hand over the army to her?

Ozmandias nodded, turned his head, and looked at Nitocris, and said, "Yes. The city is left to you, the queen of the sky."

Nitocris was stunned for a while, and then she reacted: "Huh eh?"

She got it. Ozmandias mentioned Shiro's army, which meant that Shiro's army should keep the city in order, and he was going to conquer himself.And Shi Lang handed over the army to her, that is to say... this task of guarding the house fell on her?

Nitocris has never been a person who contends for strength, and will not complain about the arrangement of Ozmandias, but will do her best to complete it.But Shilang understood Ozmandias's meaning before her, and arranged for her, which made her feel extremely frustrated.

Damn it, not even a child.

Nitocris was depressed, but she nodded and said, "I understand!"

Shi Lang nodded, he called Kai and asked Kai and Gerant to assist Nitocris in the control of the army, so as to stabilize the city's security.

The chaos of a country, a city, thought to be caused by disasters.And this time the demon's attack was a disaster in this city, and Ozmandias immediately thought of using Shiro's army to stabilize the city's security when he expedition to the demon.

Of course, Shirou also understood the meaning of Ozmandias the first time.

This is also normal, because Shirou knows that this army is only half a month from organization to training. It is a new recruit. To kill the enemy is to die, let alone fight against the devil, but it is good to stabilize the law and order.

This time, Ozmandias did not directly use thunderballs to attack the demon as he did with Shirou and the others, but instead wanted to be conquered.In addition to the forced three of his three treasures, the most important thing is that this demon... is extraordinary!

I haven't seen him yet, and the immeasurable aura of malice and curse has caused an abnormal change, which is a very powerful disaster.Although Ozmandias spoke with contempt, he took it seriously in action.

Shilang asked Kai and Gerant to cooperate with Nitocris to stabilize the city, which made Kai extremely unconvinced.

As the leader of the Knights of the Round Table, he is powerful, and naturally wants to go out with Shirou.

But Shi Lang knew in his heart that Kai's true talent was not in force, but in ruling the army.

Perhaps among the other King Arthurs, Kay, like the other Knights of the Round Table, was used by King Arthur as a sword to kill the enemy in battle.However, Shi Lang is different. He who has really experienced Camelot, knows in his heart that Kai's real talent is not to fight the enemy, but to rectify the army!

A handsome talent, not a general talent!

Other King Arthur did not develop his talent, because the other King Arthur was a real, powerful person with the concept of dragon species, and they did not possess the idea of ​​[development].But he is different, because he is weak, the enemies he has faced are also extremely strong, and the situation is difficult. At the same time, the education he receives is different from that of the classical era, so he focuses more on the development of the abilities of the knights.

Therefore, he knew Kai's talents in his heart and allowed Kai to stay.

Although Kay was extremely depressed, he would not refuse to listen to King Arthur's orders, so he nodded and agreed.

Shirou originally only wanted to take Jahris to the battlefield, but Mordred also stepped in.

"Oh? Are you planning to take refuge in me?" Shiro looked suspiciously at Mordred in the armor.

"Don't get me wrong. I just want to take the opportunity to see if there is a chance to escape back to my father, who told you to keep looking at me, so I won't let this chaotic escape opportunity." Mordred Said arrogantly.

"Oh, that's it. Actually, if you want to leave, just leave. We won't look at you, but will clap and applaud." Shirou kindly reminded Mordred.


Mordred was staring at Shirou like a cannibal lioness at the time, making Garheris extremely nervous, for fear that Mordred, who was like an idiot, would cut the king again.

In the end, Mordred snorted coldly, turned his head, and ignored Shirou.

She originally thought that King Arthur was still very good, especially when she was willing to teach her to read, she was very heartbroken, so looking at his small arms and legs, she wanted to protect him, the result?Humph, this is also a bastard!

However, she still followed Shi Lang.

Of course, this is for kindness.

As for what kindness is it?Naturally it is the kindness of studying.Mordred's values ​​are very simple, with grace and revenge.Whoever treats her well, she treats whoever is good, and whoever treats her badly, she kills whomever.

It's that simple.

Shi Lang gathered enough people, ready to keep up with Ozmandias.

At the moment he walked out, his footsteps slammed.

——Don't go there.

Someone is talking to him.

who is it?

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