I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1284

Seeing Bedwell with his composure, Shirou couldn't help but suspect that this guy had changed and asked himself to die.

Mount Mukebar is located to the south of Jerusalem and is the base of Hassan and other Assassin groups. In "FGO", the Hassan is backed by Mount Mukebar and fought against the Lion King and the Sun King.

And the so-called end of death is the valley where King Hassan exists!

That is the state of alternating life and death, the mysterious state of the Middle East.In theory, it is indeed possible to pass through the valley, into the inner sea of ​​the stars, and then into the fairy town-Avalon, reach the stone tower, and see Merlin...

However, the biggest problem is that the big brother guarding the valley just wants to cut his crown assassin-king Hassan!

Go to the valley... Isn't this going to die?

Bedwell said: "King Gnévre, King Solomon is performing a slaying, and the demon is also menacing and holding the Holy Grail, and the Lion King is also preparing to perform the Holy Grail, and you and the Sun King are greatly damaged. With the current situation of the enemy and me, it can be said that the enemy is strong and we are weak. If the Lion King and the Demon are united, I am afraid that you and the Sun King will be in danger. Then this peculiarity is definitely not possible to be overcome, so I suggest you, or Set off to the stone tower as soon as possible, and take the crown of the Eternal King from Master Merlin, so that you can break the game."

Shiro pondered.

He didn't want to meet the king Hassan, because of the worry of his life.

But as Bedwell said, their situation is dangerous.Originally, the Holy Grail was taken by Ozmandias, and the demon Charles I should have been annihilated by the Knights of the Round Table led by the Lion King, but at this moment, Ozmandias was abolished by King Hassan. Majin Charles I received the Holy Grail again and turned the contradiction against them.

Once the Lion King comes to attack again and unites with Demon Charles I, they will all be finished.

And once they are finished, even afterwards, Fujimaru Tatsuka and Matthew will rush over to attack this peculiar point, and the help of Hassan, I am afraid they will not be opponents.

Because, the demon Charles I who holds the Holy Grail is really a variable.

Especially the evil king behind him, so Shirou was very concerned.

In addition, Demon Charles I still possesses [Anti-Genesis], mud tide, and the Holy Grail, I am afraid there are shadows of Gaetia and Tiamat.

The most important thing is that his body is very likely to fall into the hands of the evil king.

Shi Lang felt that he really had to go to see Mei Lin.

Shirou felt strongly about the so-called eternal king's crown, and that might be the key to breaking the game now.

However, the danger in this is indeed huge, because Wang Hassan always wanted his life.

Squeezing his eyebrows, Shi Lang complained in his heart, this is nothing, he is restless for a moment!

But Shiro didn't show it. Facing Bedwell's proposal, Shiro was also right and appeased, saying that he would discuss with Ozmandias.

Bedwell nodded and did not continue.

He is like this, not only the housework is omnipotent, but his temper is like water.

Shi Lang sometimes felt that he was born with the wrong gender.

Because his femininity is too high.

Of course, when Bedwell and Kay were joking, they did make fun of Bedwell's temperament and laughed that they should wear women's clothing.But compared to Tristan, who was very angry, Bedwell just smiled and shook his head and refused.

In the evening, Shiro took Bedwell, Kai and others to the banquet of Ozmandias.

On the road, he found that the guards defending the temple were carrying treasures and grains from the temple one after another and placing them on the carriage.

"What is this for?" Kai frowned upon seeing this.

Shirou said: "It seems that Ozmandias has made a decision."

Kai asked suspiciously: "What decision?"

Shirou turned his head, looked at Bedwell, and asked, "What do you think, Bedwell?"

Bedwell said: "I think Kai and I should go back to our residence first and get ready. And Wang, you should go alone."

Shiro nodded.

Kai glanced at Shi Lang, then at Bedwell, and sighed: "I suddenly like my girl as king again. You clever people who play dumb riddles, have you considered us rough people with poor brains? I don't like it very much!"

Despite this, Kay returned to the residence with Bedwell.

Shiro looked at the lonely, ruined Temple of the Sun, and walked slowly into it.

The temple was deserted, only Ozmandias and Nitocris.

Ozmandias raised his head and watched Shirou not bringing anyone over. He couldn't help but tick the corner of his mouth, "It seems that you understand what I mean, the Red Dragon of Britain."

"I don't understand and it's difficult for you to make the guards act with such a big fanfare," Shi Lang said helplessly.

"Then, I just said it straight, I will leave it to you, the queen of the sky and the people of the sun!" Ozmandias sat on the throne, reduced his former arrogance, and looked directly at Shirou with a face. Said solemnly.

Chapter 43 Death is easy, but life is difficult!

Seeing Ozmandias sitting in jeopardy, rare and solemn, Shirou pondered for a moment, and couldn't help but ask: "Did you think about it? I'm not the pharaoh of Egypt."

"Yu has been observing you for half a month. Although you are a king, you don’t have the spirit of a king... But you still seem to have some temperament, some brothers who miss the past... But compared to this, you are Being a person, your rule is to make Yu enough to entrust Yu's karma." Ozmandias said.

Shi Lang was silent.

He understood what Ozmandias meant.

After the failure of Destroyer Charles I, neither Shirou nor Ozmandias expected another invasion by Charles I.

With the prepared Demon Charles I, it will be more difficult than before, and there is a Holy Grail, so Ozmandias is planning to move the city.

He planned to let Shirou lead the citizens to leave, but he stayed in this city and resisted the demon Charles I.

"Charlie I, it should not have recovered so quickly. Time, and still. You can also evacuate." Shirou said.

Hearing this, Ozmandias showed a contemptuous expression and said, "Pharaoh, it is the sun. Have you ever seen the sun avoiding the night?"

"I am also a king, do I have to take someone to flee?"

Shi Lang sternly said: "You underestimated me, Ozmandias!"

"Whether it's the devil or the crowned Assassin, they are all rushing to Nilai, the red dragon of Britain? No... King Arthur."

Ozmandias stood up, looked at Shirou, and said, "Although Yu Pingri is happy to act without thinking about the consequences, he is not a stupid king. What is the truth and what to do, I know. The king of evil will If you have something to do with you, the person of Beast must have something to do with you. The demon is coming to you, so you must not fall into his hands. If you agree and change abruptly, then It's too late to regret."

Shirou clenched his fists and looked at Ozmandias, who was neither smiling nor flamboyant.

Such Ozmandias made Shirou feel strange, but also familiar.

Because he was the same back then.

Although the temperament is different, the emperor is always the same.

"You have more important things to do. The so-called crown of the eternal king is one of them." Ozmandias said.

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