I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1290

"Isn’t this taken for granted? Who doesn’t want parents to admit to themselves and like themselves? Ah... Of course, you are not allowed to say to Kay, or other Knights of the Round Table, the most important thing is that you are not allowed to treat my father Wang said, he must rot in his stomach." Mordred said viciously.

Shirou nodded, "I am not a big tongue."

But I am a multi-writer.

Shi Lang thought.

"Actually, I understand that no matter what I do, my father will never like me." Mordred lowered his head and said in a low mood: "Even if I have rebelled against her."

"Why?" Shirou asked.

"Because I am an illegitimate child. Or two women conspired to create an illegitimate child to seize power..."

Mordred pours bitterness on Shirou.

Why did you do this, because Shirou is also King Arthur, and Mordred's psychological defense against Shirou is very low.

Because Shirou is the only person who treats her well and cares about her so far, which makes her feel very kind.

All her life cannot be considered pain and hardship. After all, she is the product of a conspiracy, and someone wants to use her.

But her whole life was indifferent enough.

She is the product of Morgan Lefy's conspiracy and a clone of King Arthur. She has been wearing a magic helmet since she was a child, and she does not show her true colors.

Because it is a human clone, Mordred's growth rate is much faster than that of a natural person, and her life cycle is correspondingly short. When a child of the same age grows into an adult, she has already declined to death.It's just a pure tool made by Morgan to seize the throne.

Because he was ashamed of his abnormal background, Mordred was unconsciously jealous of the people around him.Even though the body has grown into adulthood, he still worships the "perfect and flawless" King Arthur with a child's unique innocence.

Only in the end, King Arthur did not admit her.

And because of her identity, the other Knights of the Round Table did not wait to see her, and regarded her as a shame to King Arthur.

Although Mordred acted crazy and didn't care about anything, in fact, these were all in his heart and in his bones.

Shiro listened to Mordred's bitterness, and said nothing.

Because the teller just wants someone who can listen to his heart.

"It would be great if you were my father." Mordred couldn't help but said.

Shilang suddenly became calm: "Huh?"

"Although you are bad, you care enough about me. Unlike my father and the Morgan who killed that day, there is no human touch at all." Mordred said: "I actually ask for nothing. Many, as long as someone is willing to care about me, love me, even if it is false, I will die for anyone.

Shirou looked at Mordred with a little trouble, is this kid lacking love and stupid?

"Hey! What are you doing looking at me with such a look of'Is this kid lacking love and stupid'? Do you want to fight?" Mordred asked, waving his fist.

Shiro: "..."

After thinking about it, Shirou spread his hands and said, "Should I be your godfather?"

"Pull it down, I'll just talk about it. If you want to win over me, it won't be so unlimited, right? It really doesn't look like King Arthur at all!" Mordred said contemptuously.

"Actually, I'm just talking about it. If you don't want to, let me say it again. If you want to, I will run right away." Shi Lang said.

Mordred: "..."

This guy really doesn't look like King Arthur should be!

"Speaking of which, you hate Morgan?" Shirou asked.

"Isn't this of course? That woman is just a mess of mud! I didn't say that, if I was afraid of her and couldn't beat her, I would definitely cut her!" Mordred said with an arrogant expression.

Shi Lang was speechless, it was indeed Mordred, who said such abusive words in such a bullish tone.

"By the way, you don’t have me in your dynasty, so what about Morgan? Don’t tell me, she didn’t seduce you, that woman did everything for the throne. If she would attack my father, then she would definitely attack you too. Bad luck will use her body to seduce you!" Mordred said.

"She... Actually, I have a good impression of her," Shi Lang said with a smile.


Shilang looked at the bonfire with a smile on his face, and said, "To me, she is a...very special sister. Although I still don’t understand what is in her head, she will spare no effort. She is the only one who loves me..."

Shiro talked about his experience in Camelot and about Morgan Leffield.

From Tyler Bill’s drawing of the sword, to the secret surveillance of the King’s travels, to the expansion of the social circle of the party afterwards, to the support of Camelot’s king's ceremony, and the company of hardship for several years...

This made Mordred stupid and shouted: "This is impossible! This is not Morgan at all!"

Will that vicious witch do these things?

how is this possible!

Mordred still remembers how Morgan's vicious face, greed for the throne and jealousy of her father, how could it be possible for someone to be on the throne?

"Could it be that if a younger sister is replaced by a younger brother, that guy will become a good guy? What a joke! Is that guy a brother fetish?" Mordred couldn't help but said.

Good complaint, girl!

The woman confessed herself that she has a brother fetish!

Of course, Shi Lang absolutely couldn't say this, and he didn't even say what Morgan wanted to drug him later.

In the darkness, the two exchanged Camelot information about each other's world. Shirou had nothing to do, but Mordred was already ruined.

If nothing else, just say Wang Jie Morgan, let her three views burst!

After this mutual understanding, Shirou felt that his relationship with Mordred seemed to be more harmonious.But it doesn't matter, his request to this bear kid is not to make trouble.

And Mordred felt the same way. She felt that she was very happy and relaxed by Shirou's side, not because of anything else, but because the man was not close to her, but always had good intentions.

Communicating with him is like a spring breeze, and many of the pain in the heart will disappear.

"I think you are a friend, but you have to figure it out. If you are fighting with my father, I still have to stand on my father's side! I am a firm supporter of my father!" Mordred said.

"Yeah." Shi Lang nodded, "Also, you still want your father to like you, right?"

"Of course!" Mordred nodded.

"To realize your dream, you must challenge reality. Come on." Shi Lang said with a smile.



Mordred nodded and smiled.

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