I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1302


Mordred took the sword and walked out of the cave. He immediately saw Kay and Gerant wandering in the woods, and he shouted: "I'm here, Kay and Gerant."

The two people who were wandering nearby saw Mordred instantly and came over on the sphinx.

After a short greeting, Mordred asked strangely: "Why are you here? Didn't Gneville ask you to move forward with the big army?"

Big force?

The quiet Hassan who overheard was shocked, is there Servant going to invade the people of the mountain?

And, Kay, Gerant, and this woman named Mordred... is the Knight of the Round Table?Cursed Arms has long said that the Lion King will use the Holy Grail to summon the Knights of the Round Table... So it seems that this guy is here to invade the people of the mountain. This is not possible. I have to find a way to inform Baimei and Cursed Arms!

Quiet Hassan thought so in his heart, suppressing his breath to an extremely low point, and wanted to leave the cave secretly.

And at this moment--

Mordred turned around abruptly and threw the magic sword in his hand towards Quiet Hassan. With a sound, the magic sword fell on the three fingers in front of Quiet Hassan, clanking, and the sword reflected Quiet. Hassan's pale face.

"Don't think about making small moves!" Mordred warned.

It turned out that when Quiet Hassan used Assassin's rank ability [Aura Cover] to disappear, Mordred's [Intuition] sensed Quiet Hassan's movements, and threw a sword warning.

For the sake of his little heart, Mordred is now so serious that he will never give Quiet Hassan the possibility of getting out.

After the warning, Mordred turned around and looked at Kai.

Kay said, "It was Genieville who asked us to pick you up."

"Are you already in touch with Gurneyville?" Mordred asked strangely.

Jielan nodded, and said, "Gnivel said that the Assassin Order has already taken care of it. Let's just rush over."

"Why don't I know about this?" Mordred asked suspiciously.

Kay said: "Gnivale first inform us and ask us to take you to join him."

"I know...just, damn it! You didn't notify me first!" Mordred said angrily.

Mordred felt that Shi Lang should first inform her no matter what she said, because... no matter what she said, she followed out first!

Mordred was angry about letting go, but there was no one to let go, so he reached out and dragged Silent Hassan over, wrapped her in a black bag, and kicked her in the ass.

"Ouch! It hurts!"

Quiet Hassan called out, feeling extremely depressed.What is this guy doing, kill if you want, why kick her ass!

However, it does not matter.For the sake of his people, Jing Hassan felt that he must bear the humiliation, and then took the opportunity to escape, telling the enemy's falsehood to the curse arm!

Mordred put Serenity Hassan in a black bag. She remembered Shiro’s confession that this guy was very poisonous. The transfer can only be carried out with the black bag made by Shiro before, otherwise, put it away. The sphinx will be poisoned to kill the sphinx.

It is said that Mordred has no brains, but in fact, she still has a good memory.The difference is whether she wants to remember it.

So far, Mordred has only listened to two people, one is Morgan, who she is terribly afraid of, and the other is Altria, whom she longs for and respects in her heart.At this moment, she actually added one more to her heart, that is, the Shi Lang who cared for her.

In fact, she had a claim in her heart that she knew who was good to her and who was not good to her.

Mordred picked up Tranquil Hassan in the black bag and put it on the Sphinx, and then went to the fortress of the people of the mountain with Kai and Gerante, and turned with Shiro.

Trapped in a black bag, Quiet Hassan stumbled and felt very uncomfortable.

To be honest, it was the first time she was treated like this.

Quiet Hassan is very confident in his [Delicious Poison Body], and believes that his poison body has poisoned Shi Lang.However, the dialogue between Mordred and Gerant and others also made her feel uneasy.

These people are the Knights of the Round Table, and the Lion King must have done something to them!

"The first generation adults once asked a dream to say that in the fairy realm in the depths of the valley, there is a crown guarded by the fairies. Someone will rob it in the future, and we must protect the border of the valley. It seems that the first generation adults said, It's the Lion King! No, I must notify Senior Cursed Arm as soon as possible!"

Quiet Hassan thought that although they had long established a fortress for the people of the mountain, and the road was full of traps, those who dealt with the Lion King and his minions might not be able to resist.

The most important thing is to rule the curse arm as soon as possible and prepare as soon as possible!

Thinking about this, Quiet Hassan shook his hands, twisting his body like a snake, and quickly got rid of the iron lock on his body.

Shi Lang is a layman in terms of locking people, while Assassin's Quiet Hassan is an expert in unlocking, and he naturally gets rid of the iron lock easily.

She used [Aura Cover] to obliterate her sense of existence, and prepared to cut open the black bag with her hands, preparing to escape.

And at this moment--

With a "pop", Mordred kicked her ass accurately.

Woo...it hurts!

Quiet Hassan had tears in his eyes, but for the sake of his escape plan, he dared not say anything. He just cursed Mordred's tyranny in his heart.

"Huh? Is it my illusion?" Mordred stared suspiciously at the black bag. Just now, she had a strong feeling that Quiet Hassan was about to run, so she kicked her first, but the other party twisted his body. , There seems to be no change.

Mordred was relieved, and at this moment, Quiet Hassan saw the opportunity, cut open the black bag, rushed out of the bladder, reached out and touched the sphinx first, then turned and ran.

"Don't run!"

Mordred yelled, his legs clamped the Sphinx's abdomen, and he wanted to chase him down. As a result, the Sphinx fell directly on the ground, rolling his eyes, foaming at the mouth, more intake and less exhalation. The appearance of parapoisoning already deep.

Mordred was thrown to the ground and committed several laps.

When Kay and Gerant saw this, Gerant went to help Mordred, while Kay drove the Sphinx directly to chase and kill him.

This is the site of the Assassin Order, and the mountain road is rugged, so Kai was quickly thrown away by Silent Hassan.

Senior Cursed Arm, Senior Cursed Arm...

Quiet Hassan ran quickly, yelling Cursed Hassan's name in his heart.

She ran to the stronghold of the Assassin Order, which was a wooden house on a mountain road.

"Huh? Quiet Hassan?"

Suddenly, Hassan, the cursed arm outside the wooden house, couldn't help but cried as he looked at the quiet Hassan who rushed over.

"Senior Cursed Arm! Great, great! I finally found you, Senior Cursed Arm!" Quiet Hassan ran to the front of Cursed Arm Hassan, he was relieved, and said that he was lucky, and I met him at the stronghold. Senior man cursed.

Thinking of what happened to him, Silent Hassan had no time to breathe, and hurriedly said, "Senior Cursed Wrist, the Lion King and the Knights of the Round Table are attacking us! Among them are Mordred, Gerant, and Kai... I have poisoned one person. , Now other people are rushing here, what should we do?"

"You have poisoned someone?" Cursed Arm Hassan raised his brows and asked, "Who did you poison?"

"I don't know who it is, it's the child of Mordred we talked about before. It's a boy!" Quiet Hassan said.

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