I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become Righteous Partner Chapter 1304

Shilang turned his head, looked at Kai, hooked his hand, and said, "Kay, come with me."

Hearing this, Kai was stunned for a moment, then nodded, stepped over, stood in front of Shirou, and asked, "Is there anything I need to do, Genieville?"

"Of course."

Shi Lang smiled, then snapped his fingers and used the [Mortal Leader] to give [change] to Kai, and said: "I need you to change into my appearance!"



Within the stronghold, several Hassan who were heavily tied up are still accusing Silent Hassan.

This made Quiet Hassan very sad, but he did not refute it.

Because, this time they all fell because of quiet Hassan's unauthorized actions.

Even if the assassination failed, Shi Lang had stolen his abilities, and in turn they all took them away.

It is also ridiculous. As Assassin, they are often proud of their ability to sneak in. They never thought that today they were sneaked in silently by others, and then they gave their homes.

However, there is no alternative.

After all, Shirou used their trust and confidence in Quiet Hassan, and only then did they kill them all.

Quiet Hassan felt very self-blame in her heart, but Shilang was really not poisoned by her, which really surprised her.

She remembered clearly that Shirou was really touching her with the palm of her hand instead of wearing her hand armor like Mordred.In theory, Shirou should have been killed by her [delusion poison], but not.

This made Quiet Hassan both surprise and regret.

Surprisingly, there are people in this world who can ignore her poisonous body. Unfortunately, this person is an enemy!

With a "crunch", the door was opened.

Kai, who had become a Shilang, walked in slowly.

The room, which was still relatively lively, suddenly became quiet.

The Hassan closed their eyes and did not look at Kai or pay attention to Kai.

Kai looked at these squeaky voices who put on a hard and soft look, and complained in his heart, why should I be like this?

It's really uncomfortable!

Kai knows that Shirou possesses the ability to empower others, but does not want Shirou to have the ability to replicate the abilities of others.

It's a BUG!

At this moment, Shiro used the [mortal leader] to give Kai the ability to [change], and let Kai change into his appearance.

As for using [change], how does it feel to change from a big young man to a Shirou appearance...

Kay is very uncomfortable!

Quiet Hassan’s [Change] is not as comfortable as Sun Monkey’s [Seventy-Two Changes], and can only change characters of similar size.

Shiro threw his [evil] mud on Kai's body, and used the imaginary reserve space of [evil] to hide Kai's body shape and figure, so that Kai could successfully transform into people of different sizes.

It just feels...

That is really uncomfortable!

It can be said to be uncomfortable.

However, this is an order from King Arthur, so it is all right.

Thinking of Shiro's previous explanation, Kai brewed for a while, and then said: "Everyone in the mountains, in fact, we are friends, not enemies."

Hassan ignored them and sneered in their hearts.If they weren't enemies, why borrowed their quiet appearance and took them?

"It would be compelling to attack you. After all, you would attack us without saying hello." Kai said.

A Baimei Hassan said: "You lackeys of the Lion King! Must want to sacrifice our people and be your saints! Today we are not watching for a while and let you succeed. We are the one who killed us. Let's do it."


Kai smiled and said: "You made a mistake. Although we are the Knights of the Round Table, we are determined to defeat the Lion King."

"Who knows." Another Hundred-looking Hassan said: "You may be confusing us."

"What good is it to lie to you? If we were really enemies, we would have killed you already, why should we talk to you?" Kai replied.

Hearing this, Cursed Arm Hassan said calmly: "The advantage of not killing us is to stabilize the people of the mountain. The advantage of deceiving us is to gain the trust of the people of the mountain. You have to hold the saint, if you can get the mountain. If you can’t get the trust of the people of the mountains, the people of the mountains will hide in the deep mountains and old forests. Although you can’t stop you from performing the holy removal, you can try your best to delay your time.”

Kai looked at Hassan in surprise, and said that a hero who was famous for Assassin actually understood such a profound political issue?

Kay couldn't help being in awe.

The remarks made by Shirou and Mordred before, Kay and Gerant both saw and listened to them.Mordred won by force, so he may not understand the political factors, but they all knew well that Shirou was reluctant to kill Hassan because he really couldn't provoke King Hassan. this problem.

The question of trust.

They moved their families and their mouths to the people of the mountain.

If you can't win the trust of the people of the mountain, many things about Nitocris will be extremely difficult to develop.

In addition, Shirou must go to the end of death-the valley before going to the stone tower to get the crown.

According to Bedwell, although he came out of the valley, he was teleported out randomly, and he didn't know where the valley was, only Hassan knew.

Once the Hassan does not cooperate, it will be difficult to go to the valley.

The most important thing is that Wang Hassan's attitude is ambiguous. Although he may not care about Hassan's lives, it is better not to stimulate him for the time being before he wins the crown.

Of course, whether it was Shirou, Kai or Gerant, they all knew it well, but Mordred didn't know this.

The Hassan refused to communicate with Kai, because the identity of the Knights of the Round Table was a natural concern.

They worry that Shirou will use them to win the faith of the people of the mountain, and then push the people of the mountain to the sacrifice of Shengba.

Although the singularity will disappear after being repaired, the dead will be resurrected in the correct history.However, people who die in a peculiar point will also die inexplicably in the correct history.

As the Assassin cult, as the old man in the mountain, as the guardian of this land, how could they risk the people of the mountain?

The negotiation reached a deadlock, but Kay was very lamented.

Because this situation is not bad from Shiro's expectations, especially the other party's concerns and lines are not much different from what Shiro told him before!

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