I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1307

"It's nothing." Shi Lang smiled and said, "I am quite accomplished in harp."

"You can't be quite accomplished, you are an anti-traditional master! I really hope to be able to play a song with you, that must be my supreme honor." Tristan said in admiration.

"Ha ha ha... I'm not honored, it's my pleasure to be able to play a song with Tristan. By the way, I have time now—"

Before he finished speaking, Shi Lang felt that one hand grabbed his wrist, and then brought him into a rather warm embrace.

Quiet Hassan hugged Shirou, showing a satisfied face, and finally caught it.


Mordred, who was originally a listener, blew up, pointed at the quiet Hassan who was holding Shirou, and cursed: "What are you doing to Gneville, you stinky mouse!"

Quiet Hassan listened, got angry, and said displeased: "I'm not a smelly mouse!"

Yes, the one who attacked Shilang and embraced Shilang in his arms was the quiet Hassan who had taken Shilang's punch before.

Shi Lang struggled twice, and found sadly that his strength was not as good as the quiet Hassan of the cricket, and his head was directly held up by the two soft buns.

Shirou said helplessly, "What are you doing, Miss Quiet?"

"Let me hold you quietly, King Arthur. Ah... this temperature... Ah... this breath... Is this the warmth and fragrance of humans?"

Quiet Hassan also moved Xiaoqiong's nose specially, took a few breaths like an idiot, and then showed an expression of intoxication and happiness.


The shadow of the fist flashed, with a "boom", Quiet Hassan's forehead was abruptly short, and the whole person fell to the ground with a "boom", his eyes circled in circles.

Shilang was also taken and fell down, but because he was held tightly by Quiet Hassan, Shilang fell into Quiet Hassan's arms without pain.

Standing up, Shi Lang patted the dust on his body, and then glanced at Quiet Hassan who had fainted. He listened to Quiet Hassan's eyes circled in circles, and he muttered from time to time: "A lot, a lot... a lot, King Arthur. Uhhhhh..."


What is this?

While speechless, Shi Lang turned his head and looked at Mordred who was standing next to him over a distance of more than ten meters. At this moment, Mordred was gearing up.

Yes, Silent Hassan's punch was her.

"Hey, what are you doing, Mordred?" Shilang asked Tranquil Hassan, whose eyes circled in circles.

"I also want to ask what you are doing! You are King Arthur. If you want the majesty of the king, how can you let people close?" Mordred said displeased.

"Indeed, I was suffocated just now. Well, thank you, Mordred, thank you for helping me." Shilang smiled.

Looking at Shiro's eyes that looked like open flames, Mordred's original strong momentum suddenly weakened a bit, turned his head and said: "Who said you are King Arthur?"

At this time, Cursed Arm Hassan came over and said apologetically to Shiro: "I'm sorry, King Arthur. Jing Mi has done this to you, and I will teach her well later."

"No need," Shi Lang shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not a big deal. Moreover, my size is indeed easy to be regarded as an ordinary child."

"You are so tolerant," Cursed Wrist was slightly moved, and then pointed at Quiet Hassan, "Actually, the reason why this child embraces you is because she has never embraced anyone."

"[Delicious Poison Body] Ah...I understand." Shi Lang said.

"You are really forgiving." Cursed Wrist said again, and then called two Hundred-looking Hassan, picked up Silent Hassan, and lifted it away so as not to lose face.

Two Hundred Meng Hassan lifted Silent Hassan away, and one Hundred Meng Hassan turned his head and looked at Shi Lang.

"What's the matter, the other me?" A hundred-faced Hassan asked.

"...I always think that King Arthur is very familiar."

"Why are you familiar?" Hassan asked with interest.

"You may not remember... We were summoned to a Holy Grail war before, and we were forced to use the Holy Grail to be combined together. Although we fulfilled our long-cherished wish, we became monsters. At that time... there was a child. Saved us. Don't you think that kid looks a lot like this King Arthur?"

"I don't think. And...Although I was called as a Servant, it was just a fantasy for the body on the Heroic Seat, but did that happen?" asked Hassan.

"It seems to have happened...I'm not sure, it's just a vague impression."

"Then treat it as it happened. But, could that be King Arthur? Stop thinking about it, and do our own thing." Said the Baimei Hassan.

"That's it."

The two nodded, and lifted Silent Hassan away.

With the departure of Quiet Hassan, Shi Lang and Tristan exchanged some musicians.

At this moment, Mordred came to Shirou's side and said embarrassingly: "Um...Gnivale, I want to ask you something."

"Oh. I refuse." Shiro said.

"You didn't even listen, why reject me?" Mordred asked angrily.

"Because you definitely want me to give you [change]." Shi Lang said.

"You, how did you know? Guessed?" Mordred looked at Shirou in shock.

"You are so simple, do you still have to guess?" Shi Lang said helplessly: "Also, dispel your thoughts. I won't give you [change], because you will definitely do disgusting things."

Mordred: "..."

Chapter 53: This honey-smeared mouth is a ghost


Must be hated.

Quiet Hassan squatted beside a big tree, holding his head, feeling depressed.

"Smelly boy, where are you going?" He yelled, with a little smile, from the mouth of half of the older children, he led four or five boys and girls, chasing another child in front of him.The child in front of him was smaller and shorter. At the moment, his face was full of smiles, and he ran forward with all his might, occasionally turning around and making a grimace.

A few children were all in a mess in the sun, laughing.

Quiet Hassan looked in his eyes, envy in his heart, and curled up even more, and the shadow of the tree enveloped her.

She yearned for the world there, but she knew that she would never touch the world there.

[Delusion Poison Body] This is a treasure she holds, but in fact, this is actually a treasure produced by a secret skill of the Assassin Order after being sublimated by heroic spirits.

In front of him, Quiet Hassan practiced this secret technique because of the needs of the cult. His body was soaked in venom made from various poisons, and finally his body became a huge poisonous block.

Not only her nails, but even her skin and body fluids are turned into highly poisonous, which can easily kill humans.

Therefore, she must not touch others, because once touched, she kills.

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