I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1309


"So, what is going on?" Mordred looked at Shirou with disgust.

"I also want to know..." Shi Lang said with a sad look.

Looking down at the hands that held him tightly, Shirou struggled, and then gave up.


This is the pain of a lifetime!

And it was not someone else who hugged him, but Quiet Hassan who used him as a pillow.


Quiet Hassan was talking while rubbing Shirou with his face, without noticing Shirou's uncomfortable expression.


Mordred patted the table heavily, violently, pointed at Quiet Hassan and screamed: "You guy, don't have to be too tight! No matter how bad this guy is, that is also King Arthur! King of the Knights of the Round Table!"

"King Arthur... a quiet friend..."

Quiet Hassan ignored Mordred and continued to hold Shirou instead.

Looking at the quiet Hassan who ignored him, Mordred's forehead had a row of "wells", and then he glared at Shirou and said, "Hey! You fellow, wouldn't it be sinking into this one? In the body of a black-skinned mouse? Are you like King Arthur!?"

Shi Lang rolled his eyes, and said to his heart, what does this have to do with me?

I just went to comfort her, the ghost knows it will become like this?

Shi Lang was also depressed. At that time, he just went back to the settlement to look for Nitocris to see the situation. He saw the quiet Hassan with such a lonely face on the way, so he stepped forward to comfort him, and then it became like this.

Shi Lang felt that he had done nothing wrong when he stepped forward to comfort Quiet Hassan, not to mention that Hassan are now allies. Even if he sees the crying expression of someone he knows better, who wouldn't care?Does the ghost know it will become like this?

Seeing the quiet Hassan holding himself tightly, Shi Lang felt depressed. If he had known that this would happen, he would not comfort the quiet.

"Oh~! Black skin?" Quiet Hassan suddenly reacted, turning his head to look at Shi Lang, and asked with a worried look: "Gerneyville, do you hate my skin?"

"I don't hate it." Shirou answered honestly.

"I don't hate it? I really like it? Oh, that's great!" Quiet Hassan said with a happy face.

Shi Lang was shocked at that time, mother!This guy has poisonous thoughts, how can he become a super like if he doesn't hate him?

At this moment, Nitocris ran over and handed Shi Lang a document, saying: "King Arthur, take a look, how about my arrangement?"

Shi Lang looked at it, nodded, and said, "Very complete, Nitocris. I should show Ozmandias so that he will praise you for your ability!"

"Pharaoh..." Nitocris fell down.

"Don't show this expression, Nitocris. Even if you can't see it, Ozmandias will be by your side. You should smile, because your smile will become the hope of others." Shi Lang said with a smile.

"King Arthur..." Seeing Shiro's bright smile, Nitokris nodded heavily and smiled, "Hmm!"

Yes, even if you can't see him, Pharaoh is by his side.And what King Arthur said is right, I should smile, because I am also a pharaoh, and my smile will become the hope of the citizens.

King Arthur, you are so wise. No wonder the pharaoh entrusted me and the citizens to you!

Nitocris decided in her heart that in the future, she should ask the teacher to do her job well. In this way, next time I see Ozmandias, I can explain it.

After returning to his senses, Nitocris found that Shirou was staring at him.

Nitocris was a little shy and covered her face with a document, and asked, "What are you doing looking at me like this, King Arthur?"

"It's nothing, but I think the smile you just saw was pretty, Nitocris." Shilang said with appreciation.

"This, this...this is big and disrespectful!"

Nitocris said in a panic, turned and ran away.

Seeing Nitocris who had fled, Shirou looked strange. He praised Nitocris for his good-looking smile. Why was he disrespectful?That kind of smile is meant to be shown to the subordinates. That's right.

Shi Lang felt strange. He turned his head and looked at Mordred. He found that Mordred was looking at him with a very strange look. He couldn't help but ask: "Maldred, what are you looking at? "

"It's nothing……"

Mordred shook his head, and then looked at Shi Lang who was held in his arms by Quiet Hassan, and he was speechless for a while.

This guy...in a sense, just like my old father, he is no brainer!

Gee tut!

Mordred looked at Shirou's eyes and suddenly became a bit disgusted.

"Hey! You guy, the look in your eyes is getting more and more weird, what are you thinking, Mordred?" Shirou couldn't help asking.Mordred's look made him a little overwhelmed.

"Nothing." Mordred got up, put his hands behind his head, turned and left.

"Wait! Mordred! Wait—oh, quietly let me go! You are too strong, I can't pull it away! Oh, don't rub your face against me anymore. I'm not a pillow. Uncomfortable!"

"Hehehehe...friends...friends you can reach...friends that smell good..."

There was a mess in the room.

In the distant mountains and forests.

The burly skeleton knight, King Hassan, is looking at this place, his eyes are burning with a blue flame, and he doesn't know what he is thinking.




pS: That's it for today~!good night!~

Chapter 54 You are the card I always wanted!

"Is it there, my king?"

In the mountains and forests, the tall and burly Gao Wen, riding on the horse, looked at the mountains and mountains beyond, turned his head, looked at the silver knight in front of him, and asked in a respectful tone.

The blue silver knight, tall and slender, riding an extremely handsome white horse, holding a lance with twinkling stars, and wearing a lion helmet, looks mighty and extraordinary.

And this silver knight is not someone else, but the Lion King!

And the lance in her hand is also extraordinary, but a star-made thing, a star anchor, the holy gun Lungominiad!

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