I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1314

Because, as long as King Arthur said, then he must be a good boy.

——Until he met the man.

Merlin didn't know how the man came to Avalon.

Only one day, he appeared in Avalon naturally, without a trace of abruptness, just like that very naturally.

The man called the Eternal King.

Although Merlin is not a hero, his own magical attainments are extraordinary, and he is also one of the holders of the Grandcaster qualification.

Therefore, he understands the working mechanism of the Heroic Seat, and at the same time understands the concept of parallel worlds.

Therefore, he knew that the man called the Eternal King was the King Arthur in another world.

Because of this, Merlin didn't defend the man, but quickly became close to the man.

It's exactly like this--

He was pitted by that man!

For example, if he tricked him out of the stone tower, he was chased and killed by Vivian for thousands of miles, beaten all over his head, and then thrown back into the stone tower.

For another example, in his name, he was cheated and deceived everywhere in Avalon. As a result, he was verbally criticized by other fairies, and his reputation was corrupted...Of course, his reputation was indeed not corrupted.

However, Mei Lin was still very upset in being so cheated.After all, he has always cheated others, how can others cheat him?

However, these things and the things the man did afterwards are simply not worth mentioning!

The man deceived his feelings with gorgeous rhetoric and bright and clear eyes, fooled his reason, and turned him into the door of the new world.

"Speaking of which, the Merlin who assisted me, that is, your parallel world peer, is female. So the first sight that Merlin is male, it surprised me how much." The man said with a smile.

"Oh? Is this the case? This is the mystery of the parallel world. Although they are the same individual and may have the same experience, they are actually not a person, so the gender is also changed. I can't tell which parallel world you are in. , Your gender is also female." Merlin said with a smile.

"That's impossible. I and you are not the same in origin." The man smiled, then looked at Merlin with admiration on his face, and said admiringly: "However, whether it is a male Merlin or a female Merlin , As expected, they are all beauties."

"Of course, no matter how you say it, the charm of Big Brother Mei Lin is still the best. But...what is the female me like? Is it really a beauty?" Mei Lin couldn't help asking.

"Of course, more beautiful than Vivienne!" The man showed a bright smile, clear and clean, which made people couldn't help but believe.

At least, Merlin believed it.

"Can't this be regarded as not being heard, is it more beautiful than Vivian's real body?"

Merlin rubbed her palms.

As the queen of fairies, Vivian, known as the fairy of the lake, can be said to be the only beauty that Mei Lin has seen in her life.

Of course, even if it is a stray like Merlin, he does not dare to have an idea about Vivian.

Because that woman is beautiful, but she is an out-and-out war mad!

She may break her leg bones if she gets along with it a little carelessly, so Merlin respects her.Being locked in a stone tower by her, she didn't dare to complain.

However, is his female peer more beautiful than Vivienne?


Although Merlin is one of the candidates for the title of Caster, he is generally an unreliable prodigal son unless it is an emergency.

The most important thing is that he is stinky.

So he fell into the pit that the man dug specially for him.

Yes, he opened the door to the new world and turned himself into a woman. He originally wanted to go to Vivienne to find Vivienne, but the man directly took pictures of her and exposed it to the modern Internet.

Also registered an internet celebrity ID.

Of course, this is not the key. The most important thing is that the man actually used his record from another world and quietly placed a magic curse on him.

This curse is very simple, it is to fix his gender.

Yes, when he became a female, he was insidiously cursed with magic to fix him.

The most speechless thing is that the man used another of his magic.

"Too despicable, King Eternal! You, you used my trust to do such a thing to me!" Merlin stared at him with tears in his eyes, heartbroken.Even if he was heartless, he was very sad to be treated, especially by King Arthur.

However, facing the grief-stricken Merlin, the man laughed loudly: "There is no way, Merlin. Why do you think you are so stupid, so easy to be fooled?"

"Why do you want to do this?" Merlin's eyes were in tears.

"Isn't this obvious? It's revenge! Who told you to keep talking bad things about me in private, and curse me in circles? I was choked on drinking cold water recently, and it's all your fault." Said the man.

hateful!How did he know this?

Knowing that I cursed him in private and cursed him in circles?

But this is not the point, the point is...

"You are choked by drinking cold water. How do you think you deserved it? Who told you to persecute me all day for not doing business properly? Really, quickly get rid of my curse, I don't want to become a girl. Especially A beautiful girl like me will definitely attract a lot of perverts," said Merlin.


The man was speechless: "You are so confident."

"Isn't that of course? Who calls me natural beauty, whether male or female, is full of charm!" Mei Lin said proudly.

"Then you will be a woman for a lifetime."

"No way, no way, no way..."

Merlin shook his head quickly, and said in a panic: "Although the dream monster has no gender, I don't mind becoming a female, but I don't want to be crushed by others. Hurry up and change me back!"

"It's okay to change you back, but you have to promise me one thing."

"Anything is okay, as long as you quickly change Brother Merlin back." Merlin said anxiously.

"Okay," the man nodded: "But you are too good at lying, so I want you to swear a poisonous oath first. For example, if you fail to do so, you will always become a woman, and you will be sold to the black market. Describe the slave or something."

"This, this you are too vicious? Are you really King Arthur?" Merlin asked in shock.

"It's a fake. Of course, if you don't post, I'll leave."

"Wait, I do, can't I do it?" Mei Lin said depressedly.

So Merlin initiated a poisonous oath in accordance with the man's request.

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