I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1321


Her eyes widened and her face was stunned.

I saw Shiro standing at a spot, projecting the Holy Spear Lungominiad, and a starlight cannon directly blasted over.

With a "bang", a huge hole suddenly appeared on the seamless stone tower.

"This is the entrance." Shi Lang pointed to the entrance that was still emitting white smoke and said.

Mordred and Bedwell, and Merlin on the stone tower were stunned.

Vivian, who was standing in the stone tower, looked at the opening of the hole, and was stunned for a long time before she recovered.

"If there is no road ahead, then make your own way... you really deserve it, Fujimaru Shiro. Never act according to ordinary people's ideas."

Vivienne was speechless, then sighed, then turned and walked towards the stone tower.

She lost her interest in questioning the teacher.

"Okay, let's go in." Shi Lang pointed to the still hot entrance and said.

"Directly, directly open a hole...King Gurneyville, would it not be too good like this?" Bedwell asked hesitantly.

"Why not so good?" Shi Lang said with a strange face: "If there is no road ahead, you can make a path yourself. Isn't this normal?"

Normal ghost!

Normally, you should turn around and change your way. How can you be like you!

Mordred couldn't help but said.




pS: That's it for today~!Good night~!

Chapter 60 This is called catching turtles in the urn!

"You, you are Merlin?"

Among the stone tower, Shi Lang raised his hand and pointed at Merlin in front of him, with a stunned expression, feeling that his three views had broken.

What stood in front of him was not the always cynical white-haired waste in memory, but a very sweet-looking white-haired girl with a pair of bright purple eyes like amethyst.

Looking at Shi Lang who was already standing in front of him, Mei Lin nodded helplessly.

There is no entrance to the stone tower, which made Merlin very relieved, but what happened?

As a result, this guy directly blasted the entrance of the stone tower with the Holy Spear!

How can there be such a thing?

According to the normal routine, it should be the first way to find Vivian to enter the stone tower, right?Just like a movie or a game, to enter the next map, you must first find the key NPC, right?

As a result, this guy didn't play cards according to the routine at all!

It can only be said that it really deserves to be the eternal king.

Do not……

Knowing who this guy is, and still maintaining inexplicable self-confidence, Merlin felt that he was also stupid.

And the most stupid thing is that when the opponent was standing in front of him, he remembered running away... As a result, he had to face this guy now.

The reaction became so slow. Could it be that the molesting of Solomon was so smooth that my own head became ill-fated?

Merlin thought depressed.

Mei Lin was depressed, and Shi Lang's three views were being refreshed.

Merlin... Merlin is actually a woman?

Shiro was stunned, it was like a deviation between cognition and reality, causing the brain to temporarily jam.However, after regaining his senses, Shi Lang determined one thing, he might have really fallen into some parallel world, because this Merlin was not his Merlin.

This made Shi Lang's heart a little disappointed. He originally wanted to know his personal situation from Mei Lin, and he was full of doubts, but this Mei Lin was not his Mei Lin.

Reality is always disappointing.

"Puff ha ha ha ha —!"

Mordred was holding his abdomen, rolling on the ground, pointing at Merlin and laughing: "Woman. Woman...hahaha! Merlin has become a woman! Hahaha--! I'm so laughing at me!"

Hearing this, Shi Lang couldn't help but froze for a moment, and asked, "Isn't Mei Lin a woman before?"

"Dreammon has no gender. However, this guy used to appear as a male and deceived many women's feelings, but now he has become a woman...Puff hahaha! He deserves it!" Mordred laughed. .

Bedwell looked at her helplessly.

Shi Lang looked at Mei Lin and asked playfully: "Mage Mei Lin, you have changed your sex, want to become a woman and play with men?"

"Don't be kidding!" Mei Lin glared at Shirou, and said with a grievance: "I'm just being cursed by a narcissistic and bastard with a very bad personality!"

Hearing this, Shi Lang asked strangely: "Who is this bastard? He actually cursed you so hard."

Merlin stared at Shirou, and said to his heart, who do you think it is?

At this time, Bedwell stepped forward and introduced to Merlin: "Mage Merlin, you may not know, this is..."

"I know him, another King Arthur, Gurneyville Pendragon." Merlin said.

Shirou said admiringly: "I am indeed one of the candidates of GrandCaster, knows about me."

"This is nothing. The matter of the Heroic Seat and the concept of the parallel world are nothing to us magicians who study magic."

Merlin waved his hand and said to his heart, and your name, whether it is Gnivale Pendragon or Fujimaru Shiro, I will scold a few times on my blog every day, why can't I remember it?

"Since you know about me, you should also know about you in another world?" Shilang asked.

Merlin nodded and said, "This is not a difficult task for Big Brother Merlin. As long as I trace the roots, I can perceive some things about me in other worlds. However, there is no way to communicate."

"Big Brother Merlin...puff ha ha ha!" Mordred laughed more openly as if he was hit by Get again, and even beat the ground with his hands.

Merlin glanced at Mordred with a headache.

He was accustomed to being scolded for waste, but being ridiculed at this made him a little headache.

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