I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1323

"Whether it's an adult or a child, it's such a troublesome role. Really, if I become a child, it makes me a little stupid, naughty, a little stupid!"

Chapter 61 White-haired Internet fraud, sexy online!

"No. There are no gaps, and no mechanisms...It's like a box!"

"I don't believe it, look for it again!"


Mordred jumped up and down, looking for an exit.

However, Merlin's thoughts were no longer on Mordred or Bedwell. All his thoughts were on the Shi Lang who was sitting in front of him with a calm smile.

To be honest, so far, he has not seen Shirou through.

This is an extremely incredible thing. Merlin's experience so far is very rich. At the same time, because he lived directly from more than 1,500 years ago to 2016, he used his clairvoyance to see the rise and fall of the world's famous.

His vision and pattern, as well as the ability to recognize people may be the strongest, but he still can't see Shirou through.

I couldn't see through what Shirou was thinking, nor could I see through what Shirou was.

Say he is a king, he behaves like a commoner, without the slightest thoughts of the emperor.Say he is a commoner, but he is also a king.Sometimes they are stupid and irritating, and sometimes they are uniquely intelligent.Sometimes the mind is very small, the revenge is very strong, and sometimes it is generous and generous...

To be honest, Merlin felt that Shirou was quite contradictory.

"Speaking of which, I didn't expect Master Merlin to have a notebook here."

Suddenly, Shi Lang pointed to a notebook not far from Merlin and said.

Merlin couldn't figure out Shirou's thoughts, but he answered honestly: "The time of Hoshino Uchimi is linked to the modern process and is not equivalent to the singular era you came in. So, of course I will have a notebook here. This is called Keep up with the trend of the times. However, if you leave from Avalon, you will still return to the singular era where you came in."

"This is somewhat interesting, is it time turbulence?" Shilang asked.

"Yes. Isn't the occurrence of the singularity the turbulence of history and time? However, after history returns to the correct history, there is no way to do this. Of course, you can't go to modern times through Avalon." Merlin said.

Shirou nodded, it sounds like Avalon is like a time wormhole, but the secret realm of the inner sea of ​​the stars is like this.Before, when he was in Camelot, his Merlin also planned to use Avalon's wormhole nature to send him back to modern times.

"But, in Avalon, is it possible to connect to the Internet?" Shiro asked, looking at the notebook.

"If you use magic, of course you can." Merlin said with a smile.

"There is such a purpose for magic? This is really eye-opening for me. I thought that magic can only be a personal reproduction of a certain natural phenomenon, but I don't want to be able to connect to the Internet." Shi Lang said with a smile.

"King Gnivale, magic is not such an inconvenience. Although modern people are always advocating modern science, modern science has only been born a century or so, and magic has been born since the beginning of the first gods. I don't know how many tens of thousands of years of history." Mei Lin said with a smile.

"That's true," Shi Lang nodded, then pointed to the notebook and asked, "Can you borrow me to use it?"

"Of course, please." Merlin said.

Shi Lang stretched out his hand and took it, looking at the laptop screen, and his head was suddenly covered with black lines.

What caught my eye was a personal blog, the background of pornographic fans, and a stinky selfie with blowing kisses.

Shi Lang glanced at Merlin, who was calm and relaxed, and said inwardly, real showdown.

Meilin noticed Shi Lang's strange gaze, and also thought that he hadn't closed his personal blog yet, but he was not ashamed, instead, his waist was even more straight.

Anything that can't break me will make me stronger!

At this time, a private message came from the blog.

Shi Lang did not peek, but told Mei Lin.

"It should be the harassment message from the dead house again."

Mei Lin got up, came to Shilang's side, and clicked on the private message.

Suddenly, a chat box with the ID named "Romani" popped up.

Romani: Today’s dessert is strawberry cake again.image

Merlin was typing on the keyboard: I am so envious, and Meili sauce is really craving.


Shi Lang felt cold all over.

He understands, Merlin is already persecuting Solomon!

Romani: There are still a lot of bad things today.The director is instigating me all day long. It is true. I am an old Chaldean employee anyway, so I treat old employees better.

Merlin: Each has its own difficulties.It must be very hard to have such a boss who likes to tease people?Come on, Romani.Melly sauce, me, will always cheer for you.

Romani: Mellie, you are such an angel.

Merlin: If you make fun of me like this, I'm going to get angry, Romani.

Merlin smiled while typing on the keyboard.

Thinking of the dead house opposite the screen, full of enthusiasm because of his encouragement, relying on him in every way, and even a VIP gratitude to the computer screen, Merlin's boring heart is full of joy.

Seeing Merlin with a happy face, Shirou showed an expression of disgust.

This guy is cheating on the Internet!

"Hey! Genieville, we are all looking for an exit, aren't you in a hurry?" Mordred suddenly turned to look at Shi Lang and asked.She is speechless. This is locked in a confined space. Why is he still thinking about playing on the computer?

"Your method is useless, I tried it, it won't open." Mordred reminded.

"Don't panic, when the time comes, the exit will naturally open." Shilang said.

Mordred was depressed, and said to his heart, are you too buddha?

Merlin was amused when he heard it, but was opened when the time came?Then you are going to be like me and be locked up here for a lifetime.

Thinking this way, Merlin continued to persecute Romani.

This is his only source of happiness at the moment.

Seeing Merlin, who was typing on the keyboard and pretending to be a cute girl to deceive Romani's innocence, Shi Lang suddenly asked, "Speaking of which, Master Merlin. How long are you and Vivian planning to keep us in sleep?"

Hearing this, Merlin's hand suddenly stiffened, and the cheerful smile on his face suddenly froze, looking quite funny and playful.

Mei Lin turned his head hard and looked at Shirou. Shirou's gentle smile came into view.He couldn't help scratching the back of his head and asked, "What are you talking about, King Gnivale?"

"Nothing. Oh, yes, Romani has sent a message again, you should get back to him as soon as possible." Shi Lang pointed to the computer screen and said.


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