I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1340

Even his few shots so far have been forced to counterattack in desperation.

Warm, even expressive, like what Mordred said cowardly.

However, this time, Shi Lang directly attacked the Lion King directly!

The Lion King stretched out his hand, and the star gun in his hand was shining with shining stars, breaking through Shilang's treasures.

However, when the fragments of the broken treasures filled the Lion King's body, Shi Lang shook hands abruptly.

——Fantasy Collapse!

"Boom, boom!!"

The energy contained in the fragments was detonated by Shi Lang, and for a while, the fireworks were brilliant, illuminating the dark world for a short time.


Gao Wen looked at the lion king flooded by the explosion and couldn't help but yelled, then turned to look at Shi Lang, clenched the holy sword in his hand, and shouted: "Under Gao Wen, come to ask your wise tricks, sir!"

He was holding the sword of cycling victory, radiating the brilliance of the sun, and charged towards Shilang. The holy sword in his hand turned into a sharp sword shadow and slashed towards Shilang.


Someone is faster than his sword.

A ray of light flashed across the pitch-black air, and a sharp sword appeared in front of Gao Wen Jianying, followed by a clanging "clang".

Gao Wen was a little surprised.

He knew his strength well, but his strenuous blow was blocked.

"Your strength is as strong as ever, Gao Wenqing."

There were some difficult and strenuous voices in his ears. Gawain turned his head and looked at the man who was blocking his sword. When he saw his long silver hair and that beautiful and delicate face, Gawain said in surprise: " How could it be...you, why are you here, Bedwell?"

"It's really a headache to be ignored by you. I've always been here, Gao Wenqing." Bedwell fended off Gavin's sword and said.

Yes, it was Bedwell who fended off Gawain's surprise attack.

"I mean, how could you be here?" Gao Wen frowned and said, "The king didn't call you."

"Yes. I was not summoned by the king, but appeared here with my own wishes." Bedwell said.

"In that case, you come to my side quickly and fight with me."

"That can't work, Gao Wenqing." Bedwell shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I have committed an unforgivable crime, and I must make up for it. I...I am your enemy now, Gao Wenqing!"

Bedwell squeezed the sword in his hand and said firmly.

"The enemy... I crossed the barriers of time and met here again. Is it an enemy again?" Gao Wen smiled bitterly.

"You should understand, Gao Wenqing. If it is you, you who have been blessed by the fairies, you should understand that the lion king is definitely not our king. I have heard of the matter of Shengba. If it is our king, I would never do that kind of thing. Gao Wenqing, don't you think we should stop her?" Bedwell asked.

"If this is the case, you don't have to say it again, Ching Bedwell. I understand that your position is the same as that of Kai Ching and others, but unfortunately, from the moment I stood next to the king, I have already decided. Up."

After clearing up his mood, Gao Wen said seriously: "Since the stand is different, Qing Bedwell... Then resent me, hate me, my friend."

Gawain clenched the holy sword and slew towards Bedwell.

Bedwell responded with a sword, and the "clang" metal surging sound was quite loud in this dark night.

Bedwell's swordsmanship is not weak, but what he is good at is internal affairs, and naturally he will not be Gavin's opponent.

However, fortunately, there is no sun in this illusion world, so Gawain’s sun blessing did not take effect, so that Bedwell could barely be able to gain Gawain’s sword.

It's just that Gawain's swordsmanship is too superb, making Bedwell dangerous.

When Quiet Hassan saw this, he escorted Bedwell.With two against one, he could barely hold Gawain.

When Shilang saw this, he said in his heart, okay, you just haunt him.

He turned around, looked at the dark cube, and took out more than sixty meters of "green horizon that opens up a thousand mountains (pseudo)" from the "Infinite Sword System", and prepared a sword to split the dark cube.

When I was about to do it--


Suddenly heard the sound of the wind, Shi Lang yelled in his heart, his whole body [evil] turned into a magic thruster, placed in front of his chest, magic power sprayed, his body quickly moved, the next moment a light cannon blasted from the lion king, Open up the green horizon of Qianshan Mountain (pseudo)Destruction.

Its huge sword body fell to the ground like falling rocks on a mountain.

"Boom, boom!"

Earth quake!

The Lion King walked out of the smoke unscathed. It was obvious that Shirou's previous magic collapsed and did not harm her.

But Shirou had already considered this point.

All he did was to pester the Lion King for a while.

Unfortunately, this did not entangle the Lion King for too long.

Staring at the majestic Lion King, Shi Lang took a deep breath, calming his mind.

He wanted the answer so much, he almost lost his sanity.

At this point, he also understood.

To regain the crown, to regain the missing part, its biggest deterrent and enemy is the Lion King!

You must defeat the Lion King before you can destroy the dark cube!

Shi Lang took a deep breath, and the bright eyes, like a fire, completely calmed down.

The Lion King who is able to liberate the Tower of Glory with the Star Spear is very strong.

Even Ozmandias, I am afraid it is slightly inferior.

But in order to regain the missing part and the answer, only to defeat her!

Thinking of this in his mind, Shilang was full of [evil], and behind it, six arms of [evil] suddenly grew, and then rushed towards the Lion King.

Under the dark night sky, the war was chaotic.

In the entire battle group, only Reza Sphin and Mordred were left out.

Reza Sphin is not concerned about herself, hanging up high.

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