I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1344

That is the only one who is willing to teach her, accept her kindly, and treat her well to King Arthur and friends.

She was unwilling to start with Shirou.

What should I do?

On one side was the father-king who swore allegiance, and on the other side was the only friend. No matter which one, Mordred didn't want to attack.

However, these two people have become a life-and-death confrontation because of their position.


Mordred sighed: "The world will have both peaces, not to lose the father, nor Gneville?"

The original sentence of this sentence is "the world will have two peaces, and the Tathagata will not lose the Qing." It was taught to Mordred when Shilang and Xuanzhuang Sanzang talked, and after she processed it, Became like this.

And it was this sentence that best reflected the entanglement in Mordred's heart.

Now she understood why Tristan would rather be imprisoned than come out.

Really...so annoying!

"You should make a choice, Master Mordred." Le Safin said calmly.

Ah... so annoying!After all, as long as I don't go over and avoid them, I don't have to be so entangled!"Mordred complained, she decided, she will stay here till death, it's a big deal.

If you can't make a choice, just avoid it.

Cui Stanqing said so well, although avoidance can't solve the problem, it is very useful!

and also……

"You guy, you are always talking in my ears, what do you want to do? I tell you, I have seen you unhappy for a long time!" Mordred looked at Reza Sphin unhappy.

"It's nothing. Just seeing Master Mordred look very tangled, so I remind Master Mordred. But now Master Mordred has made a decision in his heart, I will leave it alone." Say.

"Huh. I think you are afraid that I will hit you. But that's okay, I like people who know something." Mordred said.


That's good.

Just hide.

What must be chosen.The person who said this must be a person with a brain like a father.

Can't afford to provoke it, can't it be hidden?Humhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, even if I have not read a book, I who can make such a decision is indeed a genius.

"You, are you-- Mordred?"

Suddenly, an extremely weak, like a candle in the wind, resounded in Mordred's ears.


Mordred turned his head to look, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

I saw that behind her, at some point, a tall woman appeared.

The tall, delicate body was wearing broken blue silver armor, and the lion-like helmet on his head was broken, revealing a bloody cheek and a faint blond hair covered with blood.

There was a huge hole in her heart, through which she could see the woman's broken viscera.

The woman's holy blue eyes were stained with death, and she held a sword in her hand, looking at Mordred on the opposite side.

That sword...

It is the sword of vows of victory!

"You, you are..." Mordred looked at the woman with a stunned look.

"Yes, is it Mordred?" The woman was pale, hesitating, and asked uncertainly.

The scene was so strange that Mordred's brain suddenly went down, unable to understand the strange scene before him.

"It doesn't seem to be... I'm sorry, my eyes can't see things clearly. It feels like this wavelength is a bit like that child... If it's not, you should go and flee. Hold on and try to survive. Very Soon... it will end soon, this disaster..."

As the woman said, her tone became weaker. She turned her back, holding the sword, and was about to leave here, but because her body was too weak, she clicked and fell to the ground.


Mordred yelled, and quickly walked over, reaching out to touch the woman's body.

The moment he touched the woman's body, Mordred's hand stiffened.

It's cold.

Not like a Servant, but as cold as a real corpse.

"Hey, are you okay!?" Mordred shouted.

She hugged the cold body tightly because she recognized the woman.

It is impossible for her not to recognize this woman, because she is thinking about getting her recognition.

King Arthur, Altria Pendragon!

But, but--

Isn’t it okay before?

Why, why did it suddenly become like this?




pS: That's it for today~!Good night~!

Chapter 72 Majin Fujimaru Shiro!

"Wipe your face first."

Shi Lang took out a towel and handed it to Lixiang.

At this moment, Lixiang was sitting on a cracked wall, took Shilang's towel, and wiped his dirty face.

Shirou turned his head and looked at the distant dark cube area.

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