I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1346

"No. I'm just regretting that I can't convey the news to the king to make him feel at ease. Vermilion Moon has been crusaded by me. How much he can let go of... his life is too bitter. Young When he was involved in wars, when he was young, he suffered from national disasters, and now he is facing the difficulties of the world. He is burdened with too many people, facing the most terrible enemies, and encountering the most trusted people. Betrayal..."

The woman showed a bitter face, "...he has been too bitter in his life, and he has never had a happy time. At least...at least, it can make him a little less stressed. Cough cough cough...I should go again Hold on. I shouldn’t be able to fall down... at least, at least tell him the news, at least tell him where Lixiang is..."

The woman was struggling.

But her strength is already very small.

In other words, her body is actually dead, and that coldness is proof.But she still sighed, in order to convey the message to a certain person.

Mordred was silent for a moment, and said, "I'll help you convey it."

"No. This is mine..."

"Be honest!" Mordred shouted.

The woman was suppressed and speechless.

"You are one or two. It doesn't matter if it is you or someone else, it is too stubborn! It is so stubborn that it makes me feel sick!" Mordred said, "Look at your tattered body. Dragging. What can you do with this tattered body? Stay here for me obediently!"

"Woo..." The woman let out a weak cry.

Mordred's tone slowed down slightly, and said, "I. I will convey the news of your hard work to the Eternal King. He and he will definitely recognize your achievements."

Mordred's tone brought a touch of emotional fluctuations.

What kind of emotion is that?

Is it sad?Or... pity?



"I don't need his recognition, nor do I want him to know about me... as long as he can find Lixiang. As long as he can forget what happened here, as long as his face... can still show a smile, That's enough."

The woman's breath became weaker, and she unconsciously murmured: "The king's smile... is very beautiful, like a flower blooming in Avalon. Whenever he laughs, I feel that the world is clear. I What I want is not that he treats me well...I just want his face to be filled with a smile forever. But...Why? Why didn't I realize this until I made a mistake?"

Mordred held her hand and was silent.


"I'm here." Mordred said.

"Don't go to the Temple of Time...it's dangerous. Just wait here. Since you can see me here in the king's memory, then the king will definitely come here...Don't go to the Temple of Time, it's dangerous. I don't want you to be in danger." The woman said.

"I see." Mordred said.

"Good boy. You have always been a good boy, no matter what the world is. And I am not a good mother, no matter what the world is."

The woman stretched out her hand, trying to touch Mordred's face.

I really want to...touch your face.

The woman said so in her heart, but at the end, she could not touch Mordred's face.

"Don't go to the Temple of Time..."

Finally, repeatedly instructed, the woman swallowed her last breath.

With a "click", his hand fell on the ground.

Mordred was silent.

The dark rain fell on her face.


"What should I do?" Le Safin asked by the side.

"I have made a decision." Mordred got up, lowered his head slightly, looked at the woman who was beginning to dissipate, and said with a complicated face: "I really envy... the other me. Being so loved."

She held her hand tightly.






The black thunder flashed across the sky.

The black raindrops, "crashing, crashing" falling, seemed to be cleaning this muddy land.

The chaotic humanoids on the street patrolled everywhere, while Shiro temporarily avoided the edge, hid in a broken building with Lixiang, carefully watching the chaotic humanoids patrolling on the street.

Shirou's brows were tightly furrowed.

There are too many chaotic human figures on the street, and this area alone is initially estimated to be about one hundred.

In the chaotic humanoids, the combat power of each individual is approaching Mordred. During the confrontation, Shiro also discovered that among these chaotic humanoids, some powerful individuals were so tricky that they even approached Gil, who was fighting during the Fourth World War. Gamesh.

It can only be said that it is indeed a fairy that has continued from the first gods to the present, a fantasy immortal species that still exists in this planet.The elves secret technique, the individual in the illusion created by it, all have this strength!

Shirou has reason to believe that the civilization created by the fairies in the first god generation is probably not weaker than the original god civilization created by the star-making gods.

However, it doesn't matter, Shirou has already figured out the law of action of these chaotic humanoids.

As long as you are optimistic about the opportunity, break out from here, and then borrow city buildings, you should be able to get rid of these chaotic human figures.

Shi Lang was calculating the time, at this moment, Li Xiang suddenly called:


In the next moment, Lixiang rushed out of the ruins.

"do not go!"

Shirou shouted, and subconsciously reached out and grabbed it.

His reaction speed was very fast, but his palm was like a moon in the water, passing directly through Lixiang's body!

Shi Lang was stunned for a moment, but at this moment, those chaotic figures found Lixiang and Shi Lang, roaring toward the two of them.

"Come back, Lixiang!" Shilang shouted, his voice involuntarily with a touch of eagerness.

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