I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become a Righteous Partner Chapter 152

But this worry is unnecessary.

There is a rule in the moon world.That is, there is "fate" but not "Yue Ji", and vice versa.

In the "fate" world, the dead are weakened.The first primate killer simply didn't exist, and it was estimated that he was still a Fufu in Merlin's hands.

Therefore, even if there are any dead people coming to Fuyuki City, there is no need to worry.

Shi Lang has reached this point and is already the second tallest man in the city. He thinks he can stand it.

Even if something happens, it's best to solve it secretly.The city has survived the chaos and can no longer stand the damage.

When he got home, his mother instinctively asked him how he was doing tutoring at the teacher's house.

Shiro naturally nodded and said hello.

After going to the bathroom to wash his face, Shi Lang looked at himself in the mirror.The first moment I noticed those bright eyes that seemed to be swaying flames, and then I noticed the others.A black shredded hair clinging to the tender cheeks, the expression is a bit gentle, giving a strange and gentle feeling of mixing childishness and old-fashionedness, and will ignore age unconsciously.

Speaking of it, since accepting the evil of this world, in addition to his height and appearance being filled with evil mud, his hair color has also been changed by evil.

It became a jet black that mixed with evil.

At first, both parents were a little uncomfortable, but in the end they accepted, and Shi Lang did not let Shi Lang dye his hair because the child’s hair dyed was bad for the health.

When it's time for dinner, Fujimaru Narita, who rarely works overtime day and night, will go home on time.

At the dinner table, Fujimaru Narita said to Shirou: "Shirou, Dad has an event to catch up on this weekend, so I won't go to the sports meeting of your school. I have to go for the pole vault."

"I see." Shi Lang nodded.He is not a real child, and he needs parents to accompany him to participate in the school sports meeting.

"Next Friday will be your birthday. Do you have any birthday gifts you want? As long as you don't get too much, Dad will buy them for you." Fujimaru Narita said.

"Don't use these, as long as Dad is healthy and working smoothly, it is the best gift for me." Shi Lang said.

Fujimaru Narita looked at Shirou's bright eyes, his heart trembled slightly, and he said with emotion, "What a good boy!"

"What about mother?" Fujimaru Hinao pointed at herself, with a strong momentum of hammering you to death without satisfying me.

"As long as my mother doesn't pull me to watch the drama, it is the best birthday present for me." Shi Lang said.

Fujimaru Hina's face turned dark, and he reached out and patted Shirou's head.

"Don't shoot your head, you will be stupid." Shi Lang said helplessly.

"But—" Shiro turned his words, his eyes fell on Sakura, who was a little out of sync with the Fujimaru family, and smiled gently: "I look forward to Sakura's birthday surprise for me."

"Huh—?" Xiao Sakura blushed, and suffocated for a long time: "It's...not ready yet."

Everyone laughed.

It's fun.


Shiro sat at the desk and began to list his life plans.

He has not given up his dream of becoming a rich man.

Do not.

It should be said that this is the only way to give up!

If the lunar world is constructed based on the real world, then some historical events should not change?

For example, the real economy is sluggish and the world has entered the era of the Internet economy.Another example is the explosion of Bitcoin, the listing of a certain penguin and Ali, etc.

Even if you can't set up a company, as long as you step on the tide of the times, you can get the dividends of the times and make a lot of money.Then use the funds to purchase real estate to form fixed assets to maintain the value. The remaining part is stored in the bank to buy wealth management products. The interest generated alone will be enough for Shi Lang to eat for a lifetime.

Shiro felt that it was feasible and began to list his plans.


In the afternoon of the next day, Shirou agreed to take Ilia around Fuyuki City.

The city of Shenshan Town is still under construction, and there are civil engineering everywhere, so it is better to visit the new capital than to visit the city of Fuyuki.

Xindu has no special buildings to visit.

The only special thing, I am afraid, is the towering statue of Ultraman Seven.

However, even so, Illiya still drew on her notebook with a pen, recording the places she had been.

"Why do you have to write it down in the notebook?" Shi Lang couldn't help asking her.

Eliya smiled back to him: "Because of these beautiful memories, I don't want to forget."

After visiting the new capital, it is getting closer to the West.

However, Illiya still has to take Shirou to Fukayama Town.

Shirou smiled and nodded.

Ilia walked in front, alive and like a snow elf, Shilang followed behind and looked at.

He likes sunny children.

Shenshan Town is a wasteful place, and there is civil engineering everywhere, and there is no beautiful place worth telling about. However, Illya still blinked her big eyes, seeing everything in her eyes, and then recorded it in her notebook.

The church that has been built is filled with non-human beings and surrogates, so Shilang did not take Yilia to go, but instead carried her to Yuanzang Mountain to visit Liudong Temple.

On the way up the mountain, Elia couldn't eat, leaning against the tree next to her, panting.

Shi Lang hugged her in his arms, then spread out two big fleshy wings with evil mud and flew towards Liudong Temple.

"Big brother, are you an angel?" Ilia asked.

"Do you think I look like?" Shi Lang asked mildly.

"Like!" Illiya nodded, then pointed at the big fleshy wings of evil behind Shilang, and said, "Your wings are so beautiful."

"You are the first to praise it beautiful. It is very happy." Shi Lang said.

The mud on the fleshy wings turned out a black hand of evil, stretched it out, gently stroked Iliya's head, and then stretched it back.

"Hehehe..." Illiya showed a smile.

When he landed at Liudong Temple, Shi Lang put Yiliya down while putting away the big meat wings.

The monk who was sweeping the floor in front of the temple took a look at Shi Lang and continued to sweep the floor in a peaceful manner.It seems that he was not at all scared by Shirou's big meat wings before.

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