I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become a Righteous Partner Chapter 154

Because of the baptism of the war, all the old facilities in Shenshan Town were destroyed, which also means that the city can be re-planned and developed towards a modern city.

At the end of that war, Shiro reversed their despair and saw the path of enthusiasm.Some people who are destined to die are still alive, and they have taken another path in their lives.

Ma Tong Shinji and his father Ma Tong Tsuruno are one of them.

Illiya continued to record her notes: "...Friday, April 9, I received the third gift. A kelp-headed brother named Shen Er gave me two pieces of toffee."

Shiro led Ilia to the place agreed with Kiriji.

Two unhappy voices quarreling with each other came along the way--

"Why would my grandmother agree to make me and you twins?"

"Do you think I'm willing to go to Finland? If it weren't for my father to ask me to go, I wouldn't go! You blonde drill girl!"

"What...what? Blonde drill girl? You fellow! Isn't there a little noble etiquette?"

With such an unpleasant voice in his ears, Shi Lang looked up and looked forward.Rin Tosaka was arguing with a blonde girl, and behind them was a group of waiters dressed in suits and leather shoes.The passers-by around, although they thought it was a lot of fun, but looking at these waiters, they didn't dare to stay longer.

"Oh~! It's the big sister who gave me'mental compensation'!" Yi Liya pointed to the blonde girl.

The blonde girl turned her head and looked, her face froze the moment she saw Iliya, pointed at Iliya and said, "You... why are you here?"

"Oh? Mental compensation? What kind of mental compensation, Miss Luviacelineta Edfeldt?" He squinted at the blonde girl.

"What kind of mental compensation! I,,, I don't know! Don't slander me if there is nothing!" Luvia said in a panic.

"Eh? I remember it clearly." Illiya opened her notebook and said, "On Tuesday, April 5, my big sister's car nearly hit me, and got out of the car and gave me'mental compensation'."

"Hohoho~?" His eyes narrowed.

"This...that...that was just an accident! An accident! Auguste had a good drive! It was she who wanted to cross the road!" Luvia was mad, then pointed at Shirou, and said, "The common people over there, Aren’t you there at the time? You said something too!"

At this time, Rin Tosaka's eyes fell on Shirou, "Huh? Fujimaru Black Gloves, you are here too!"

"It seems that my sense of existence is a little low, Rin." Shirou said with a smile.

"Hey--!" Rin hugged her chest, shook her body and backed down two steps, and said with a disgusted face: "I have said this several times, don't call my name and full name, I will feel inexplicably cold! "

"All right. Tosaka repeater?" Shirou asked.

"It's pretty much the same," Lin said.

"Puff! Tosaka repeater!" Luvia smiled.

"Do you have an opinion?" Rin waved his fist, then glanced at Ilia and said jokingly: "Spiritual compensation, Golden Drill."

"Shut up! Don't call me a golden drill!" Luvia gritted her teeth, then glanced at Ilia and Shirou, only then woke up, there were outsiders, and quickly restored her aristocratic manner.

She looked at Shirou and asked, "Your name is Fujimaru Black Gloves?"

"No. My name is Fujimaru Shiro." Shiro said.

"Fujimaru...Shiro?" Luvia asked.

"It's Shiro." Shiro said.

"Oh, this neon pronunciation is really rap." Luvia turned her head to look at Rin, her graceful manner like a eldest lady disappeared instantly, and said: "Anyway, finish your withdrawal procedures quickly. , Come to Finland with me! My'sister'!"

Luvia emphasized the pronunciation of "Sister".

"Just kidding, do you think you are older than me?" Rin asked.

"I was born on January 3. Your information, I have read it, and you are on February 3. I'm really sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm really sorry. My dear sister far away Oh, I'm a month older than you! After forming the'Gemini', you have to call my sister!" Luvia said.

"But... damn it! I actually lost here!" Rin gritted his teeth.

Shiro: "..."

"Oh! By the way! Fujimaru Black Gloves! You have to be ready tomorrow. Don't cry when you lose the pole vault to our Yatsushiro!" Rin pointed to Shirou.

"Okay." Shi Lang nodded.

"Damn! Don't you guys know how to say something cruel? Really! Really! I can't talk with you anymore!" He grunted and took Luvia away.

Eliya wrote this scene in her notes.

Shirou took Ilia to the place where he had an appointment with Kirishu.

However, at this moment, there is not only Kirji, but Alice Phil, two white-haired maids, and a black car

The driver in the car is Hisou Maiya.

"Mom!" Elia smiled and rushed towards Alice Phil, and Alice Phil picked her up.

Alice Phil looked at Shirou, nodded gently to him, and said, "Caster, thank you, take Ilia to Fuyuki City."

"You're welcome." Shiro shook his head, and then smiled: "Also, the Holy Grail War is over. Please stop calling me Caster. My name is Fujimaru Shiro."


Alice Phil took Ilia and the two maids and sat in the car.

Yi Liya waved to Shi Lang at the window, smiling pure and sweet, and said, "Big brother~! Thank you for giving Yi Liya so many beautiful memories! Goodbye~!"

Shiro waved his hand and said, "Goodbye!"

Yi Liya showed a pure smile: "Next time, let me see your pole vault!"

"Yeah." Shi Lang nodded.

Ilia retracted her head, and the vehicle drove into the distance.

Che Si silently smoked and watched the car go away.

Shilang retracted his hand and asked, "Maybe it will take a few years to debug?"

"Seven years." Chesi said.

"Seven years... how likely is the child to forget the past?" Shi Lang said.

"Seven percent. Her soul is too young. Even with the puppeteer's methods and the Holy Grail crystals you provided, you can reincarnate into a normal human being, and the probability of forgetting everything is more than seventy percent." Keishi said: "This We didn’t hide anything from her."

"No wonder you are so desperate to record everything... I don't want to forget it." Shi Lang sighed, then looked at Kirishu, and said, "Actually, I don't quite understand why you are waiting here? Why don't you stay with them? How about going to the puppeteer? After seven years, won't you feel lonely?"

"No." Keishi said: "Because, even if you can't see them, they are by my side. The most important thing is that the puppeteer doesn't want to see me, even if I can engrave her with magic , But she doesn't want to see me."

"is it……"

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