I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become a Righteous Partner Chapter 175

But if you don't fight, then you can give up the opportunity yourself.

When he was about to attack.


With a "shoo", I saw a figure leaping high, and the sharp sword exuded a cold light in the sun. With a "chap", a cold light flashed past, and a two-footed flying dragon was cut in two with a slash. Fall into two pieces and fall on the ground.

"Boom boom boom boom—"

The sharp storm that moved with the sword split several trees around.

The sight in front of him was like an overwhelming view, forcing the cavalry to stop.Even the two-footed dragons in the sky were so scared that they instinctively stopped.

An old knight with a face full of vicissitudes placed his great sword on the ground.

With a "boom", the horses on the opposite side could not help but walk a few steps restlessly.

Was rescued?

Shirou was taken aback, then stretched out a hand from behind and patted his shoulder.

Shilang turned his head and looked, only a blond girl dressed as a man was looking at him, with a pair of holy blue eyes staring at Shilang's bright eyes, and then slowly spoke, and said, "Keeping..."

——I don’t understand!

Shi Lang Xin said.

And beside this girl, there was a young man staring at him with his chest in his arms, with a piece of grass in his mouth and eyes hanging. At first glance, he felt as if he was very uncomfortable.

The cavalry on the opposite side seemed to know the old knight and was even more afraid. They just yelled for a moment, then pointed to Shi Lang and shouted "Guinevere" angrily, then turned and left.

The old knight turned around and looked at Shi Lang "grumblingly" for a while, as if he was asking something.

Shirou kept silent.

He doesn't understand or speak, the most important thing is that if he speaks, he seems to be hostile.Just like the black-haired girl before.

Although it is not necessarily guaranteed that this old knight will show hostility like the black-haired girl before, but this old knight is very strong, before he recovers his magic power, he does not want to have the possibility of fighting with this old knight.

The old knight saw Shi Lang not speaking, frowned, and confessed to the blond girl and the boy, then turned and left.

The young man with the grass in his mouth glanced at Shirou, then turned and left.

The blonde girl patted Shilang on the shoulder, and said "chily," as if to signal Shilang to follow.

Shi Lang thought for a while and followed.

Along the way, Shiro looked at the surrounding environment and recognized the environment he was in at the moment, and at the same time looked at the blond girl's cheeks.

He thought this blonde girl was familiar.It's just that there seems to be something missing in those holy blue eyes.

The sunlight leaked through the mottled leaves and sprinkled broken sun on the ground.

Pieces of leaves fell from the branches and fell on the water, swaying gently, making slight waves.

Shilang frowned, followed the group of three people through the forest, walking forward——



ps: Unexpectedly!Four more today!Haha!

Chapter 18 Ancient Britain [Fifth More]

Sunlight leaked through the thin window screens, sprinkling faint golden ripples on the mattress.

Shi Lang frowned, and then woke up.

I got off the hard board bed as usual, put on the gray linen clothes hung on the side, and then opened the linen curtains to let the sun shine into this simple room.

Shi Lang stood at the window, scanning the familiar environment.

This is a manor.

"Da da da"

A blonde girl wearing silver armor slowly walked into the manor with a horse.

Shiro went through the vocabulary and grammar in his head, speaking in extremely unskilled language, and greeted her: "Morning, Altria, patrolling the town is back."

Altria, who was leading the horse, turned her head to look at Shirou, nodded and said, "Well. You are too early, Gurneyville."

Shirou showed a distressed look, and said, "I said, please call me Fujimaru Shirou."

Altria nodded seriously, and then said: "Okay, Zeng wow leaked."

"It's Fujimaru Shiro." Shiro said weakly.

"Okay," Altria nodded earnestly, and then showed a very hard-working expression. After holding it for about ten minutes, a pretty snow-white face turned red.


"Zeng wow crumb waves!"

Shiro: "..."

Silently hiding his face, Shiro said, "You should call me Gurneyville."

"Okay, Gurneyville!" Altria said immediately.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, he always felt that Altria was relieved.

Speaking of it, this is a living person after all, not a Servant who has been given modern knowledge directly by the Holy Grail.Letting Altria, who is accustomed to the ancient British language, spit out "Fujimaru Shiro" in neon language is no less than letting foreigners speak Wenzhou dialect, and the tongue is knotted, and the tongue is not standard.

"Well, Gneville, I'm going to practice swords with Aktor, and I'll talk to you at noon." Altria said.

"Alright, I'm going to work." Shi Lang said.

After the daily farewell to Altria, Shiro followed the servants in the manor to the hills to pull grass and fertilize the crops.

Since coming to this world, Shi Lang followed the three people who had saved him to this manor and settled down.

So far, it has been a year.

This year, Shi Lang stayed in this manor, while absorbing the evil of human beings and restoring magic power, while learning language, collecting information, and confirming where he went.

Based on this year's intelligence, Shirou probably determined what world he was in.

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