I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become a Righteous Partner Chapter 179

"Five Semis per loaf... Thirty-two..." The guy picked up the paper on the side and began to calculate the price.

"One hundred and sixty semis," Shiro reminded.

The man worked his own calculations for a long time, then nodded and said, "Yes! It's one hundred and sixty semis!"

Kai stared at Shi Lang's eyes brightly, and bought seventeen animal skins and seven semi-semi.

"One hundred and nineteen semis." Shi Lang said.

"Yes! Yes! It's one hundred and nineteen semis." The dude used paper to calculate for a long time, then nodded repeatedly.

Kai dull looked at Shi Lang for a long time, then quickly grabbed Shi Lang's arm and asked, "Gurneyville, your arithmetic is so good?"

"Slightly dabbled." Shi Lang replied, Xin said, even the kindergarten children can count.

Indeed, Shi Lang is right, these multiplication mental arithmetic, even kindergarten children in modern times.But in the ancient world, it was a real university question, especially in the country of Britain.

Even in modern times, daily mathematics in Britain is terrible, and it is common to miscalculate prices.

Kai rolled his eyes and asked: "Our manor’s coin income this year is 113,400 semis, and the kingdom’s tax is two-tenths. In addition to the things we are buying now, we have a total of How much did you hand over?"

Math problems for elementary school students!After a little mental calculation, Shi Lang gave the answer.

"The tax we paid out was 22,680 sami. At the moment, 279 sami was spent on food, and the total was 22,959 sami. Right. ?"

Kay asked for paper from the buddy, and worked for a long time.


He was dumbfounded.

But these are not important, the important thing is that this is talent!There are talents with potential as internal affairs officers!

Kai stared at Shirou, his eyes gleaming.

He knew that his sister was born as the "ideal king", and he could not change this.However, he had already made up his mind to assist Altria.

As a king, it is not enough to have powerful soldiers, but also an internal officer who is proficient in arithmetic.

An excellent internal affairs officer can manage the grain and treasury very well.

However, the Britons admire Kongwu's powerful knights, and don't care much about arithmetic and other internal affairs, and they don't have the talent and ability in this area.For example, in their house affairs, when calculating this tax, it took several days to calculate the tax.

As a result, this guy came out in an instant!


Definitely a talent in charge of internal affairs!

Altria hadn't noticed, and was happily holding the food, but Kai's eyes were already fixed on Shilang, and he was thinking about how to tie Shilang onto the thief ship.

Shiro is not a manor servant who has signed a master-servant contract, but a free man who retains his freedom. In short, he is like a free knight who lives in the manor and has the right to leave.

Therefore, according to legal procedures, Kai could not send Shirou directly, so he was thinking about how to detain Shirou and then tie him onto the thief ship.

"Kay...what's your look? It looks disgusting to me." Shi Lang said with a cold sweat on his face.Kay was smiling at this moment, looking weirdly disgusting.

"No...nothing. Come on, Genieville, you must be very tired with these foods? Leave it to me, I'll help you!" Kai was very courteous.


Shi Lang was a little confused, but seeing Kai so passionate, he still entrusted him.

Several people walked towards the outside of the city.



Shi Lang paused.

"What's wrong, Gurneyville?" Altria asked.

"It always feels like someone is watching me." Shi Lang said.

"Think too much," Kay said.

"Maybe." Shi Lang thought for a while before leaving.


"That person is talented." In the tavern, someone stared at Shirou's back and said.

"Your Majesty Vudigung, do you need me to tie him over?" the person next to him asked in a low voice.

"No, just pay attention to the sword in the stone for the time being." After a pause, Fu Tigeng laughed: "Youther, my brother, stupid!"

Chapter 20 The Magician of Flowers [Second More]

After returning to the manor, Kai showed great hospitality to Shi Lang.

This caused Shi Lang to look dumbfounded and confused.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that this is Britain, it is England...

Goose bumps all over!

The chill is endless!

Shi Lang hurried away from Kai La.

This makes Kai look dumbfounded.

Could it be that the posture of recruitment is wrong?

But didn't the old man say that the best way to recruit is to please first, close the relationship, wait for the relationship to get better, and then just put forward the recruitment?

To be honest, Kai, as the son of the manor owner, is actually a bit embarrassed to do this kind of recruitment work.

But for the journey of his righteous sister, Kai is still ready to work hard to get Shilang onto the thief ship.

However, his hard work made Shilang go farther, and he dared not get close to him.

It was night, and the moon and stars were scarce.

The ancient world had no entertainment, and it was even more boring than neon in 1994.

Shilang lay in bed early, ready to go to bed.

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