I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become a Righteous Partner Chapter 190

"Anyway, you can't go back to Avalon, why don't you help Al?" Kai asked curiously.

"Who said I can't go back?" Shi Lang raised his eyebrows, and said a little displeased: "I will definitely go back!"

Kayla took Shi Lang into the living room.

Ektor and Altria are talking with a blond young knight.

Ektor nodded when seeing Shirou and Kai.

At this time, the blond young knight's eyes fell on Shirou and Kai.

He first pointed to Kay and asked, "You are the son of Sir Ektor, Kay?"

"Yes," Kay nodded, seeing that he was a visitor. He didn't have a venomous tongue. Instead, he politely showed aristocratic style and asked, "You are?"

"Oh-," the blond boy said with a sunny smile, "I'm Gawain."

"Ah? You are the son of King Onik, the legendary knight blessed by the sun, Sir Gawain?" Kay was a little surprised.

Shirou showed a speechless expression.

How does it feel that the two are talking about each other in business?

It's almost time to say "Look up for a long time" or "Don't dare not".


Gao Wen?

Shirou looked at the blond boy carefully. Although he was still very immature, he was indeed handsome. He had a gentle smile on his face and his manner of speaking was very friendly and polite, like sunshine, very much in line with the prince charming in the girl's dream.

Gawain is the son of Morgan Lefy, and one of the Knights of the Round Table in the future. He holds the sister sword of the EX Oath of Victory-the Sword of Cycling Victory.He is also a holy swordsman, and has the blessing of the sun. In the 3 hours from 9 am to noon, and 3 hours from 3 pm to sunset, his power will triple.

Legend has it that Lancelot, as the first knight, wants to defeat him only by delaying time until sunset.

It can be said to be a very powerful holy swordsman.


How did Gawain appear in Taylor Beer?

Shi Lang frowned, feeling that things were not simple.

At this time, Gawain and Kay’s business exchanges were finally over.

Gao Wen's gaze fell on Shilang, and he couldn't help asking: "Excuse me, who is this knight?"

"I'm not a knight," Shi Lang shook his head, and said, "You just call me Gurneyville."

The ancient Britons could not call the name Fujimaru Shiro, and if they insisted on calling it, they would spit out of the standard because of their tongues. Just like Altria, they called out the name "Zeng Wow Leak", so Shiro simply used it. "Gurneyville" is the name.

Hearing this name, Gao Wen was stunned, then raised his finger to Shiro, and asked: "You-- are the legendary beauty who shocked the whole of Britain in the name of beauty, the daughter of King Leidekuan , Guinevere?"


Shirou looked dazed.

Chapter 25: Morgan Leffe

Another interstellar player?

Shi Lang held back for a long time, then pointed to himself, and said, "Please enlarge your eyes to see clearly, Guinevere is a princess, and I am a male!"

Gao Wen opened his eyes carefully, looked up and down, then showed an awkward smile, and apologized again and again: "Sorry, sorry. I made a mistake."

Shi Lang was completely convinced.

Is it worthy of being a type month?

Really per capita interstellar!

Even gender can be recognized!

To be honest, Shirou was also a little depressed about his name in Britain-"Gurneyville".He was chased by that gang of cavalry and shouted "Gurneyville" or "Gurneyville", but in the end the name was pressed on Shilang.

This was also because at the beginning, he didn't understand British and didn't know how to argue. The most important thing was that the environment was unfamiliar at that time. He had to stay silent and analyze the environment vigilantly.

In this way, being held by this name for nearly a year, it turned out to be an indispensable identity.


Kai hurriedly rounded the field, and then asked Gao Wensuo why he came.

"Oh. It's like this--," Gawain said, "My mother heard that her brother, Arthur, was fostered at Sir Ector's house, so she asked me to come and ask Arthur to go to my mother's place to tell. "

"Is it Princess Morgan Lefé..." Kay's face sank slightly.

Shirou also raised his eyebrows and glanced at Altria subconsciously.

Morgan Leffe, also known as Morgan, is the sister of King Arthur, and it can also be said to be an important cause of Camelot's demise.

Morgan is the mother of Mordred, Gawain, Agerswien and others, and also the sister of King Arthur and the daughter of King Uther.

At the same time it is one of the evil aspects of the Fairy of the Lake.

Since the death of the magic king Solomon, Goddai has accelerated his disappearance.At this point in time, the European continent has almost cut off from the gods, and this has also begun to affect Britain.

During the time of the Gods, every King of Britain had the protection of the British Isles, and because of the disappearance of the Gods, King Uther was arguably the last king to receive the protection of Britain.

After he was defeated by Vottigung, in order to let the next generation continue the mystery, he and Merlin designed the British red dragon, and this is Arthur, or Altria.

However, unexpectedly, Morgan is a princess who inherited an extraordinary lineage, a daughter who inherited the power of the island that was originally thought to be severed by King Uther.

She who had turned the entire British Isle into her own possession, she would have surpassed Altria if she was the'Lord of the Island'.

Therefore, in Xingyue King Arthur’s epic story, Morgan hated the sister who was also a female but was loved and expected by the father and king, turned into a demon girl who spent her life only for revenge, and eventually became Camelot’s broken one. Key factor.

But at this moment, the day before the chosen day, she sent Gawain to invite Altria to see her. Does this mean anything?

Shirou didn't know, but he worried that Altria would respond directly.

However, what is more surprising is that Altria stood behind Aktor and said nothing.

In fact, Shiro misunderstood this.

Although Altria was a bit stiff by Merlin's education, her personality was serious, her mouth was a bit stupid, and sometimes she was stupid, but not stupid.

She knew that she was a male and could not appear in front of others.At least until the sword in the stone is drawn, no one can appear in front of him.Especially in front of her sister who masters magic.

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