I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become a Righteous Partner Chapter 200


ps: Three shifts in the morning, noon, and late night...... Old life will be lost.QWQ...

Next is py-a ghost blade fan.

"Be the Ghost King in the Blade of Ghost Slayer"

Introduction: On Natian Spider Mountain, looking at the exhausted and murderous companion of the last five, Suzuki Kazaki held the hand of the white-haired woman who played the role of'mother' next to him and secretly said:

"It's time to leave."

Chapter Thirty The Lily Knight, Altria Lily

"What you said is true?" Sir Ektor frowned and looked at Kay in front of him, and asked, "It was Gneville who really pulled the sword in the stone? And Al would respect him as king?"

Kay nodded and said, "Yes."

"Naughty!" Sir Ektor patted the armrest and stood up solemnly.

Kai frowned and said, "It's just acting king, and then the throne will be returned to Al."

"Can the throne be allowed to come and go?" Aktor asked, "What did Merlin say? Will he agree?"

Kai showed a helpless look and said: "He proposed this motion."


Ektor looked dumbfounded, then held back for a long time, and asked: "What does he want to do—?"

"What does that white mouse want to do, how do I know." Kay spread out his hands, showing a sense of helplessness.

"Something will happen... Something will happen... If this thing is exposed, something will happen in the kingdom..."

Ector walked around with his hands on his back.

Kay said, "Actually, it's not a big deal. Merlin intends to let Genieville use Arthur's name to conceal this matter. Anyway, the only ones who know Arthur's real body are me and Dad. No one else knows. ."

"Will Gneville agree? You know, this name represents a person's glory, how can he—"

Before Ektor finished speaking, Kay nodded and said, "He agreed, and he was very happy."

"Huh?" Ektor was stunned for a while, and couldn't help asking: "Why?"

"He made a deal with Merlin. Gneville is from Avalon and there is no way to go back. Merlin promised him that if he replaces Arthur's name and leads Britain to defeat Vottigung, he will tell him how to return." Kay answered honestly.

"But Merlin has never been to Avalon, how does he know the past?" Aktor asked.

"I don't know that, I am not the white mouse." Kai said.There was a hint of mockery at Merlin in his tone.

Ektor frowned, paced back and forth, then set his eyes on Kai, and asked calmly, "What about you? What is your attitude toward this matter?"

"My words...receptive and unacceptable, relieved and entangled...probably it is this kind of contradictory emotion." Kay frowned, thought about it, and gave a very contradictory answer.

Ector stopped speaking and sat back on the seat in silence, tapping the armrest with his index finger.

"Da da"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Not long after Votigeng got Lungominiad, this happened again with the sword in the stone..."

Speaking of the back, his voice became lighter and softer.

Kai raised his eyebrows and asked, "Father, did you just mention that shining tower?"

"What sparkling tower, you heard it wrong." Aktor shook his head and said, "Since Merlin has done this, he must have his plan. By the way, what is Al doing now?"

"Wear female attire." Kay said.


Ektor was taken aback.



In the other manor of Aktor, Shirou was walking around Altria.

"Please... please don't look at me with that kind of eyes... I... I am very uncomfortable, my king." Altria said with a bit of confusion and a bit of shyness.

Shirou stopped and looked directly at Altria.

At this moment, her long-lasting men's white shirt has faded away, and she put on a white lady's dress like a lily flower and white gloves on her hands.The sunny blond hair has been put down and tied into a bow with a black ribbon.The exquisite pretty face, the serious look could not be suppressed, the shy blush that gradually covered his face.

The whole figure is as cute and beautiful as a lily.

At this moment, Altria can be said to be Altria Lily!

However, Shirou's focus is not here.

His focus was on the black stockings on the slender legs under the white dress.

There are silk stockings in this era!

This is really novel!

Shirou asked, "Al, where did you come from?"

"You...you, you, you, do you want me to take off my stockings?" Altria's voice was trembling, "please...please don't give such an order. Please let me keep some males Stuff, my king! I...I'm not used to it!"

Male stuff?

Shi Lang suddenly remembered that silk stockings were originally worn by men.

It’s just that silk stockings were originally born in the 16th century, right?

The result is now there.

Is it worthy of being the Moon World?

There is still a lot of gap with the real world before I crossed.

However, looking at Altria, who was about to find a piece of land and buried herself in shame at this moment, Shirou said quickly: "Sorry, sorry. I didn't let you take off your stockings."

"No--, you shouldn't be sorry. I should be sorry. As a knight, even the king's order is difficult to carry out, especially this order is for the knight to consider... As your knight, I am really terrible! I'm far from being an immature trainee knight!" Altria said with embarrassment.

Shirou was about to speak, and Merlin next to him smiled and said, "That's it, Lily. As a knight, you have a lot to learn, and there is still a long way to go!"

"Li... Lily——? Master Merlin, please don't call me such a shameful name! I—, I—" Altria didn't know what to say.

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