I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 404

Shi Lang returned the star sword and scabbard to Altria, holding the star spear high, the hot gun body burned his body, but his firm will produced stronger power.

He shouted loudly: "Tear the battlefield and besieged the dragon!"


The generals in charge of the command led the army, tearing the battlefield apart with the last force.

The prepared corps, strong youth, holding a sharp blade, tore the road to the other shore.

The devil dragon stands among the mountains and gullies, with its sharp claws pressed against the mountains, and its huge body is like a mountain.

The king held the shining holy spear high, and the people around, following the shining light, marched towards the final battlefield.

Altria, Skarhar, Tristan, Kay, Alquette, Morgan, and Merlin...

Whether it is a magician or a knight, even the true ancestor, under the shining light that tore the century, rushed to the end.

Famous and unknown warriors.

Sharp soldiers, heavy iron hoof.

Wordless elite, marching towards the final journey.

This is the battle of ant colonies besieging giant elephants!


The devil dragon roared, opening his mouth to breathe out the molten lava.

Altria raised the sword of the star, the light of the star, and swept away the breath of lava.

Skaha was flying in the mountains, and the death blow pierced the eye of the dragon.

The dragon yelled furiously, his giant palms fluttered, trying to shoot the queen of the dead shadow.

However, behind it, the huge dragon tail was held by the true ancestor.

The eyes were shining with the light of choosing people, sharp canine teeth, pale and weak cheeks, the real ancestor's full blow, but threw the huge magic dragon out like everything.

"Rumble, rumble—"

The dragon fell among the mountains, and the earth was shocked by it.

The damaged eyes recovered, the dragon roared and stood up, breathing out, but was defeated by the light of the star sword.

The magicians sang around, and the large-scale suppression ritual magic took shape. With a "boom" of the huge dragon, the limbs could not help sinking into the mountains.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho——"

Grimly, roaring.

Countless light cannons attacked.

People are like a colony of ants, constantly bombarding him, his body recovers faster than he was injured, but the pain made the dragon roar.

Hearing the howling of their king, the monsters rushed forward, but were resisted by the elite soldiers with their flesh.

Blood permeated the earth, like a blooming flower from the other shore.

The flower of death.

"Rumble, rumble—"

The time to recover is up.

The overlord who dominated the land, the huge land whale appeared again.

The bloody full moon hung high.

Strange birds soar.

The overlord of the land is roaring, the humiliation once killed easily, this time will retaliate back.

The giant body of more than two hundred meters is rushing, and the soles of the feet like a mountain, like the sky, are pressed against the half of the dragon.


With a scream of pain, the magic dragon opened his mouth, and the rich magic breath was aimed at the head of the land whale.

Wang Yi waved his cloak and shouted loudly: "Cover the land whale!"

The knights obeyed the order, the brilliance of the star sword and the magician's real ether cannon broke the breath of the dragon.

The land whale roared and knocked the dragon to the side of the mountain, and the boulder broke.

He is God.

Is the only god of the last generation.

So He has no comrades in arms.


Therefore, He is a dead end.

Roaring, angry, his body recovered, but in the end, he was still suppressed, suppressed, suppressed.

He is the most powerful individual, but the opponent is a powerful group.

The war between individuals and groups has no meaning from the beginning.

Because there is no such thing as an absolute individual in this world.

Just like Gilgamesh in the past, even if he is ten times or a hundred times stronger than others, when he puts himself in a lonely situation, then failure is already doomed.

The war lasted ten days and ten nights.

The flowers of death bloom on the earth.

The region of Scotland has been harvested, and the final battle between the dragon and the trapped beast has become a joke.

Even the body of the devil dragon that he relied on was defeated, revealing the original human form, and had to retreat to Camelot, the strongest fortress ever, guarded by a group of beasts.

Gawain returned from the north, and Jahris also returned from the north.

Lan Mallok, Lancelot, even Bowes...

All knights.

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