I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 456

They firmly believed that the king did not die.

The king just fell asleep, sleeping in the fairyland of Avalon.When people are in danger again, the king will wake up from a deep sleep and return from Avalon.

He is the eternal king!



On the hills of Cornwall.

A field.

Shirou took the scabbard and walked to the spot already planned.

Elquette is like a wild cat, chasing butterflies, venting the charm of young girls.

Shirou's side followed Merlin, Altria, and Kai, slowly moving towards the last and the first place.

At the beginning, it was the three of them, and at the end, it was also the three of them.

Shirou has a smile on his face, but no one knows his inner emotions.

Tartness and pain.

This is the sadness of parting.

And the things that must be experienced in life.

"Here, it's here."

Shirou said, placing Avalon on the ground and liberating Avalon.

In an instant, Avalon's light was bright, and it was broken down into hundreds of pieces. According to the fairy runes on it, the holder would be placed in an ideal homeland and protected from all disturbances. It is an absolute that even the five major magics cannot touch. defense.

However, due to the interference of Meilin in the future and the general existence of Shiro's "Enlightened One", instead, he uses the scabbard to connect the ideal homeland free from the interference of time and space, thus opening up a one-way record channel to the future.

At this time, a hand suddenly stretched out from Shilang's back and clasped Shilang's neck.

Shi Lang didn't even think about it, and smiled without turning his head: "Kay, let go. I feel bad for you."

Just like the Aktor Manor seven years ago, Shirou's tone remained the same.

"I didn't answer this time, why is it me so sure?" Kai asked.

"Because you are the only one who came with me to do this. Merlin would probably only use words to disgust me." Shi Lang said with a smile.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Merlin said dissatisfied: "What is it, I only use words to disgust you! It's too much!"

Shi Lang smiled, then took Kai's hand away, turned around, looked at Kai, and said, "Goodbye, my good brother."

"Goodbye, Wang... No. Gneville," Kay said.

At this moment, El Quette waved and shouted: "Shirou, everyone, I won't say goodbye, let's take a step!"

"Hmm! Go ahead first." Shi Lang nodded.

And everyone waved at her.

Elquet smiled and turned his head, but walked in with a sad look.

She didn't like parting, and she didn't like to say parting, so she took a step first.

Shiro looked at Altria and said, "I actually always wanted to do something to you, but I was afraid that you would be angry, so I never did it."

"What's the matter?" Altria raised her head, looking at Shi Lang with holy cyan eyes, and asked.

Shilang stretched out his palm, grabbed the dull hair on her forehead, and then pulled out—

"It hurts!" Altria closed her eyes subconsciously, revealing a painful look.

"Are you angry?" Shi Lang waved the dumb hair in his hand and asked.

"No...not angry." Altria lowered her head, but a golden dull hair stood up somehow on that head.

This surprised De Shilang a little, and he couldn't help but smile: "How did you do this? M... If you have the opportunity, teach me, I also want to have fun."

Hearing this, Altria gritted her teeth, looked up at Shi Lang, and asked: "Wang...Gerneyville, can you let me, let me... hug you?"

"Of course." Shi Lang opened his arms.

Altria approached Shirou and hugged Shirou with both hands. The tight embrace made Shirou feel a little painful.

"Please... please have a good journey!" Altria said, then let go of her hand.

"So do you. Remember to tie your hair up. Long hair on the battlefield is a fatal weakness." Shi Lang said with a smile.

"I see." Altria nodded, then said firmly, "I will protect this dynasty!"

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Actually... Forget it. Come on." Shi Lang stretched out his palm and gently touched Altria's head, then turned his back and waved his hand at them. Going to the end of the road with a free face.

"Goodbye, everyone."

The final voice.

In the holy green eyes.



Can't help it anymore.

Hot tears flowed from the eyes.

Kay patted her shoulder, turned and left.

Merlin sighed, turned around, and said, "Lily, it's time to go."

In the long stream of tears, she responded:


Chapter One Hundred and Sixty That...I'm back!24/27

A path of light, time and space are disappearing.

Life records separated by more than 1,500 years are overlapping.

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