I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 467

"Mother, mother, can you blow out the candle? I want to sleep..." the girl said.

"That... Mordred..." She hesitated.

"What's wrong, mother?" the girl asked.

She hesitated for a while, and said, "Could you please blow out the candle?"

"Oh. That's it... It's true, mother. I'm such a big person, so I'm afraid of the dark. Really, then all right. I just bury it in bed and sleep. M... mother's Hug, so warm."

The girl fell asleep.

She also lay down, and gradually fell asleep.

Quiet manor life.

This is all she has.

And such a peaceful life will continue forever.


Either conquer or be conquered![Third more]

Since she was a child, she has longed for her father, Yusser Pendragon.

What a powerful father?

Fighting on the battlefield, blood and knife scars, the damage the enemy caused to him, he did not change his color at all, but he cut off the enemy's head very neatly and became a part of his honor and glory.

Everyone would lower their heads to show surrender when they saw her father. No matter how strong the warrior was, they would not dare to be presumptuous in front of her father.

That is powerful, that is king.

Everyone must surrender to the king's feet, and the weak are only qualified to be dominated.

Therefore, since she was a child, a seed of conquest was planted in her heart.

She is different from other girls, she hates weakness, hates the weak, and likes the strong.

Those girls cried and cried, Yingyingyanyan, turning around the man, as if they could not live without the man.

Especially her two elder sisters who dressed themselves up and told her weakly that they are just women and don't need to survive like men. Make yourself weaker and rely more on men to make men like them.

This is really too ridiculous to her.

How can the strong, the conqueror, the ravaged, the king's daughter be a weak rabbit?

Besides, what a man can do, can't a woman not do it?Why must women depend on men?To please men?

Maybe they are right, which has been destined since being born in this sex.

Everyone else gave in and obeyed this principle, but she was different.

She refuses to be a waste of weakness, she wants to be a lion, a conqueror, and a king.

And she also has the means to become a king.

She inherited the power of the island that should have disappeared in her father's generation.

Her father was so surprised that she even sent her five-year-old to the nun's convent where she was full-time.

She thought that her father would pass the throne to her, for this, she practiced very hard.

At the age of fifteen, she was already the number one witch in the nun's house.

As a result, her father did not intend to pass on the throne to her, but he secretly created a container for the ideal king, and she was also promised by her father to King Onyk very early.

This made her very angry, even angry, and wanted to curse and kill her father and the child, but in the end she resisted it.

Because she is a woman, she is destined to not inherit the royal power and family, but the child created is a boy who can inherit the royal power and continue the family.

So she held back, and accepted her fate.

Perhaps no one noticed it, even she herself did not notice that her so-called strong and tough, in fact, deep in the bottom line, are the same weakness as an average woman.

He did not dare to oppose the orders of his father, who was the king, nor did he dare to go against the traditions, nor did he dare to oppose the secular worldview.

But no one discovered this, not even she herself.

She just told herself that since it was her younger brother, there was nothing to do.After all, the family needs to be continued, and the kingship can only be inherited by men, and she herself rushed to the Onik Kingdom.

At the age of fifteen, she is already slim, and her graceful body and pretty face are indeed a beauty that men covet.Especially her rebellious psychology has stimulated the desire to conquer in the blood of men.

King Onik, who had a marriage contract with her, is no exception, and his eyes are full of desire to conquer her.

She doesn't dislike the men's desire to conquer her.

I appreciate the man who dares to conquer her.

So she told King Onyk, "As long as you can conquer me, you can play with me as you like."

She is such a person, either conquering others or being conquered by others.

Even if it is the so-called marriage, if you want her to comply, you have to conquer her.

In the end, King Onik was just a coward. After she played a few magic tricks and some cold-blooded methods at random, she was trembling with fright and wanted to escape.

But it's too late. If you want to conquer her, how can you not have some price?

She is like a poisonous snake, a mother praying mantis.

She doesn't hate being conquered by men, but she hates weak waste.All the weak wastes who had a desire to conquer her and wanted to conquer her, but were scared to escape by her, were killed by her alive torture.

This is her, either conquered and ravaged others, or conquered and ravaged by others.

She killed King Onik and took control of the Kingdom of Onik.

All those who did not obey her were cursed, poisoned, or directly tortured to death by her.

Cold blood and the devil are synonymous with her.

But as far as she is alone, it is indeed difficult to control the Kingdom of Onik.

So she began to create her own children.

She ran to the island of Ireland, ready to steal people from the dead.

But the queen of the dead, she thought she could not fight, so she sneaked into the kingdom of the queen’s sister Uif, and stole a few reincarnated, pure, original souls, Put in the body that has already been prepared, and stuff their own memories into their minds.

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