I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 831

Facing Shirou, Atalanta did not hesitate to activate this treasure, pursuing a one-shot kill.

The rain of seven stars descended from the sky, toward Shilang.

Joan has no plans to shoot because she is Ruler.

Astolf took a look, riding on the Griffin, shouted in panic: "Shirou, run! This thing will track it!"

"There is no need to run, Afu."

Shi Lang laughed.

Then, slowly stretched out his palm, the [projection] magic started.

next moment.

A shining horse gun appeared in his hand.

Do not.

That can't be called a gun at all.

That gun does not have a spear head, but a gun of light interwoven with countless lights!

"What, what is that?" Atalante was surprised.

Not only that, even Joan next to Shiro was surprised.

The brilliant light can't help but remind people of holiness.

However, the inverted Shirou was completely dark, and looked so evil and ominous, forming a completely different scene from this holy splendid gun.

Not bad.

This is exactly what has emerged from the record of the Eternal King through the magic of [projection], the armor of the gods, the gun of the star-Lungominiad!

Shirou slowly raised his palm, and aimed his holy spear Lungominiad at the rain of stars falling from the sky.

Slowly poured magic power into it, and the light that formed the Holy Spear Lungominiad spun around, like a drill that broke through the sky.

Here, Shiro announced loudly--

"The eternally shining spear of brilliance-Lungominiad!"

Chapter Nineteen: The Close BOSS·Fujimaru Shiro5/10

[Seven Arrows of the Big Dipper], the arrows of meteors flying from the "seven stars of Ursa Major" are like meteor showers.

And Shilang's star gun Lungominiad exudes shining, bright starlight, which gushes from the earth, like a tower of brilliance, rushing towards the galloping meteor shower.

On the earth, everyone who was fighting saw that scene.

"That, that is..."

Vlad III turned his horse's head and looked at the infinite light gushing from his castle, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Garna's face was calm, still fighting against Arjuna.

But neither he nor Arjuna understood.

That king, it's shot.

And this means that someone launched an attack on that king!

However, neither Ajuna nor Garna had broken that king's identity at this moment.

Arjuna's EQ is better than Garner, knowing what to say and what not to say, so although his expression is cold, he is more likable than Garner.

Although Garna had low emotional intelligence, he was attacked by Arjuna and Vlad III at this time, and he really didn't have the extra energy to speak.In addition, exposing the information of the Eternal King to Black is not a foolish thing.

The rear of Idir Forest.

Semiramis and Yanfeng Shiro looked at the bright starlight.

Yanfeng Shiro sighed, "Is this the treasure of the Saint King... It's really dazzling."

"Huh." Semiramis said displeasedly, "Yu Zhi Garden is more dazzling, fool."

But even though he said so, Semiramis looked at the shining pillar that was connected to the sky and the enemy, but he could not help showing a solemn expression.

Infinite light poured into the sky from the earth.

With a "bang", the rain of stars falling from the sky was wiped out almost instantly.

"Okay, amazing...!"

Astorford looked dumbfounded.

At this moment, the arrow rain of seven meteors behind him chased him.

Astorfo ran away in panic in the Griffon warehouse, and shouted, "Shirou, help me solve it!"

"Hahaha...no. It always feels like you will do my things, you should exercise more on it." Shi Lang laughed.

"How, how is this!? Too bad!"

Astolfo was crying and was chased by [Seven Arrows of the Big Dipper] while driving a griffon.

"Is this, is this your treasure, Assassin?" Jeanne asked in surprise.Because of the evil thoughts of [The Evil of This World], she could not see Shirou's real name, abilities, and treasures.

"Treasure?" Shi Lang glanced at Joan strangely, and then reacted. In the eyes of others, this might be a liberation treasure.

He nodded and said: "Yes, just understand it like this, it's a treasure."

What does this mean?

Joan was puzzled.

And at this time, the Holy Spear Lungominiad [projected] in Shilang's hand was also turned into fragments and disappeared because of the previous ordinary magical blow.

After all, it is a copy of a fake, although it can be projected because of the record of the Eternal King, but it cannot liberate the Glory Tower, and it is only a one-time consumable.

Shi Lang turned his spiritual foundation back to normal, then slightly his feet, his body gliding, slowly fell from the castle of the Thousand Realms Tree.

After falling to the ground, Shi Lang looked at Atalante not far in front of him with a smile.

As a shooter, you should never appear on the battlefield in such an upright manner, so you should avoid it.

But it is a pity that outside the castle of the Thousand Worlds Tree, there is a wilderness with no place to hide.

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