I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 842

Looking at the eight huge [evil] arms behind Shilang, Achilles wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Such a bad situation, but his heart was burning with the flames of fighting spirit and courage.

An insurmountable dilemma.


Isn't it the mountain that the brave needs to surpass?



The rear of Idir Forest.

Yanfeng Shiro clenched his fists, his face a little excited.


It's a win!

When Achilles threw the meteor gun and activated the [Spear Point of Galloping Skyline Star], the purpose of this total attack had been achieved!

The Eternal King is destined to exit!

Isn't this a matter of course?

Anyone can see that it is not a heroic spirit of the brave type relying on its own martial arts, but a heroic spirit of the king type relying on its own treasures and abilities.

This type of heroic spirit, although the treasures and abilities are very powerful, but once the treasures and abilities are sealed, there will only be left to be ravaged.

And Achilles is a treasure with this kind of sealing ability and treasure.

——[The Point of the Gun Galloping the Sky Stars]!

Once activated, there will be one-to-one isolation between each other.

And in that isolated heads-up space, all the protections and abilities will fail, and even the treasures can't be used!Only the skills that you and your opponent have will determine the outcome.

To the dead!

And this is the ultimate treasure for the Eternal King!

"Humph." Semiramis snorted softly, holding his chest and said: "Presumably, at this moment, Achilles is already in the single-handed field of [Running the Sky Star's Spear Point], ravaging the Eternal King, right? But it's really miserable, that king. He will actually leave in this situation!"

"This is also something that can't be helped." Yanfeng Shiro smiled helplessly, and said: "I hope that king can understand. Because his threat is really too great."

Except for this, Semiramis has no objection.

The crowned heroic spirit is the heroic spirit at the apex of each attribute, and it is definitely not an opponent that ordinary heroic spirits can resist.

More importantly, this is the only sleeping saint that has changed the course of pan-human history, which is really daunting.

After all, only those who have graduated from the world and reached the truth of the world can interfere with the pan-human process.

But this king has refreshed this view of knowledge.

Just so, it makes people take it seriously.

Fortunately, the arrival of this king is not in perfect condition, and they have already blocked him!

"The King of Eternity is no longer a concern. Next, we must consider letting Ruler leave." Yanfeng Shiro looked at the crystal ball and stared at Ruler Joan, standing in the castle.

Semiramis asked, "Archer is still waiting there, so she can kill Ruler."

"She might not do this, but it's better to try." Yanfeng Shiro nodded and said.


Thousand Realms Tree Castle.

"Let me kill Ruler?" Atalante raised an eyebrow.

Through the magic of contact, she got the order to kill Ruler from Yanfeng Shiro.

"Okay. This time, I will do it!" Atalante nodded and accepted the order.

To be honest, she didn't want to take part in the action against Ruler, but since Achilles' real name and treasures were revealed, she was angry with Ruler.

Although Shiro clarified that his persecution of Joan was a joke, he was playing cover for Ruler no matter what.

This Ruler, who exposes others' real names, abilities, and treasures at will, has no professional ethics, so there is no psychological burden to hunt her down.

Atalante shot an arrow at Joan.

Joan drew out the rapier from her waist and cut the arrow, looked at Atalante with doubts, and asked, "What are you doing against me, Arhcer of Red?"

"Don't you have any numbers in your heart? You despicable foreigner with no professional ethics!" Atalant's eyes widened with anger.

Joan was almost crying, "Don't wrong me anymore! I'm really doing what Ruler should do, I haven't revealed your real names!"

Atalante ignored her words, but continued to attack her.

Ruler, who has no professional ethics, made Atalante think of a very bad past.

In the race under God's testimony, the result is that God is openly shameless, so she will lose.

Just one thing, Atalante was very puzzled.

"Since you have chosen to help Black, why don't you tell Black directly about Assassin's real name?" Atalante asked, while attacking Joan.

"What? I don't know. I don't know anything. Don't attack me anymore." Jeanne defended and said helplessly.

Even in this situation, she still insisted on her ethics as a Ruler, and did not use a spell.

If he were to be a Shi Lang, he would have used Ling Zhu to make Atalante commit suicide.

"I don't know? What are you still hiding?" Atalanta snorted, and said, "You are Ruler, haven't you known [real name through]? Eternal King, Assassin's true identity!


Joan stopped suddenly, looked at Atalante with weird eyes, and asked, "You, did you just say something that made me feel like I was embarrassed?"

What responded to her was Atalante's arrow.

Garna galloped across the battlefield like a stream of light across the battlefield.

Even Arjuna and Vlad III could not stop him.

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