I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 847

Although there is no emotional investment, how can he sit back and watch Saber being bullied?

Shi Lang's palm clenched tightly.



Romania, a certain room.

A slender girl with short pink hair was reporting nervously to the bracelet on her wrist: "Team, captain, already, a rider has left the field!"

"How can it be so fast? The Holy Grail War here has just begun!" A surprised female voice came from the bracelet.

"No, I don't know." The girl with short pink hair said nervously.

"I see. Matthew, you don't have experience in handling connection points, don't act rashly. I'm already on the road, and I will come over soon!" A voice came from the bracelet.

"Know, got it, Captain!"

Chapter 25: The Rebellion of Fetal Movement [Second More]

The war on the first night finally came to an end.

In order to attack Shirou, the red side sent all the servants that could be dispatched.

But it is a pity that the red side paid a heavy price due to the poor information.

Not to mention the red Rider Achilles' exit, even the red Berserker Spartacus fell into the hands of Black.

It can be described as nothing, but at a high price.

This is also no way. Although Garna's ontology has fought together with Shirou, he has fought together with the side of the Eternal King, not Shirou's ontology.

The side of the Eternal King focuses on overall planning and control, while Shirou's body is purely muddy.

Garna had never seen Shi Lang playing the mud of [evil], because in front of the false gods, the mud of [evil] and the flower of evil stopped running.

And it is precisely because of this small information gap that constitutes the dismal ending of the red side.

However, due to Yuyanfeng Shiro's tail docking in time to survive, the red side still saved Garna and Atalante, and retreated in time when Arjuna and Vlad III came after them.

Facing this result, Vlad III didn't say anything, but Arjuna was extremely angry.

How much does he want to be fair and just with Garna, without the help of external force, to wash away his unrighteous victory in his lifetime?

Thousand Realms Tree Castle.

Vlad III imprisoned Spartacus in the underground of the castle, and then held a banquet among the kings, officially announcing the victory of the first night and sharing the fruits of victory with Black.

Victory is not exclusive, but shared with others. This is the standard cultivation of the monarch, and Vlad III obviously refined this.

But, for one thing, Vlad III was a little concerned.

"Assassin, don't you tell Yu Yu listen to your real name?" Vlad III, sitting high on the throne, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, looked at Shi Lang and asked.

"Real name?" Shiro looked at Vlad III a little strangely, and said, "Didn't I tell you earlier, Lancer? My real name is Fujimaru Shiro."

Vlad III smiled tolerantly, and said: "You don't want to say it. After this battle, the vitality of the red party has been greatly damaged, and the defeat has been shown. You should indeed do it early for the battle after the battle of the camp. Got it."

"I will respond to the call of the Holy Grail and come here. You and others have a long-cherished wish to be fulfilled. However," Vlad III squeezed the glass tightly and glanced over all the servants present. Then, Yu Xian said. You cannot fight inwardly until the camp battle is over."

Everyone present nodded.

The heroic spirits present are all outstanding heroes in the history of mankind, and naturally know that when the enemy is weak and we are strong, the situation of internal fighting is most likely to occur.

Infighting is the easiest moment to create opportunities for the enemy.

Now that they have a big advantage, if they fight internally, they will undoubtedly give their advantage to the red side for nothing.

Vlad III, who came under the rank of Lancer, was a wise monarch and sage, and he knew this truth well, so he clarified the matter in advance and warned the heroes present.

The heroic spirits who were present knew that it was the same thing, but as a leader, some words, even if they were useless, had to be said.

And Vlad III did just that.

At this time, Caster Avisb bulged up, looked at Vlad III who was sitting on the throne, and asked: "Lancer, that artificial life form A-11072, what is your decision?"

As soon as Avisbronn raised the matter, Rider Astorfo, who had already got rid of [Seven Arrows of the Big Dipper], also stood up, ready to attack.

In terms of being attacked by others, this is the fate of Avisbronn.

Avisbronn is just his Latin translation, and his real name is Solomon Gabriel.

He is a great Jewish philosopher and poet in history, but as a philosopher, his influence on Catholic spiritual philosophy is far greater than that on Jews.

This may be due to his rebellious thinking, which is really unacceptable to the conservative Jewish philosophers.Because of this, he was often criticized, and because of his talent, a jealous Muslim poet asked him to be under a fig tree, and under the many fruits, he ended his life.

What is even more unfortunate is that it was because of the mistranslation of the translators from all sides that the works of Solomon Gabriel were assigned to King Solomon abruptly.

The biggest oolong caused by this was that Johanan Alemano, another great Jewish philosopher in the 15th century, mistakenly regarded Solomon Gabriel’s verses as King Solomon’s The passages of the Jewish classics that came down were introduced into my own works.

It's really funny.

And this ultimately led to the reputation of this genius, far less prominent than other contemporary Andalusian poets and philosophers, so it is now gradually buried in the long river of history.

However, this teacher Avi has no idea about this. He appears to be a great Jewish philosopher and poet in the world, but he actually has an identity.

That is the creator of the Kabbalah Magic Base.

He didn't care about the evaluation of history, nor did he care that the historical traces left by him were assigned to King Solomon because of the mistranslation of his name.

He just wanted to fulfill his long-cherished wish that he had never completed before in his life, the creation of the original man-Adam.

Facing Avisbronn’s question, Vlad III took a sip of the wine and said lightly: "You should understand that this kind of thing should not be mentioned at the celebration banquet, Caster."


Avisbronn hesitated, glanced at the servants around him, then sighed and sat back.

Although his IQ is high, his EQ is not high.Otherwise, he would not be deceived under the fig tree by a man with unpredictable minds and be strangled to death.

Astorfo also sat back with a satisfied smile.

Although his reason often evaporates, his EQ is not as low as Avisbronn.

He could see that Vlad III's attitude seemed a bit ambiguous compared to before the war.

Shi Lang took a sip of wine and smiled faintly on his face.

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