I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become a Righteous Partner Chapter 859

She was just back stabbed by Assassin, and Assassin was mentioned.

Saber slowed down and said flatly, "He defected."

"Huh?" Jeanne was taken aback.

Saber ignored Joan, but went straight between the kings, leaving only Joan with a blank face.

The night is long, and everything is silent.

This point in time should have been the time to sleep soundly.

However, the kings of the Thousand Worlds Tree Castle were brightly lit.

The Master and Servant of the Thousand Realm Tree gathered here.

This surprised Saber a little.

Did something happen again?

At this time, Vlad III, sitting on the throne, looked at Saber and asked: "King Arthur, where is Assassin?"

"He defected." Saber said as much as he could.

Although Saber didn't understand what happened, she still told Vlad III the news that one of the five and ten soldiers had betrayed Black and had gone with Spartacus.

Saber originally thought that Vlad III would be as angry as the day, but he didn't.

"Really. That's it."

His face was a little flat, and he even nodded clearly, as if he knew the result from the beginning.

Vlad III's attitude was a little strange, so Saber couldn't help but frown.

How is this going?

Saber frowned.

At this time, her master, Fiore Fulviji Yugdomirenia, was paralyzed because of the deterioration and abnormality of the magic circuit of his legs, and he could only sit in a wheelchair. The girl beckoned to Saber.

Saber walked to Fiore's side and asked, "Master, what's wrong?"

"It's not a big deal, it's just a request from the red side." Fiore said.

"What request?" Saber asked.

It’s not a trivial thing to be able to gather everyone in black, as Fiore said?

Fiore said: "The red side sent a message to invite us to kill our black Assassin."

Saber was taken aback. Although Shiro had betrayed their black side, it is undeniable that Shiro appeared in the world as the black Assassin.And the red side actually wants to invite them to kill the black Assassin?

To be honest, this proposal is too illusory, right?

"Did Lancer accept it?" Saber asked.

Fiore said: "There was no... but now..."

Fiore pointed to Vlad III. Saber followed Fiore’s fingers and turned his head to look around. I saw Vlad III sitting high in the throne, his pale, thin fingers tapping lightly. Throne armrests.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

No one can see this, this thoughtful look.



It was unprecedented for the Reds to be able to make such a request. What is even more dreamy is that Vlad III was actually thinking.

Based on Saber's understanding of Vlad III, even if Assasssin betrayed at this time, the wise monarch would not actively consider the proposal of the red side.

But now, this king has moved.

"It may be related to Assassin's real name," Fiore said.

"Assassin's real name?" Saber raised his eyebrows and asked: "So it seems that Assassin's real name is exposed!"

Like Vlad III, Saber did not believe in "Fujimaru Shiro", which would be Assassin's real name.Because of this real name, there is no legend at all, and of course it is a trick to cover up the real name.

However, neither she nor Vlad III cared.

And now, Vlad III is showing such an emotional look, I am afraid it is Assassin's real name, there is a problem!

Fiore said: "There is news from the red side that the real name of our black Assassin is Gurneyville..."

"G... Gurneyville?" Saber was taken aback.

Because of this, isn't it the name of the princess that she married by political marriage during her lifetime?

Gurneyville is just one of the names that are transliterated, in addition to names such as Guinevere and Guinevere.

These names are all Guinevere in English, referring to a person, and the difference is only the transliteration difference caused by the different local accents.

"Yes, it is Gneville. And the information provided by the red side says that Assassin is also the King Arthur of a certain world. It is said that the intensity is very high, and what kind of champion is. Once he is allowed to continue, everyone's defeat is set. So we need to cooperate with them to besiege Assassin first, wait for Assassin to leave the field, and then decide each other's victory..." Fiore said.

"Wait, wait a minute, Fiore...My mind is a little messy..." Saber said, covering his forehead.

Too much information.

Suddenly pouring into his head, making Saber a little messy.

First of all, Assassin's real name is not Fujimaru Shiro, but Gynevre, or Guinevere, who is supposed to be her princess.

Not to mention, she has become a man inexplicably, and she is also the King Arthur of a certain world... and then the crowned heroic spirit is too strong, so the red party invited them to besiege Assassin...

The most important thing is that now Vlad III is very interested?

What is this?

"You feel messed up, Saber?"

Fiore smiled and said: "Actually, I am also in a mess now. The red party's previous aggressive invasion was not a total attack, but to encircle Assassin... This is really inexplicable! The most inexplicable thing is that the red party sent over After the news, whether Archer or Lancer, they all call Assassin the Eternal King, not King Arthur, which is too strange..."

"Wait, wait a minute, Master!" Saber fixed his eyes on Fiore and asked: "You just said that Lancer and Archer both call Assassin the eternal king...?"

"Yeah." Fiore nodded and said with a smile: "It's a baffling name. I have never heard of such a king... Huh Huh? Saber, what's the matter with you? Why does your face look strange? weird?"

Fiore looked at Saber strangely.

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