I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 874

"Your name is Matthew Girelette." Shirou replied one step ahead.

How, how?

How does he know everything?

Matthew was confused.


She remembered.

She was in a coma before!

Did he reveal all the information when he was in a coma?


This possibility is great!

It's written on the newcomer rules!

Matthew felt even more nervous.

I was nervous and revealed all the information.

At this time, Shi Lang asked: "The third question, what is the connection point?"

"Connecting and connecting points are the singular points created by the connection between the world and the world. If they are not dealt with, the world will conceptually collide, and starting from the connecting point, the two worlds will cancel out the collapse..."

Just halfway through, Ma Xiu was stunned.

Why did she say it?

Shi Lang nodded and said, "That's a good point, why don't you continue?"

"You, are you cheating on me?" Matthew looked at Shi Lang in surprise.

Shi Lang also looked at Ma Xiu with a look of surprise, and said in shock: "Oh my God! You actually reacted!"

Matthew couldn't help but said, "This gentleman, please don't treat me as a fool!"

"Of course I didn't treat you as an idiot, I just saw you were nervous, so I just made a joke." Shi Lang laughed.

Matthew asked suspiciously: "Yes, is that right?"

Shi Lang nodded and said, "You were going to be burned to death before, but I can save you."

"Hug, sorry, Mr. Fujimaru. I really don't have this memory." Ma Xiu bowed and said apologetically.

Matthew didn't think Shi Lang was deceiving her because she didn't feel that way.

The most important thing is that someone with such a pair of clear and bright eyes will definitely not deceive people, right?

"It doesn't matter." Shi Lang shook his head, and then asked: "When did you come to this world?"

Matthew said, "Not long ago."

Sure enough, he is not from this world.

Shi Lang raised his eyebrows and obtained a message.

Shilang stood up slowly, stretched out his palm, pointed at the black ring in the sky, and asked, "That thing is your Chaldean target, right?"

Matthew looked at Shi Lang in surprise, "You, how did you know?"

"You told me."

Shi Lang answered with a smile.

Matthew looked confused, she didn't say anything.

Shirou turned his back, looked at the dark ring in the sky, and asked, "The last question, are the Eternal King and the Knight King alone?"

"Definitely not." Matthew answered subconsciously.

"So..." Shi Lang sighed, turned his head, looked at Matthew, and said, "Thank you for telling me an important message."


Matthew looked dumbfounded.

What information did she reveal?




pS: The third one is here~!I'm here first today~!

Chapter 39—World News

Thousand Realms Tree Castle.

Lancer Vlad III of the Black looked at the Archer Arjuna of the Black, frowned and asked: "In Zam City, have you not found the footprints of the Eternal King?"

A Zhouna nodded and said, "There is no footprint, not even the breath of a follower."

Vlad III looked at Avisbronn next to Arjuna.

And Avisbronn also nodded helplessly and said: "There is indeed no breath of follower."

Vlad III frowned.

According to his calculations, the Red Berserker and the King of Eternity left the country with a group of artificial lifeforms. They couldn't move so fast. The most likely location was in Zam City.

However, the result was nothing.

Vlad III did not think that Arjuna and Avisbronn were lying, not to mention that the two had no motivation to do so.In addition, Avisbronn has a great attachment to A-11072, and it is impossible to cover the Eternal King and others.

"In other words, did you go to Brad City?" Vlad III calculated.

The sun of the new day has risen to noon.

There was a fluttering sound of wings flapping in the sky, but Astorfo returned with the Griffin.

He detoxified the griffon, and then walked all the way between the kings and reported his situation.

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