I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 883


The city of Washa.

Shiro didn't know that in this Holy Grail battle, someone was actually playing the King's game that he once played badly.

At this moment, he is standing on top of a building, shouting.

Attempt to defraud the black hands hiding in the city of Vasha.

Shiro was very convinced that there was some information about the "connection points" that Matthew said in Vasha.

And I'm afraid it is inextricably related to the leader of the church who is inexplicably always praising the world, and the so-called vice leader.

Even if it does not, it is correct to explore more.

After all, he is still a servant of the Holy Grail War.

However, no one showed up because of his yelling.

"Then, that, Mr. Fujimaru, can we go down first?" Matthew asked cautiously.

She was still being held by the giant arm of [Evil] at the moment. The wind at the top of the building was very cold, and her clothes were thinner, so to keep warm, she retracted her small head into the palm of the giant arm of [Evil].

"Why, Master?" Shi Lang asked with interest.

Matthew pointed to him, and said, "We, we are standing here, it seems wrong, they all condemned."

Shi Lang looked around and couldn't help laughing.

Many Vasa citizens gathered downstairs, pointed at Shilang and Matthew, yelled at them and let them go down.

Most of these citizens are believers who had gathered in the Civic Square.

And most of the words of scolding are demons and witches, letting them roll off.

Shi Lang didn't care about the voices of these citizens of Vasa, instead he looked at Matthew with interest and said, "I didn't expect Master to be so gentle and considerate. But I have to tell you that these citizens were going to burn you to death before. It."

"Ah... this..." Matthew didn't know what to say.

Shirou smiled and said, "I think too much about other people's feelings, but many things can't be done, Master."

"Oh." Matthew nodded.

Shiro said."Also, that person, in what corner is he secretly looking at us!"

Matthew: "?"

Matthew didn't understand it.

But in fact, just as Shirou said.

In a certain room in this city, a person was watching Shirou through a crystal ball, his brows furrowed.

"Black Assassin...what else is he doing here?"

The man frowned.

As the Red Caster, he knows the existence of Ruler Joan, so naturally he also knows that not long ago, the red side's war against the black side, and he also knew that as the black Assassin's Shiro, he killed the red Rider Achilles Things.

In fact, during that battle, as the Red Caster, he also wanted to fish in troubled waters, but after seeing the presence of Joan as Ruler through the envoy, he gave up this idea.

Once he appears in front of Joan of Arc, his identity will be exposed.

It's not because of the [Real Name See Through] that comes with Ruler's rank, but as Jeanne, the moment she sees him, she will see through his true identity.

Later, he may be killed by Joan directly using Ruler's privileges.

Therefore, even if his Master has already left for Tolifas City, he has always stayed in Vasha, waiting for the battle.

But what he really didn't expect was that the black Assassin, who showed great brilliance in that battle, would actually come to Vasha City and make a big fuss here.

The most important thing is that his mental intervention is completely useless!

Even the spirit of interference was eaten directly, without a sound!

This is incredible!

His spiritual interference is obtained from the forbidden knowledge of the Primordial Evil God, and he can use spiritual interference to deceive, and even the environment can deceive the structure of the world itself!

However, this level of interference was eaten by this black Assassin without even a little splash!

It can only be said that it really deserves to be the black Assassin who killed the Greek hero Achilles.

Seeing Shirou once again returned to the Red Caster in Vasha City, considering that his Master was not by his side, he thought twice and decided to bear with him.

However, just when he was about to give up continuing to observe Shirou, Shirou suddenly turned his head, his clear gaze seemed to see him through a crystal ball, and his smile was as bright as the sun.

The Red Caster was taken aback.

At this time, Shirou standing at the top of the building, the fleshy wings of [evil] behind him spread out, his eyes were staring at a normal-looking television station not far away and flew past.

And the believers who gathered in the downstairs of the building saw Shi Lang flying towards the TV station. They thought they were the demons and witches who had destroyed their church. They were afraid, and they all chased them up.

"Mr. Fuji and Fujimaru, where are we going?" Ma Xiu, who was lying in the palm of the giant arm of [Evil], stuck out his small head, looked at Shirou, and asked.

Shirou smiled and said, "I have found our goal, Master."


Matthew was taken aback for a moment, but did not figure out the situation.

But Shiro flew straight to an ordinary-looking television station not far away.

The direction is certain, and the eyes are firm.

As if already certain, there was the person he was looking for in that TV station.

"How, how? How does he know I'm here?"

Caster of the Red was stunned.

He is the Red Caster, and the magic is not derived from the magic base of the magic king-King Solomon, nor is it the magic of the gods, nor the Kabbalistic magic base of the black Caster-Avisbronn.

Rather, it comes from the forbidden knowledge of the ancient evil god before the birth of mankind!

Red Caster is extremely confident about his concealment ability.

But why?

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