I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 886

And because of the reversal of the spiritual foundation, Shirou's treasures and inherent abilities were unblocked, and even the armor on his body became pale silver.

The Red Caster said, "It's just a change of outfit!"

"Is this really the case?" Shi Lang smiled, then pointed his finger at the giant monsters surrounding them, and asked: "Do you think your monsters are huge, Caster of Red?"

Shilang's mind moved, and the surrounding [evil] mud was like a tide, which wrapped him and Matthew, forming a [evil] giant about more than sixty meters!

Shiro stands tall in the forehead of the giant of [evil], and arranges Matthew in the back of the head.

"What, what is this?"

Matthew shivered in fear.

The countless black hands of [evil] either entangled her abdomen, or grabbed her legs and ankles, or clasped her shoulders.

She was pressed alive on the back of her head.

"Don't worry, just fix your body so that you don't fall down." Shi Lang turned his head and glanced at her and said.

"Oh!" Matthew nodded, and then asked, "Then, Mr. Fujimaru, who are we?"

"Since you are already my Master, you will understand your current situation by carefully looking through the contract between us." Shi Lang said.

Matthew closed his eyes and checked his situation through the contract with Shi Lang.

Suddenly looked stunned.

"This, this is..."

She felt it.

she was--

Become an Ultraman!

An Ultraman standing in a circle of nine monsters!




pS: That's it for today~!Good night~!

Chapter 45 is all tonic!

Caster of the Red also watched this scene in a daze.

Originally in this city of Washa, the most massive were his nine monsters.

But right now, the black Assassin has become an even bigger, more than sixty-meter mud giant!

And looking at the appearance of this mud giant...

Could it be that Assassin of the Black is also an ally who has met the true face of the Primordial Evil God and obtained the knowledge of forbidden destruction from the Evil God?

However, which evil god's true face is in the form of dark mud?

Caster of Red thought.

And just between the Caster of Red, Shirou started his hand.

Under his control, the mud giant born from [The Evil of This World] grew eight giant arms of [Evil], and monsters gathered from all directions launched an offensive.

The mud giant grabbed the tentacles of a monster and dragged it in front of him, and then the other seven giant arms all went up and grabbed the corner of the monster.

Afterwards, the eight giant arms of [evil] one after another tried hard.


There was a terrible tearing sound from the monster's body.


The monster uttered a weird howl, like a magic sound in the ear, indescribable fear.However, the mud giant who is the body of evil thoughts is not effective, and it is not effective for Shilang and Ma Xiu who are in the brain of the mud giant.

The monster instinctively stretched out its tentacles and slapped the body of the mud giant, but it did not cause much damage.

The rest of the monsters also gathered around.

Shirou ignored it, but controlled the mud giant to continue to exert force.


A terrible voice sounded, and the monster caught in the palm of the hand by the mud giant was directly divided into eight pieces by the mud giant!

The minced meat "boom, boom" landed, and the blue blood was like mist.

Through the contract, Matthew saw this scene from the first point of view, and felt a little nauseous.

However, Shi Lang's face was calm.

The Red Caster said: "It's useless! The Lord's Apostle is immortal!"

Indeed, the monster that was torn into pieces of meat by the mud giant's hands did not die. Instead, its meat shook slightly on the ground, as if dancing, and wanted to regroup.

The self-sufficient monster has long since broken away from the concept of treasure, and it can exist even without the magic power of the Red Caster.And even if it is torn apart by the mud giant's hands, it can be restored through eating and the magic power stored in its own body.

However, in the face of this situation, Shirou just chuckled and said, "The dream is pretty good, Caster of Red."

Shi Lang's heart moved, and at this moment, the giant of [evil] stretched out countless black hands of [evil], grabbed the ground meat, and dragged it into his body.

As soon as the minced meat of these monsters was dragged into the body of the [evil] giant, infinite malice and curse descended on his body, as if the gastric juice was digesting food, and began to digest the minced meat of the living body.

And the pieces of these monsters were still struggling at first, trying to escape from the body of the [evil] giant, but they were wrapped tightly in mud, then digested and degraded by the mud, turned into magic power, and fed Shiro back.

It's almost like a normal human taking supplements.

And this is exactly the same as Shilang's use of [the evil of this world] to eat Zhuyue fragments not long ago.

And this process...

Matthew, who saw the contractual connection, was upset.


too disgusting……

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