I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 918

The free artificial lifeforms asked themselves to be boring, but they were not angry. They only felt sympathy and sadness for these compatriots who were still oppressed and exploited.

They returned to their camp, and thought about their names.

Spartacus's expression was as calm as the surface of the water, only smiling at the free artificial lifeforms that made noise because of their names.

Free artificial lifeforms bother to create their own names.

There are Chinese, British, and Chieftains.

Of course, there is no name in any format.

Such as Dixon, Rox, Rollei...

A-11072 also thought of his own name.

Looking forward to his face, he told Shirou, Astorfo and others his name, but what he got was not the admiration of Shirou and others, but a somewhat speechless expression.

The name he gave himself is called Xiaofu.

This directly left Shi Lang speechless.

"I can understand that you gave yourself a Chinese name, but why did you call it Xiaofu?" Shi Lang asked silently.

A-11072 said: "Astorfo is my hero. Astorfo calls himself Afo, so to commemorate my feelings at the time, I think, I think my name is Xiaofu, there is nothing wrong, Mr. Assassin ."

Well, the reason is very reasonable.

Astorfo is a big blessing, and he is a little blessing.

However, this caused strong dissatisfaction with Astorfo.

He puffed up his cheeks and said angrily: "No, no! You are robbing my characteristics! No! No! No, no pass! Think of one more!"

Astolfo said with an angry face, his little pink braid flicked with his movements, so Shirou had to suppress his inner ambition.

And A-11072 heard Astorfo's evaluation, scratching the back of his head, and continued thinking with a distressed look.

Spartacus smiled and watched this scene, then raised his head slightly, looking at the artificial life forms of the Thousand Realm Tree, frowning, wondering what he was thinking.

A-11072 came up with many names, but they were all rejected by Astorford.

A-11072 has a more special sentiment towards Astorfo than Shiro, because in that situation, it is Astorfo who is really standing next to him and behind him.

There is no doubt that Astorfo is his hero to him.

There is a longing, it is the back of him going forward and chasing.

Just like Shirou when he was a child, to Spartacus.

When Astorford vetoed the name of A-11072, the pigtail dangled in front of Shirou, still exuding a touch of incense.

And this forced Shilang to hold his hand that he wanted to mess with.

No way.

No, Shirou.

You are not a pervert!

Shirou kept admonishing himself in his heart.

Finally, A-11072 gave himself a meaningful name.

"From now on, I will be called Adam." A-11072 said.

"Ehhhhhhhhhh? This name is good, just call it this name!" Astorfo replied with a smile, and then showed a confused expression on his face, and said: "Just, how does this name feel where you heard it? "

Matthew reminded: "It's the Bible. It is said that the first human being created by God is Adam. It is the first ancestor of human beings recognized by the church."

"Oh. That's it." Astorfo nodded, then looked at A-11072 with a strange expression, and asked, "Why would you give yourself this name, Adam?"

Adam said: "For us, the owner of the Thousand Worlds Tree is our God. They created us, we will never forget this, but we are not the tools of the masters, nor the weapons and shields of the masters. We are we. With our own consciousness and our own pursuit, we are no different from human beings."

"I hope that one day we can live in peace with the masters and embrace the sun under this blue sky. One day, they will call our name, will be friends with us, and will not help us to them. When it is regarded as an obligation, I will thank us. Perhaps, this is really naive. However, I firmly believe that there will be such a day."

Adam has a serious and determined look. Although very plain, he does have a leadership temperament.

Shi Lang and others were not surprised by Adam's wishes, but the artificial lifeforms looked at Adam with shock.

They only wanted to escape the chase of the owners, but he wanted to coexist on an equal footing with the owners.

But, this idea is too naive, right?

However, this idea tells what they really want in their hearts.

Astorfo smiled and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "I have a good momentum! The vision is also good. No wonder Caster pursues you so much!"

Adam was staggered by him.

Adam stretched out his palm and scratched the back of his head, and said shyly, "Mr. Assassin gave me this. The one who is really wise is Mr. Assassin."

People turned to look at Shirou.

At this time, Shirou was working hard to suppress his wanting to mess around.

He saw the gazes of the crowd, and he was taken aback for a moment, then quickly raised his head and straightened his body, revealing the stalwart appearance of a gentleman.

He is not a person who likes to pretend, but he wants to catch Astorfo's ponytail...

This is really abnormal!

Can't be seen!

And this pretense fell in the eyes of everyone, that is the real stalwart.

One by one showed an expression of worship.

As the setting sun sets, light and darkness are intertwined, and a cloud of fire on the horizon dyes the earth red.

"Yeah. I should go." Astorfo patted his butt, got up, ready to leave.

Adam and the artificial lifeform kept him, but he refused, and instead turned to leave.

As a result, at the moment he turned around, the pink braids floated high, like a horn of freedom, and a wild horse that roams freely.

Really couldn't help it, Shi Lang stretched out his sinful palm and grabbed it hard towards his free cloud.


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