I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 922

This Mordred is like having mind-reading skills, it is easy to see through the hearts of others, so it is both headache and helpless.

Saber didn't speak at all.

These days of contact, she has understood that the best way to deal with this Mordred is to remain silent.

As long as she is silent and does not answer, she will ask herself to leave without interest.

Only this time, it's different.

Without getting Saber's response as usual, Mordred did not feel bored, but frowned, and then showed a weird smile, and said, "It seems that the sixteenth ride has already arrived."

She took Saber and walked towards a coffee shop called "Meeting Friends" not far away.

Where did she perceive the unique breath of Servant.

There is no doubt that Servant is there!


Meeting Friends Cafe.

Matthew craned her neck from time to time and looked at the door of the cafe, waiting for someone to appear.

Shi Lang sat aside with a solemn expression, shaking the coffee in front of him with a small silver spoon.Under the table, his legs were shaking, and he looked a little restless.

"Master, are you sure that the captain you are waiting for is called Grey?" Shi Lang turned his head and looked at Matthew and asked.

"Yeah." Matthew nodded and asked with a strange look: "What the hell is wrong with you, Mr. Fujimaru? Since I told you the name of my captain before, it feels like you have become weird."

"This..." Shirou didn't know what to say.


And it's the Grey of his world.

So there is no doubt that it was the Grey that he brought home from Britain thirteen years ago, right?

Altria signed a contract with Grey and became Grey's servant.

If the comer is Grey, then the follower who comes with it should also be Altria, right?

If it was Altria, what expression should he use to face Altria?

Shirou pondered this question.

He once made a promise to Altria in the Temple of Time, and will return at most a year, but now in his world, time has passed thirteen years.

There is no doubt that he breached the contract.

Perhaps Altria will forgive this matter.

Do not.

With Altria's compassionate heart, he would definitely forgive him.

But this made Shirou a little bit sorry.

What face should he use to face Altria?

And at this moment--

With a "crunch", the door of the cafe was opened.

A combination came in from the outside.

They were all blond hair, holy cyan eyes, and an upright dull hair, all looked exactly the same.

The leading girl is about twelve years old, and the girl following is about fifteen years old. Both look young and exude the youthful vitality of a girl.

Matthew raised her neck and looked at her. His eyes lit up, and he waved at them and shouted, "Captain! Captain!"

The leading girl looked as if she was startled by the cry, subconsciously glanced at Matthew, and then pointed her finger at herself.

"Yes. Yes, here, Captain Grey!" Matthew shouted while beckoning.

The lead girl hesitated for a moment, and then walked over with the girl behind her slowly.

Shilang subconsciously covered his face with his hands, then took a deep breath and put his palms down.

The lead girl walked slowly and sat opposite Matthew.

"Captain, you are finally here!" Matthew smiled happily and at ease.

"Hmm. Yes." The lead girl nodded.

Shi Lang looked at the leading girl in surprise.

This is Grey?

Shouldn't it?

This face is indeed Grey's face, but... when did this hair... become golden?

This is too suspicious.

However, Shirou was convinced of only one point.

The servant next to this person is definitely Altria!

And it's definitely his Altria.

Otherwise, why did this Altria show a look of surprise and surprise when he saw him.

Just, why is his Altria in the form of a blue dumb?

However, this is understandable.After all, his Altria didn't like her real posture, and her favorite posture was Lily at the beginning of the trip.

There is no doubt that this is definitely Altria.

"You..." Altria looked surprised, just as she was about to say something.

Shi Lang took a deep breath, stood up, stepped forward directly, hugged her with both hands, and said softly, "Sorry, Al."

Shirou keenly noticed that Altria in his arms was stiff.

The kind of stiffness that seemed to be frightened.

And Matthew and the leading girl were stunned by Shi Lang's behavior.

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