I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 934

And this also led to the situation that if someone praised the Eternal King, she would hate it, and if someone insulted the Eternal King, she would also hate this situation.

Shirou spread his hands to Mordred, as if embracing him, and said, "Put down the sword in your hand and come to Dad’s arms, Mordred. Dad didn’t have a choice before, but now Dad will love you. ."

Mordred: "..."

Conspiracy, conspiracy?

The smile on Mordred's face couldn't help but froze, a pair of holy cyan eyes looked at Shirou with some alertness.

It's right to think about it. If the King of Eternity knew her identity, how could he be so peaceful?

Looking at the eyes on the star cup, and then feeling the position of the lion's robbery through the contract, Mordred felt a little anxious.

Master, why haven't you run away?

In fact, Mordred already had the heart to retreat.

She didn't want to confront Shirou head-on.

However, she found that the location of the lion's robbery was still near the magic workshop.

What exactly is going on?

"Don't think about it." Shilang asked with a smile: "Don't you think there is one missing person next to me?"

One less person!Mordred looked at Shirou who was smiling, his eyes shrank sharply.

not good!Master!

Mordred yelled inwardly.

Looking at Shi Lang with a complacent smile, Mordred understood that the lion robbery was in danger!

And the one who arrested him is probably Saber!

Although he had guessed everything in his heart, Mordred did not reveal any flaws on the surface.

Mordred was on guard, but with a smile on his face, he said: "It seems that His Royal Highness Eternal King has studied the topography of this city very thoroughly."

"Of course. I think I should have left a sentence related to where I have to study the terrain and the weather, right?" Shilang asked.

"Of course there is.'Knowing the sky, knowing the earth, victory is infinite', this is the famous sentence left by His Royal Highness Eternal King in Uncle Kai's notebook. I haven't forgotten it." Mordred said.


There is no more.

Shi Lang didn't know how to talk to this girl.

Especially since there was a fight before.

His emotional intelligence is not weak, and he speaks very well, but the person he faces is too special, and Shi Lang doesn't know how to communicate.

For the first time...

No experience.

And looking at Mordred, who was full of alert but calm, Shirou sighed inwardly, really didn't know how to communicate.

It would be nice if Al was here at this time.

Maybe Al can communicate with this girl.

At this moment, Saber came over with the lion Jiejieli with a wry smile.

Saber said, "Catch it."

Shi Lang nodded at her.

It turned out that as early as when they migrated with Spartacus to the vicinity of the city of Vaasa, Shilang had thoroughly studied the topography of the spiritual veins of the city of Vaasa.

He knew the existence of the cemetery, of course he also knew the layout of the cemetery, and he knew better that there was a road leading to the underground river under the cemetery.

On the way, Shiro learned about the structure of the magic workshop where the Lion Jiejieli from Saber.

And just as Mordred guessed Shi Lang would chase him, the sober Shi Lang considered that Mordred guessed that he would chase him, and asked his Master to escape along the underground river, and finally use Lingshu to run away. Road ideas.

Because this was the only way to escape Mordred after he knew he was chasing him, not head-on with him.

It is a pity that this has been considered by Shirou.

Therefore, before Shirou came to the cemetery, he asked Saber to guard the underground river first.

"You are the Master of Saber of Red, right?" Shi Lang looked at the Lion Tribulation Realm and asked.

"Yes." Lion Jiejieli nodded and sighed.

I have to say that in the Holy Grail War, most of the Masters are burdensome.

Lion Jiejieli originally thought he could help his Servant, but unfortunately, he was not immune.

He was restrained by Saber, and his life fell into Shirou's grip.

Mordred was anxious.

She actually didn't understand Shirou's temperament.

Everyone sang her old father as a great saint king, maybe it was true.

But Mordred also knows that for a king, the soul can be great and holy, but the means cannot be holy.

What's more, her father was also the founder of the dynasty.

To open up a dynasty in troubled times, if you were an upright person, you would have long been played with a dead body.

And her father, the king who calmed the troubled times, opened up the dynasty, played all power between the hands, and made the dynasty rich and powerful, and the king who made the dynasty function normally!

Squinting his eyes, Mordred said: "Many people say that the King of Eternity is a sacred king that separates the classical and the medieval. But in fact...couldn't it be a bullying person?"

Shi Lang glanced at Mordred and smiled mildly: "Don't worry. I won't move your Master. On the contrary, I am very grateful to him now. So, you don't have to use words to stab me, Maude Reid."

Mordred: "..."

Mordred was a little uncomfortable, Shirou's reaction was quite different from what she had imagined.

If it is malicious and angry, Mordred will feel comfortable, but this kind of mildness...

She is a little uncomfortable.

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