I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become Righteous Partner Chapter 952

Subsequently, Mohammed II sent envoys to Wallachia with 1,000 cavalry in the name of the peace agreement, intending to take the opportunity to hold Vlad III to Constantinople for trial.But the latter saw through this strategy, deployed an ambush force on the peninsula in advance, and won the victory.

The following winter, with heavy snowfall, Vlad III seized the opportunity to take the initiative.He led his army across the frozen Danube and attacked the Ottoman-controlled area from Serbia to the Black Sea coast.

Because of his early experience, Vlad III has a sense of justice and cruelty like a cleanliness, and his position is very firm in Wallachia.

Just as Ottomans and Hungarians do not treat Wallachiians as adults, he does not treat Ottomans and Hungarians as adults.

During this operation, he killed more than 23,000 Ottomans, and wrote a letter specifically to tell Mohammed II.

This kind of excessive atrocities caused fear and verbal criticism from the Ottomans, but it aroused the cheers and praises of European countries and Wallachiians.

After Mohammed II, who was besing Corinth in southern Greece, sent 18,000 people to attack Wallachia.But Vlad III defeated this Ottoman division in Braila and achieved the result of annihilating 10,000 enemies.

Mohammed II learned that the Ottoman army was defeated again, so he suspended the offensive against Corinth, determined to kill Vlad III himself and destroy Wallachia.

The commander-in-chief of Mohammed II set out from Constantinople with an army of 150,000 and 120 artillery pieces.

After Vlad III heard the news, he immediately appealed to Matthias I of Hungary, but the latter did not send reinforcements.Vlad III had to conscript the beneficiaries and farmers and herdsmen in the territory and put together an army of 30,000 to prepare for battle.

Among these people, the ones who really have the combat effectiveness of the regular army are very least.Except for the cavalry provided by the Grand Duke’s own guards and local lords, there are only a small number of elite mercenary infantry that still have some strength.

In order to achieve victory, Vlad III adopted various tactics.

He used a variety of methods such as scorched earth strategy, guerrilla tactics, and germ warfare, and achieved good results.

He ordered the army to entice the enemy in an organized way, burn down villages along the route and poison the wells.This makes it difficult for the Ottomans deep in the territory to obtain supplies.

At the same time, he gave full play to his familiarity with the terrain and ordered the light cavalry to repeatedly harass the Ottoman army and disrupt the supply lines along the way.What is even more frightening is that he also sent people infected with smallpox, plague, tuberculosis and other diseases to serve in the Ottoman camp.As a result, the plague prevailed in the camp, which greatly weakened the combat effectiveness of the Ottoman army.

Seeing that the situation is getting more and more unfavorable, Mohammed II decided to march directly to Targovista, the capital of Wallachia.The Ottoman army arrived in the south of Targoveste and camped there.

After learning of the arrival of the enemy, Vlad III believed that the time had come and planned to initiate a beheading operation to assassinate Mohammed II.That night, he mixed into the enemy camp as an Ottoman soldier and began to probe the location of the Sudanese camp.As a result, they mistaken the camps of Grand Vizier Ishak and Mahmoud for the camps of Sudan.

After the investigation, Vlad III commanded 24,000 Wallachiians to attack the Ottoman army in the dark.In this 7-hour attack, Vlad III won a complete victory, killing 15,000 Ottomans at the cost of 5,000 people, winning the greatest victory of his military career.

Vlad III still remembers the scene of the war.

It was also a faint red sunset, stained with blood.

And the failure of this battle did not destroy the determination of Mohammed II to invade.In order to show his determination and strength, Mohammed II invaded from the very beginning, killed the Wallachians when he saw them, and regarded their heads as glory.

Mohammed II determined to flatten Wallachia to show the majesty of his great conqueror.

Therefore, no matter how great a failure, it cannot stop the Ottomans' iron cavalry.

But what really stopped Mohammed II from invading Wallachia was the hell-like scene.

Vlad III put a large number of Turkish prisoners of war and Wallachiians who refused to submit to his rule on the towering wooden stakes and let them be pierced to death.Although the entire area is only 3 kilometers long and 1.2 kilometers wide, it is enveloped by the breath of death.

The red sunset, a bloody purgatory!

It was this fatal psychological warfare that eventually defeated Mohammed II.

Facing the masterpiece of Vlad III, the Sultan, who thought he was used to seeing the big scene, was shocked.Panicked, he kept talking about him, saying that he would not be able to conquer a country ruled by such torture.Because this person actually believes in such an evil way of governing the country and the people.Then the Sudan also said that those who dare to use such torture are by no means idle.

So, Mohammed II began to lead his troops out of Wallachia.He also ordered the army to dig trenches outside the camp to prevent Vlad III from pursuing them.

Vlad III, who successfully defeated the Ottomans, won the praise of European countries.And Vlad III can finally vacate his hand, planning to make Wallachia stand up.

However, he was still a step away after all.

Mohammed II, the great conqueror who conquered the Byzantine Empire, was frightened by Vlad III. When Vlad III was still alive, he dared not enter the territory of Wallachia.

However, his invasion did not end.

Mohammed II supported Vlad III’s younger brother "Beautiful Man" Radu III to fight against it.Although Vlad III defeated Radu III and his Ottoman allies twice in a row.

However, because of Vlad III's horrible behavior, the Wallachians and nobles were also afraid of falling on him, and they chose to betray Vlad III and fall to Radu III.

In the end, Vlad III was captured by Hungarians who feared the Ottomans and was imprisoned for thirteen years.

During this period, he converted from the Orthodox Church to the Catholic Church in order to gain support from Hungary, and regained Wallachia. Then, in the same year he regained the throne, he was murdered by the fearful Wallachiians, ending the turbulent situation. lifetime.

Only then did he understand.

It turned out that he was no longer needed.

Whether it is horrible or cold... He who wants Wallachia to stand up, he doesn't know from which moment he won't be needed by the Wallachia.

Vlad III still remembers the moment before his death.

A faint sunset, the color of blood.

It was the sunset that accompanied his turbulent life.



Thousand Realms Tree Castle.

Vlad III awoke from the throne.

He dreamed of his past again.

He neither regretted what he had done in the past, nor cared about the tragic end betrayed by the Wallachiians.After he became heroic, the inherent ability he acquired [Guardian of Protecting the Country] has already explained everything.

Astorford is back.

Vlad III called him and asked, "I saw Assassin in Vasha."

"This... of course." Astorfo nodded.

As Astorfo himself stated, although he will strike passively because of the Three Views, his position is very clear.

"Really." Vlad III nodded and said, "Then go down, Rider."

Astorford looked at Vlad III strangely.

In fact, he really didn't understand what Vlad III wanted to do.

If it is aimed at Shiro, he should send troops to attack Shiro, why let him explore?Even if it is to detect intelligence... why is his face so calm?

Astorfo was really puzzled, but didn't say anything, just left with a strange look.

Vlad III walked to the window between the kings and looked out.

A red sunset outside the window was the setting sun, the color of blood.

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