I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 954

Vlad III looked cold and said: "Rebelling against the territory and disrupting the supposedly peaceful and orderly order. You are not a thief, and what is it?"

Spartacus said: "The order you are talking about is nothing but the oppression, exploitation, and plundering of a few people on the majority! That is not order at all, but real chaos! Therefore, you are all to be subjected to The object of defeat!"

Spartacus stretched out his palm, pointed at the slowly falling sunset on the horizon, and said, "Did you see that red sunset? That sunset symbolizes the order of the few of you. It is again Beauty, no matter how red, will eventually fall. After a long night, the real dawn will come! You are all passing away, but free will is burning on the earth. The era of free people does not need an ancient master! You ——, it is no longer needed, King!"

Vlad III's breath sank sharply.

He turned his head and looked at the sunset.

How prosperous.

However, it has been falling.

Vlad III's palm was held tightly.

He stared at Spartacus coldly and attacked.

The stakes are like stars in the sky, coming over the sky and the earth, like ocean tides.

Spartacus fought back.

He must not fall here.

Because those who desire freedom are still threatened by oppressors.

He has failed once before his death, how can he be here...

Fail again?

The two fought in a prosperous sunset.

[King of Capital]'s wooden stakes were overwhelming, and Spartacus rose up to resist, but it was always defeated by Vlad III who was blessed by [Ghost General].

But he succeeded in dragging Vlad III with his own power, allowing Adam to lead the crowd to escape successfully.

Spartacus smiled and left the game just like that. He didn't feel it a pity, but it was more or less regretful that he didn't see Adam accomplish what he hadn't done before.

However, the surprise is that Vlad III did not kill Spartacus, but pierced Spartacus's body joints with a wooden stake and imprisoned him.

Spartacus asked strangely: "Why don't you kill me, King?"

Vlad III did not answer, but transported him back to the castle of the Thousand Worlds Tree and imprisoned him again in the deepest part of the earth.

He walked out of the basement, and Ah Zhou stood at the door.

Arjuna said calmly: "You did extra things after all, the king of Romania."

Vlad III looked at him calmly and said, "I want to know an answer."

"Your long-cherished wish is not to eradicate Dracula's stigma?" A Zhou asked with a strange look.

Vlad III said: "Yes, this is Yu's long-cherished wish. However, since meeting the Eternal King, Yu has a question in his heart."

"What question?" Arjuna asked.

Vlad III did not answer, but turned his head and looked at the dusk of the distant horizon.

"The rest of the sunset... can it come back?"

Vlad III muttered to himself.

He very clearly remembered the sunset scenes he saw before his death.

Become the proton of the Ottoman Empire, the storm of Wallachia, and in the end, the vermilion that I saw...

Can he still see the sunset in his memory?



Templar church.

Yanfeng Shiro and others also learned about Spartacus and Vlad III.

Logically speaking, Yanfeng Shiro knew about Spartacus's situation, and he should have thought of a way to save it, but that was not the case.

Spartacus had already been given up by Yanfeng Shiro, and Yanfeng Shiro would naturally not care.

All he cared about was the intelligence of Spartacus.

"Berserker disappeared with the Eternal King, but now Berserker takes the initiative to attack Black... So, that is to say, is the state of the Eternal King fully restored?" Yanfeng Shiro frowned.

The King of Eternity... This is what Kenmine Shiro identified as the biggest obstacle to his victory in this Holy Grail War.

"What do you think, Garna?" Yanfeng Shiro turned to look at Garna and asked.

"It shouldn't have been." Garner shook his head and gave his answer: "If the state of the Eternal King is fully restored, I am afraid that he will have started to kill."

"That's right..." Yanfeng Shiro nodded, slightly relieved.

He wanted to attack the Eternal King, but as a result, he didn't even know the whereabouts of the Eternal King.

The most important thing is that he didn't know what happened to the sixteenth rider who was mixed into Vasha City before.

Yanfeng Shiro rubbed his temples, worrying that there are too many facts.

"For Yu, the Eternal King is not worth paying attention to. You should have a good night's sleep, Master. Don't forget, you are a human now," Semiramis said.

Yanfeng Shiro smiled bitterly and shook his head. He knew that Semiramis was this temperament, and he was too confident in his [Vanity Garden in the Sky].However, one thing Semiramis was right, he was just a human being, and he really needed to rest.

Yanfeng Shiro told something, and then sat aside, falling asleep.

He wanted to take a good rest and soothe his spirit.

However, in the dream, his spirit seemed to be caught by something, and he was pulled through a narrow entrance.

This is a very uncomfortable, dark city.

The structure of the city is similar to futuristic art. The structure of the buildings is abnormal. Moreover, these buildings are made of huge green stones that are too big to be produced by the earth, and there are also dizzyingly high stone carvings. Stone statues and ornate reliefs.

The whole city exudes a strong smell of uncleanness, which makes people even more uncomfortable.

Yanfeng Shiro frowned and patrolled it.

Strange language rang in his ears, like the spell of a wizard that Yanmine Shiro had heard before.

He glanced around, and at the moment when he raised his head, he felt as if he was struck by a huge hammer, and he was shocked!

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