I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 956

The golden grease exuded its aroma, falling from the barbecue, causing the flame to make a "sizzling" sound, swaying endlessly.

Mordred could see and swallow.

The Lion Jiejieli said helplessly: "If you are really hungry, why don't you follow your father, "Galahad" Qing?"

Mordred wiped his saliva, looked at the lion Jiejieli with a displeased look, and said: "What are you kidding, how can I go with him?"

"You hate your father?" Lion Jiejieli asked aloud while grilling a barbecue.


Mordred hummed twice without answering.

"It doesn't seem to be annoying," said Lion Jiejieli.

Hearing this, Mordred frowned: "I didn't answer, where did you hear it? Don't talk nonsense if there is no evidence, or I can sue you for slander!"

"You didn't answer, isn't it the best evidence,'Galahad' Qing?" Lion Jiejie Li asked rhetorically with a smile.

Mordred hummed twice and said, "Then you guessed wrong, Master. I hate it, especially hate it, super hate!"

"But your face does not have the disgust that you had when you said that Father Yanfeng Shiro was a'think criminal'." Lion Jiejieli said with a smile.

Mordred didn't speak anymore, but frowned, as if being poked into his heart, staring at the lion robbery with some irritation, and said, "Master, you are on the verge of being stabbed. !"

Mordred doesn't like being guessed, especially when he is guessed.

Lion Jiejieli smiled, and then said: "You are just at a loss, right,'Galahad' Qing?"

Mordred didn't speak anymore, just staring straight at the roasted meat in the hands of Lion Jiejieli.

In fact, she was a little irritable.It seems that her essence has been seen through by the lion robbery, and the backstab has no longer threatened the lion robbery.

Although it looks like he is covered with conspiracy and tricks, he is the kind of black hand who lives in the stinking ditch, but in fact he is a king of quite principled standards.Because of her experience, she is not good at dealing with people who are kind to her, and even less good at dealing with people who have no defense against her.

Knife Mouth Tofu Heart, she said, maybe she is the person.

And this essence seemed to have been seen through by her Master, which made Mordred a headache.

"You are really like my adopted daughter,'Galahad' Qing." The lion robbery was nostalgic, and a slightly regretful smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Adopted daughter?" Mordred raised his head and looked at the Lion Jiejieli, and said, "Speaking of which, you really didn't tell me about you, Master."

Lion Jiejieli whispered: "My business is not worth talking about."

The Lion Tribulation Jie Li is the seventh generation descendant of the Lion Tribe clan famous for necromantic magic. Because of the necromantic magic, the Lion Tribulation family is cursed and cannot have offspring.

It is precisely because of this that even the adopted daughter of Lion Jiejieli who was to be adopted died while receiving the transplant of magic engraving.

Mordred looked at the lion's robbery and asked, "In other words, your wish to obtain the Holy Grail is to lift the curse of the family and make the family prosperous?"

"Perhaps it is, but thinking about it carefully, this is probably not my real wish. My real wish, perhaps, is to change her death..."

Lion Jiejieli smiled, his eyes focused on the barbecue in his hand, but at the moment the barbecue was burnt, but the lion Jiejieli didn't notice it, as if his consciousness was not here, but fell into the memory of the past.

Mordred looked at the scorched barbecue, showing a painful expression, but did not interrupt the memory of Lion Jiejieli.

Although she was the king, she did not formally ascend the throne, and did not have the arbitrary dominance of the real king.On the contrary, she has the same compassionate heart as her mother.

Lion Jiejieli said: "She is very similar to you. When I was first adopted, she was as at a loss as you and did not know how to get along with me. She was afraid of me and wary of me, but her heart was actually I wanted to get along well with me. Later, our relationship became very good, and it was no different from ordinary father and daughter.'Galahad' Qing, in fact, you and your father, and the original me and her, It's exactly the same."

whispering sound!

It really is preaching!

Mordred hugged his chest and reminded: "Your barbecue is scorched, nosy Master!"

Lion Jiejieli took a look, patted his head, and said distressedly: "Oh, I didn't even notice this. Forget it, just throw a skewer."

The lion Jiejieli was about to throw away the barbecue in his hand, but Mordred took the first step and took it over.

"What are you doing,'Galahad' Qing?" the Lion Jiejieli asked.

"Waste is shameful. Rather than throw it away, it's better to be eaten by me."

Mordred took a bite, "M... it tastes good."

Lion Jiejieli said with a strange look: "It's all burnt."

"Some food is good, I didn't ask for so much." Mordred rolled his eyes.

Shirou and Mordred were involved in the two sides in order to avoid being discovered by the red and black sides, so they are now on the border of Tolifas City.

It can also be said to be a suburban area.

At this moment, the night is long, and due to the Holy Grail War, the lights in Tolifa are sparse and somewhat dim.

The suburbs here are even more dark, it's like returning to the primitive age of human ancestors.

It was dark.

"Grumbling, Grumbling..."

Suddenly, there was a sticky sound in the jungle, as if something was sliding.

Mordred, who was eating the barbecue, suddenly frowned.

The Lion Jiejieli also became vigilant.

Because they instinctively smell the danger.

It was like a hunter, staring at them in the dark world.

Mordred embodied the black and red holy sword and held it in his hand, while the lion Jiejieli also took out his costume.

"How do you say,'Galahad' Qing?" asked the Lion Jiejie Li.

"Huh. Hiding in the dark, in this respect, I am a master." Mordred said.


With a "swish", a huge gray object emerged from the ground, like a long snake, heading towards the lion robbery world.

Mordred calmly stretched out his hand to pull the lion robbery away, and then waved the black and red holy sword in his hand.

With a "chao", it was cut off in the middle.

The gray snake-like object fell to the ground.

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