I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 975

"I'm laughing, the king of Romania is in jail, and there is a big disaster, but he doesn't know it." Shilang smiled.

Vlad III looked calm, but Astorfo couldn't help but said with a look of surprise: "In this situation, you are in danger, Shirou. Why do you still say that Lancer is in trouble?"

Shilang smiled and said, "Because he wants to kill me."

"Why Lancer wants to kill you, just..."

Before Astorfo finished asking, Vlad III slightly raised his hand, and hundreds of wooden stakes merged into a gun, which he threw at Astorfo.

Astorfo hurriedly dodged the Griffin, looked at Vlad III angry and puzzled, and asked: "Lancer, what are you doing against me? I haven't rebelled!"

"You, shut up! No questioning!" Vlad III said coldly.

Astorfo looked wronged.

What did he do wrong again?

Seeing that the wingman had been sunk by Vlad III, Shiro said quickly: "The third beast has most likely arrived, but we, the heroic spirits, are still fighting! Is this fair?"

Matthew originally looked at his surroundings very vigilantly, but after Shi Lang said this, the vigilant Matthew found that everyone, including Joan of Arc, turned their heads and stared at Shi Lang, their eyes widened, and they were surprised. Emoji.

Matthew couldn't figure out his head.

"Beast..." Vlad III frowned.

"Yes." Shi Lang nodded and said: "The third beast, the beast holding the principle of'Eros', is very likely to come to this connection point. You should understand, Vlad III. As a hero, you are not You may not understand the meaning of the'beast'. Whether you want to win or maintain the order of the holy grail war, the'beast' is your obstacle. Are you sure you want to kill me at this time?"

Joan said weakly: "That...it is me who maintains the order of the Holy Grail War."

"Don't talk yet, Ruler." Shirou whispered.


Joan nodded weakly.

Vlad III frowned tightly.

Not only him, but even the mature Arjuna, and Astorfo, who had always escaped, frowned. Only Matthew looked blank and couldn't figure out his head.

Danike and others, who were watching the battle from the rear, were also confused.

Why just a word, Vlad III stopped his actions.

Shi Lang glanced at the people and said, "Here are all myths, heroes, and kings from all myths and legends. Everyone's great deeds make me admire me. Whenever I look at your deeds, I can't help but I admire a true hero, a true man. However, that is already a career in his lifetime, and now standing here are the dead heroic spirits, or the heroic souls. Is it true that you really want to leave it alone for your own opinion? ?"

A Zhou said calmly: "If the third beast really comes, you can't beat it, you're here, right?"

"Yes. It's extremely." Shilang turned his head, looked at Arjuna, nodded, and said: "Yes. I just can't beat it. I just think I'm not a rival, so I came here."

Vlad III asked, "Where did your information come from?"

"The red party Lancer-Galner risked his death to pass it to me." Shirou said.

"Red?" Vlad III frowned.

Arjuna also frowned, and asked, "Is Garna dead?"

"Not dead. It's just being controlled by others. In fact, all the heroic spirits of the red side seem to have been controlled now. And this evil god's vision is the result of the controlled red heroic spirits." Shi Lang Said.

"Isn't dead? Humph. What a pity." A Zhou said coldly.He is not interested in the rest of the red party.

"How can you ensure that the information is correct? I don't doubt Garner's ability, but since you say that Garner has been controlled, how can you tell that Garner is not under the control of humans and conveys information to you? "" Vlad III asked.

Shiro said: "There is no guarantee, but I can only believe it. However, for this, I can guarantee the correctness of Garna's information with my real name, and I promise that I will give up the Holy Grail of this Holy Grail War!"

"Using his real name to guarantee that guy's information..."

Arjuna was moved.

Joan was also moved.Use your real name to guarantee a person's information, and it is still information under the control of the other party...

Trust a person so much.

It's no wonder that this king will make that great achievement.

Joan looked at Shirou's profile and said silently in her heart.

Sure enough, the ancient saint king she once worshiped was not only conspiracy.

Vlad III was also surprised that Shiro used his real name to guarantee Garna's information. Even if he faced his most trusted subordinates, he would not do such things.

From the perspective of ordinary people's three views, it's okay to use your real name to guarantee others.But those who gather here are not mortals, heroes, or sages.

The so-called real name guarantee is a bet on your own reputation and glory.

And these are the things that heroes and wise masters pay most attention to after being heroic.

The real name is used to guarantee the person, and it is also an information guarantee provided by a controlled person...

How does this believe that the person's willpower can resist control?

Vlad III couldn't help showing a solemn expression on his face, thinking about where he was, he didn't have such courage.

because of him--,

I cared very much about myself being demonized into Dracula, and even became the long-cherished wish of being called to the lower realm in this Holy Grail War!

In comparison, Vlad III sensed the gap between himself and Shirou.


There is still a gap!

"You want Yu Waiting to fight against the Red Party, right? If you use your real name to promise you to give up the Holy Grail, it is equivalent to waiting for Yu to flatten the Red Party. This--, it's really a good deal, Assassin. Think about it. Yu et al did not suffer any losses, but made a lot of money. It's just a pity..." Vlad III looked at Shirou and said, "Yu, refuse!"


Ma Xiong wanted to speak, but Shi Lang reached out and stopped her.

Ma Xiu turned his head and looked at Shi Lang's profile, and found that Shi Lang had such an expression.

Matthew carefully observed the expressions of the people around him. Except for her, these heroic spirits were not strange.

what is this?

Matthew was puzzled.


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