I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 977

Vlad III looked at Dannick, shook his head, and said, "You must have a big picture, Danike. The [Beast] thing is big, if it is really Assassin's bluffing, it would be okay, if it really happens. After waiting for these dead souls to leave, how will you wait for these living people to deal with themselves?"

"The beast... what is that?" Dannick asked.

"The catastrophe rejected by the history of mankind means that the history of mankind can be destroyed once it appears. It is conceptually, and I don't know what it is. In short, it can be compared with the previous visitor from Chaldea. Talk about the disaster that is the same connection point." Vlad III said.

Danick was silent.

He doesn't know what [beast] means, but he understands the disaster of connecting points.And this is exactly why he promised to open the central basement and let the two of Gray go in to investigate the Great Holy Grail.

"All I can do is investigate whether [the beast]'s claim is true. If it is true, then crusade, if it is false, crusade against the Eternal King, nothing more."

After a pause, Vlad III said: "Recently, pay attention to the underground dark room where the Red Berserker is imprisoned. The rats hidden underground are about to come out to steal people."

"[The beast] thing, I can understand. But Wang, I don't understand, why didn't he be executed directly?!" Dannick asked.

"He's still useful, Dannick." Vlad III turned his back and left.

Danick gritted his teeth.

The eternal king, the connection point, the beast... this holy grail battle is like a joke!

"Joke! A big joke! The same joke as the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City sixty years ago!"

Danick yelled in a low voice.


Shiro named his surname to be a combat partner.

To be honest, Matthew was both excited and nervous.

What's exciting is that you can fight side by side with your Servant.What's nervous is that the enemies we face are all heroic spirits!

And it is the kind of heroic spirit who knows very high specifications at a glance!

In fact, after learning part of the real names of the heroes of the black side, she was so nervous that her heart would jump out.

She is a rookie who actually wants to fight against a great hero of the level of Vlad III and Arjuna, and she is still inferior two to four!

Too nervous!

Kiara's comfort from the killing house was useless at all!

Shi Lang called Matthew and told her how to cooperate with her.

Matthew asked hesitantly, "Well, that, Mr. Fujimaru, can I really?"

"I think you can." Shi Lang said with a smile on his face.


Looking at Shirou's smile and the warm fire in those bright eyes, Ma Xiu didn't know what to say for a while.

This is trust.

Presumably Fujimaru-senpai trusts his Servant in the same way, right?

Matthew thought of the back of the long-haired girl with orange hair.

She couldn't catch up no matter how she chased, she walked farther and farther, and finally disappeared in front of her back.


Why does it feel that she is more and more like the Servant under command, and Mr. Fujimaru is more and more like her Master?

Matthew was a little distressed.

However, this is also good.

After all, as a Master, she is indeed the first time.He is a rookie, he is cute and has no experience.

But as a Servant, she still has some experience!

Shi Lang stretched out his hand and patted her on the shoulder, pointed at Arjuna, and said, "Master, you are optimistic. Staring at Arjuna, when he releases the treasure, you also release the treasure!"

"Huh?" Matthew asked for a moment, "Release and release the treasure?"

Shi Lang nodded and said, "I know the heroic spirit who gave you the spiritual foundation, but for some reason I can't say it. However, please rest assured, the heroic spirit who gave you the spiritual foundation is a very strong heroic spirit, and probably can deal with any heroic spirit. A super heroic spirit standing in an invincible place. And for a heroic spirit like Arjuna with super attack power, he is probably completely restrained."

"Is this..." Ma Xiu said hesitantly, "But, but, I won't release the treasure!"

Shi Lang put his hands on Ma Xiu's shoulders, and said with a serious expression: "Master, my life is in your hands!"

——Matthew, my life is in your hands!

Matthew breathed fiercely, as if suffocated.She clasped her hands tightly, and said seriously, "I understand! I will definitely do it!"

Saber and others also followed.

The crowd gathered in front of the Thousand Realms Tree Castle.

Saber had a headache.

She didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing as soon as she came back. I will not mention the matter of fighting Shirou and connecting points for the time being. The most important thing is that such things as [Beast] will actually pop out?

It was just that Saber noticed one thing, and she found that Mordred was not with Shirou.

She frowned, looked at Shirou, and asked, "Assassin, where is Red Saber?"

"She's going to do her own thing." Shi Lang answered honestly.

"Is that..." Saber murmured.

Seeing Saber's face, Shi Lang raised his eyebrows, looked at Saber in surprise, and asked, "Are you worried about her?"

Saber returned to his calm face and said, "Don't make such vulgar jokes. Also, even if the object is you and Matthew, I won't keep my hands."

"Of course. Me too." Shi Lang said with a smile: "Because I know very well that you are not her."

Saber frowned.

"This is the end of this mystery--!"

As soon as Vlad III waved his hand, the endless wooden stakes turned into a rain of arrows, and blasted towards Shilang, kicking off the war!



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