I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 979

"Hoho Ho Ho Ho Ho——!!!"

Hercules roared from the sky.

Six giant arms of [evil] grew out of Shilang's back, and six 60-meter-long [opening up the green horizon of a thousand mountains (pseudo)].

Shilang swooped forward, and six [Emerald Horizons That Opened Up a Thousand Mountains (pseudo)] smashed straight toward Hercules like six giant mountains.

However, in the face of these six smashing hits from the [Green Horizon that Opened up a Thousand Mountains (pseudo)], Hercules stood upright without fear, and let out a deafening roar.


Six [the emerald horizon that opened up a thousand mountains (pseudo)] slammed on Hercules’ body one after another. Hercules was not smashed to death, but slashed his [open up the emerald horizon of a thousand mountains (pseudo)] But it was broken out of the gap.

It was like a long sword slashing towards Zhenjin, because of the great force, the slashing long sword was broken!


Hercules stood on the ground and let out a battle roar. He reached out his hand to buckle the broken blade of [The Emerald Horizon (Pseudo) that opened up a thousand mountains], and suddenly exerted force on his waist to throw Shi Lang down.

Shi Lang felt his body vibrated instinctively, he was about to be thrown off by Hercules' back, and quickly let the giant arm of [evil] loosen [Opening up the green horizon of the thousand mountains (pseudo)].

Hercules threw the 60-meter-long [Emerald Green Horizon (Pseudo)] on the ground. With a "bang", the ground shook like an earthquake!

Such a scene made the Masters in the Thousand Worlds Tree Castle dumbfounded.

It's spectacular!

It's like a god thrown down a mountain!

Shi Lang did not dare to stay at the sixty-meter position.

This height is too dangerous!

Right now, in the face of Vlad III, Arjuna and other four first-class, even exceptional-level heroes, the only place he can stand up is the sky!

A Zhou stared coldly at Shi Lang who quickly flew into the sky, and opened the divine bow in his hand.

The arrow is like light, fleeting.


Shi Lang felt the danger instinctively, and quickly used the ten magic thrusters behind him to sprint forward.

Anxious in the air, an arrow flicked like light.

Shirou felt scared for a while. Obviously, the blow of Arjuna just now was not something that his C-level [Evasion Protection] could disintegrate, and he was staring at his temple.

That such a terrifying blow, I am afraid that even his [evil] cannot be disintegrated. Once it hits his temple, he will definitely fall on the spot.Fortunately, he filled himself up with BUFF before the war started. If Ma Xiu went to look at his status bar at this time, he would probably look directly at the ability column!


Too much!

And the [intuition] copied from Altria is in it.

It is precisely because of this that he escaped the blow.


With a "pouch", Shirou's abdomen suddenly grew a huge wooden stake, which not only pierced his body, but also broke through the armor of [evil].

Blood was flowing down from the huge wooden stake, Shi Lang looked at the wooden stake in a bit of amazement.

[Evil] Armor...

Was breached by the [Golden Punishment King]?

Vlad III slowly put down his palm, his right arm still had a wound cut by the death sickle, and bright red blood gurgled down.

He stared at Shirou calmly, and said, "You are too underestimated, Assassin."


The huge wooden stake in the abdomen was eroded and corrupted, and finally disappeared, and the wound was also repaired by [evil], but the pain still existed on the body.

Shi Lang looked at Vlad III condescendingly, frowned, and said, "So that's it... You gathered thousands of wooden stakes together and stab them out!"

"Is it just a moment to see through Yu's method? This vision is indeed great. Not bad. That's it." Vlad III nodded, confirming Shirou's guess.

"Your eyesight also makes me admire. So quickly I can see that this armor is not a loophole."

Shi Lang sighed.The situation is not good, the armor of [evil] can be said to be not a loophole, and it was caught by Vlad III.

The armor of [Evil] can curse and degrade the wooden stakes of [Capital Punishment King], but when Vlad III gathered thousands of wooden stakes together, the qualitative change occurred, making [Evil] unable to decompose in an instant, and this is piercing [Evil] The key to the armor.

It's really hard to deal with anyone who can leave a reputation in Canran's human history.Shi Lang sighed inwardly.


Vlad III faced Shirou's praise and said: "Mutual each other..."

Before he finished speaking, his face changed suddenly, and he quickly abandoned his horse and rolled on the ground.

The next moment, a black hand of [evil] broke through the ground, holding a dagger, pierced the horse's belly straight, and then slowly retracted into the ground.

The warhorse wailed and disappeared as a soul, Vlad III stared at the warhorse solemnly.

If he hadn't dodged in time just now, I'm afraid he would have been pierced!


Shi Lang sighed with a headache.

At this moment, it was A Zhou that shot another arrow, and Shilang dodged in panic.

Shi Lang took Matthew with an [evil] hand. He turned to look at Matthew and said, "Master pays attention to his position, thinks about his own characteristics, and understands what he can do!"

"Ah...yes!" Matthew nodded quickly.

Shi Lang didn't dare to go down to the ground, and Ma Xiu was in the sky, his mind was in a mess, he didn't know what to do.

She was like a stubborn bronze in the king's game, she didn't understand what she should do.

However, when he thought of Shi Lang saying that he would entrust her life to her before the war, Ma Xiu gritted his teeth and forced his brain to calm down and think about what he should do.

Seeing Matthew starting to think, Shi Lang felt a little relieved, but he just looked at the four people staring at him on the ground, and he got a headache.

"Sure enough..." Shi Lang sighed, then looked serious and serious, "However, I have to convince them! At least, let them do things with me!"

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