I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 989

"In other words, is it extremely possible to face two [beasts] in this battle?" A Zhou's expression became serious.

Facing Beast, even he had to be solemn.

Shirou looked at Grey.

Grey shook her head and said, "It should be impossible. Xiao Lixiang once told me that Gettia is sitting at a connection point that is very important to [Council] and will not appear at other connection points at will. Here , It's impossible."

Shi Lang nodded and said, "That is to say, the enemy facing this time is very likely to be just one [beast]. Of course, I am afraid that there is something about the evil god in the opponent's camp."

Astorford looked at Shirou and asked with a look of puzzlement: "Shirou, how are you so sure? Is it based on the one-sided words of the previously controlled hero?"

"That guy, I'm afraid he hasn't controlled it at all, he's here to tell the news, Assassin?" Vlad III looked at Shirou and asked.

Shilang smiled and said, "Your eyesight is really amazing."

"So obvious performance, I am afraid that everyone except the stupid can see it?" Vlad III said lightly.

Everyone's eyes fell on Astorfo's body.

"Huh?" Astorfo asked with a strange look: "Why are you looking at me?"

Everyone stopped talking, and they didn't see it through.

Saber looked at Shirou, frowned and said, "But even if we know this information, what is going on with the red side. We still don't know. The enemy is in an unknown state."

"No." Shi Lang shook his head and said, "I already know."

Saber asked with a look of surprise: "How to say?"

Shi Lang took out the sword in the stone that he had previously confronted Mordred, and everyone's eyes fell on the sword in the stone, and all of them showed a look of surprise.

I saw on the slender body of the sword in the stone. I don't know when, many strange lines appeared horizontally and vertically, interlacing each other, and finally formed a map like a topographical map.

"This, this is..." Saber looked at the sword in the stone with surprise.

Vlad III said thoughtfully: "The heroic spirit wants to tell Yu Waiting about the topographical map of the red square?"

"Exactly!" Shi Lang nodded.

Astorfo frowned and asked, "Why does she have to do this? Why not just say it?"

Hearing this, Shi Lang replied with a smile: "Of course she has her own unspeakable concealment. For example, being restricted."

"Is this..." Astorfo thoughtfully.

Shi Lang smiled, his eyes finally fell on an area marked with a red line on the body of the sword in the stone.

There, that's where she wants to fight him with real swords and guns.

Shi Lang's smile disappeared, but he sighed heavily in his heart.

After clearing up his mind, Shirou turned his head slightly, looked at Vlad III, and said, "Lancer, I know Spartacus is imprisoned by you. Under such circumstances, can you let him out? He--, is also an excellent combat power!"

Vlad III asked: "Do you think the Berserkers will listen?"

"Of course!" Shi Lang nodded and said.

"Huh!" Vlad III turned and walked away.

Shirou smiled.

No rejection is acquiescence!




pS: That's it for today~!

At the beginning of the month, you can vote for me if you have a monthly pass and a guaranteed blade~!Thank you everyone~!^_^

Chapter 95 Stop blowing me up!

With the acquiescence of Vlad III, Shirou released Spartacus from the underground prison.

After all, it was a sensible Spartacus. When Shi Lang first released him, he did not leave the underground prison, but asked Shi Lang what happened.

But at this moment, Shilang told Spartacus about the [beast], which caused Spartacus to be astonished.

"Such a thing would happen." Spartacus sighed heavily.

It can be seen that he also has some headaches, the real peculiarity of this Holy Grail battle.

Shiro led Spartacus out of the underground prison and walked towards the surface.

Along the way, Shiro and Spartacus ran into Vlad III who was walking slowly on the promenade.

Vlad III looked up at Spartacus and said, "When you come out, don't do anything bad, Berserker of Red."

Spartacus smiled and said, "Operator, there is a more brutal disaster, I will not find your trouble."

"Oh?" Vlad III looked at Spartacus in surprise, and said, "The reason for your communication makes Yu a little doubtful whether you are Berserker."

Spartacus pointed to Shirou and said, "This is a lot to the dominator, giving me the reason to get rid of madness. If it weren't for getting rid of the dominator, I would still act instinctively."

Vlad III looked at Shirou in surprise and asked: "Can you get rid of Berserker's'madness'?"

Vlad III looked at Shirou suspiciously.

[Frenzy] This is the characteristic that constitutes the Berserker rank, and is also the rank ability.It is true that there are heroic spirits who resist the influence of [madness] with their own will, but when will other heroic spirits get rid of [madness]?

This is a rank ability, once it comes to the Berserker rank, it will definitely follow and cannot be eliminated.How did he do it?

Hearing this, Shi Lang shook his head and said: "I just supplemented it with small means. The most important thing is that Spartacus's will is strong enough."

"You're overwhelmed, Dominator," Spartacus said.

Vlad III frowned, looked at Shirou, and said, "Assassin, I have something to ask you."

"What are you talking about?" Shi Lang asked with a strange look.

Vlad III did not immediately ask, but turned to look at Spartacus.

Although Spartacus was instinctively hostile to Vlad III, he was quite self-control in his sensible state and did not show any hostile behavior.Seeing Vlad III looking at him, he assumed that Vlad III was going to talk with Shirou alone, and he turned away neatly.

When Vlad III saw this, he looked at Spartacus and couldn't help saying to Shirou: "Yu Nai is a king, he is a rebel. Although Yu was born against him, he also admires his deeds."

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