Under the influence of tig man, Li Yongjin can only work harder every day.

That is not daring to slack off for a moment.

After a long time, the so-called Buddha mind and Buddha nature did not feel any growth.

On the contrary, the inner exhaustion is increasing day by day.

But the situation of the little junior brother has really improved.

According to the nun, Wang Xiaoyao is very popular in the monastery, and everyone likes him very much.

This also caused the little junior brother to become much rounder from being thin before.

It can be seen that the environment here is really good, very suitable for Wang Xiaoyao's recovery.

After all, the routine of life here is much better than following myself in Samsara every day, starving for nine meals in three days.

During this process, Li Yongjin discovered that the strength of the younger brother's soul had slowly begun to recover.

He inquired.

Said it was an old monk, and felt that the child had Buddha-nature.

Sometimes when holding conferences to lecture and discuss, I would bring him with me.

And when the old monk is reciting scriptures, he will also take the younger brother with him to take care of him.

The old monk often said,

When the junior brother is motionless and the wooden figure is like a Buddha. (Listen, is this a human language?)

This old guy doesn't speak human words.

At least, Li Yongjin thinks so.

But he is the leader, Li Yongjin can only hold back what he has to say in his heart.

He couldn't vomit quickly, so as not to break the Buddhist red tape and other precepts.

If you hear too much about breaking the precept, it will be the same.

It does not deduct performance, but it is said that it will get farther and farther away from the Buddha.

Even after death, they cannot be included in the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss.

In this regard, Li Yongjin is not cold.

Because if there is really any Western bliss, then he must not have died to go there.

If you walk around alive, isn't it fragrant?

There is no time in the mountains, and the year is unknown in the cold.

I don't know how many years he has been here, but Li Yongjin has changed from an ignorant little monk to a great monk who is calm enough for everything.

It's just that everyone thinks that he is reverse growth.

"Siliu, you are much younger than when you first came here."

"Yeah, you are getting younger and younger, I can't help but call you little monk."

From everyone's point of view, Siliu's bald head is shiny and his skin can be broken.

It seems to have realized Dharma all at once, and cultivated the freedom and carefreeness of a true Buddha.

Otherwise, how could mortals be getting younger and younger?

To this, Li Yongjin just smiled and didn't say much.

He knew that this was a change brought about by becoming younger.

After all, he has no concept of longevity, and changes in appearance have no effect on him.

But here, sweep and sweep.

However, a few yuan will be swept out.

Now, his lifespan has reached the terrifying six yuan meeting.

It can be said to live the same life as the heaven and the earth, and it is absolutely invincible in this lower realm.

So far, except for Nian Jin whose strength is inauspicious and the old men who hang their lives with one breath.

Li Yongjin has never seen any cultivator whose lifespan can exceed Yiyuanhui.

Actually, for Nian Jin and the old men, the real lifespan does not exist.

They are just so alive, but not because of their longevity.

As for the value of the Yuanhui, he knew that it could not be exceeded.

If it exceeds, then he is not a human being.

But fairy!

And how long ago did you know this information?

Forget it, can't remember.

Li Yongjin touched Own's bald head, and took off the iron ax from his waist.

After sweeping the ground for fifteen years, he became a temple sweeper.

Finally, he didn't have to sweep the floor anymore.

As the middle-aged monk at the beginning said,

Instead, go to the back mountain to chop firewood and make a fire.

This position is more suitable for him.

Because, you can be lazy.

That guy, the old monk, doesn't come here often.

And the new torture is reserved for the little monks who just went up the mountain.

Li Yongjin thought that such ordinary days would last until the day he realized Buddha.

On a snowy day with slanting wind and drizzle, the old monk went up the mountain.

An infant in swaddling arms.


Li Yongjin was silent about this, after all, he had no right to speak.

On the old monk's face, Li Yongjin suddenly saw something called guilt.

Such guilt also made the old monk a little more selfish.

This was the first time he had seen such a complicated expression on the old monk's face.

He didn't know what happened to the old monk at the foot of the mountain.

But he knew that something must have happened down the mountain.

So much so that the old monk has undergone such a change.

Such a change is generally not a good thing.

But there is no way, just like the little junior brother back then.

The old monk also has a reason to take him in.


The child's situation, very bad very bad.

It can almost be said to be riddled with diseases, with varying degrees of festering appearing all over his body.

People in the temple say that this is an inexplicable curse.

But only Li Yongjin knew about the whole temple.

This child has been poisoned by a strange demonic poison, and he may die soon.

The reason for saying this is because almost all the people in this Arhat Temple are ordinary people.

The strongest old monk is only an Innate Practitioner.

For the terrifying evil spirits, that would not be of any help.

As a bystander, Li Yongjin kept in mind his own mission.

He didn't intend to make a move!

So the child's doom was basically doomed from the very beginning.

The child has no name and no surname, and no one knows what to call it.

But Li Yongjin still felt that he should have a name.

A name represents a good expectation, and maybe it can be changed by heaven-defying.

Ever since, in a night without stars and moon.

After Li Yongjin finished his work, he found the old monk.

"Abbot, what is the child's name?"

Li Yongjin had callouses on his hands.

These days were bitter but fulfilling.

After coaxing the child, the old monk let out a long sigh.

Suddenly, he looked in the direction of the east: "This place looks at Chang'an in the distance, but the sun is approaching and Chang'an is far away. Why don't we call him Chang'an."


Good name!

Li Yongjin was startled and nodded in surprise.

Regarding Chang'an, Li Yongjin didn't know what obsession the old monk had.

But he always felt that there must be an unknown story behind Chang'an City.

Immediately afterwards, the old monk said again: "My lay name is taboo, and my surname is Zhou, why not call him Zhou Chang'an, what do you think?"

"The sun is approaching and Chang'an is far away, Zhou Chang'an!"

Li Yongjin touched Own's bald head with a smile, nodded and said: "Good name, this child will grow up safely."

As for whether it will happen, Li Yongjin doesn't know.

Just like him, I don't know why the old monk is obsessed with Chang'an.

Old monk Zhou said.

My only wish in this life is to go to the legendary Chang'an City.

Let's go and have a look, the incomparably bustling night scene of Chang'an.

Unfortunately, he couldn't.

No matter what, it can't be done!

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