【Tell them, I'm back...】

This Kasaya is the old monk's most proud piece of clothing, he once said.

Even if you pass away, you must wear this dress and walk in a beautiful way.

It seems that this Kasaya must have a very important meaning to him.

So important... even if the years have dimmed its luster.

But under the caress of the old monk's rough hands full of calluses, the moonlight seemed so dazzling in the dim light.

I don't know how much merit I have, just lying on it quietly.

"Sit down, four or six."

The old monk looked at Li Yongjin with a smile: "There is no need to be formal between you and me. I always feel...you understand me. Or, you and I may be the same way."

Actually, your feeling is right.

I have no other advantages as a person, that is, I can chat with anyone.

If it was really boring, he could actually exchange a few words with the dogs in the village when he squatted down.

Of course, it might be said so.

It seemed that he didn't respect the abbot too much, so Li Yongjin could only shake his head with a wry smile and didn't try to say these words.

After all, it is in a monastery, after all, it is under the fence of others, after all, the situation of the junior brother still needs to rest here for a while.

Then, listen to the story of the old abbot.

"Where should I begin?"

"Let me think, let me think..."

Afterwards, the old monk seemed to take a nap.

Li Yongjin didn't bother, he wanted to see how long the old monk needed to think.

Not long after.

That is, half an hour has passed,

The old monk drooled from the corner of his mouth.

Looking at the crystal-clear halazi, Li Yongjin was speechless.

Hey, I slept soundly.

The next moment, the old monk snored evenly.

Too bad, this old guy won't pass away directly here, right?

An ominous premonition suddenly surged in Li Yongjin's heart.

Hard to say, really hard to say.

Isn't that how it's written in novels?


While Li Yongjin was thinking wildly, the old monk shook and almost fell to the ground.

This time, he woke up.

Li Yongjin breathed a sigh of relief.

The situation just now was really scary.

He almost felt that the temple would soon have no abbot and abbot.

If the old guy told his funeral on his deathbed and entrusted the entire temple to him, then he might have to lead these monks down the mountain for alms.

In other words, let them go to a disco or something to make an interesting travel project.

Shaking his head, he put aside these random thoughts.

The old monk woke up and said: "I'm back, I'm sorry..."


"Listen to me, what I'm going to say next, you just listen to it, as I heard it."

Hearing that the monk was finally going to talk about business, Li Yongjin nodded, and his expression became more serious.

In the monk's description, Zhou Chang'an's history slowly unfolded before his eyes like a scroll.

Actually, Li Yongjin knew what was going on.

But he couldn't know what the monk was thinking in his heart.

In short, if someone breaks the precepts, someone needs to sincerely repent in front of the Buddha.

The early monks have immeasurable merit.

In troubled times, temples were opened to provide temporary rest for countless displaced children and women.

At the same time, taking the initiative to cook meat in front of the Buddha statue is considered a violation of the meat precept.

No matter how the world praises his merits and virtues, they make him a patchwork robe.

He always believed that he had violated the taboo of Buddhism and was getting farther and farther away from Buddha.

Some things, just do it.

If it happened again, he would still choose this way.

In this life, the monk's firm belief that he cannot become a Buddha is stronger than his belief that there is a Buddha in the world.

So what he did in the rest of his life was just to make atonement to the Buddha.

Zhou Chang'an's life experience was so miserable that even if the old monk failed to save him, he would feel endless guilt.

In order to save the child, he even cut off his own flesh to feed him.

Legend has it that the Buddha cut meat to feed the eagle, and now the old monk can be regarded as imitating his ancestors.

Anyway, Li Yongjin felt that the old monk was stupid.

So stupid and so pure.

This kind of purity, he believes, is full of the brilliance of Buddha nature.

No matter what the old monk thinks, in Li Yongjin's eyes, he is a Buddha.

A real Buddha!

In the end, the old monk loudly proclaimed the Buddha's name: "Amitābha, Siliu... I ask you one last thing."

"When the child grows up, can you take him to see Chang'an?"

"Go and see Chang'an, go and see Chang'an."

Chang'an is the obsession of the old monk.

The old monk came from Chang'an, and originally inherited the emperor's hope to pass on the purest Dharma.

In the end, because he thought he had blasphemed the Buddha, he never had the face to go back.

The old monk felt that his time was running out, and he was about to pass away.

So he completely pinned his hopes on Xiao Chang'an.

He could tell at a glance that Siliu was not an ordinary monk, but a long-lived monk.

People who live a long life are blessed and will not die so early.

I can definitely wait until the day when Zhou Chang'an really sees Chang'an.

"Abbot, I promise you."

"I will definitely let Little Chang'an see the thousands of flowers in Chang'an again."

"Okay, great, thank you..."

The old monk laughed, and took Li Yongjin's hand: "Okay, I'm fine. You go, don't worry about me, my old bones haven't fallen apart so quickly."

Li Yongjin nodded: "Then you have a good rest."

He left here and closed the door.

Looking at Li Yongjin's back, the old monk murmured blankly:

"Brother Huang, I'm back."

"If we were all ordinary people, how wonderful it would be..."

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