I Will Never Die, You Can Do Whatever You Want!

Chapter 2 Lifespan Of Conceptual Properties?

Wang Mo was angry.

Li Yongjin was detained.

From then on, he began a period of hard training Life.

The content of the practice is also very speechless.

During the day, I take care of the farmland and grow vegetables.

At noon, the iron sword chopped down the green bamboos.

In the evening, meditate and practice tortoise kung fu.

From Li Yongjin's point of view, the whole thing is a "reform through labor" life.

He was imprisoned in the confinement cliff of Deadwood Peak.

Every day, you have to complete the cultivation tasks before you can eat.

And in this period of confinement Life.

What he looks forward to every day is when senior sister Ah Zhen comes to deliver meals.

That's him, one of the few happy be lazy bad times.


The confinement barrier is loosened.

"Junior brother, I'm here to check the progress, have you made any progress today?"

Hearing the senior sister's voice, Li Yongjin almost cried.

Although the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant here, it is dark in his world.

"Ah Zhen, is that you? You are finally here."

"...then I'll go?"

"Don't, don't, senior sister, I've been waiting so hard for you, you're finally here."

"Junior brother, don't be like this, others think we have something."

Seeing Li Yongjin's pitiful appearance, Zhou Suzhen couldn't bear it.

Hey, he's just a kid.

It's normal to love to play by nature.

"time to eat."

Zhou Suzhen sighed softly, and waved her hand to signal a golden toad squatting beside Li Yongjin.


The golden toad rolled his eyes, seeming quite dissatisfied.

Then, it turned around and jumped, turning into a golden light and fleeing.

Li Yongjin breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed all over.

"Damn it, it's a good thing you run fast."

"Just wait, daddy will eat roasted bullfrog sooner or later."

Thinking of his tragic experience these days, Li Yongjin wanted to cry but had no tears.

After time travelling, he actually lived under the power of a toad.

It's a shame to the traversers of the heavens!


After the meal was full, Li Yongjin rubbed his stomach and began to pick his teeth.

The toothpick was sharpened secretly by him these days with a damaged wooden sword.

Not to mention, it's really easy to use.

"Senior Sister, you said that Master, an old man, is really so cruel?"

Li Yongjin didn't expect that Wang Mo was playing for real!

He heard from Deadwood Peak, other senior brothers and sisters had said it.

Before here, it could be called the Snake Cave.

And, a long, long time ago.

The whole Deadwood Peak is also known as Snake Peak.

Generally, only the disciples of the Deadwood Peak who committed serious mistakes would be imprisoned here and punished.

In such a frightening place, Wang Mo actually threw him here.

A Sect spirit beast was also dispatched to watch.

It was just too cruel, too cruel.

If it weren't for him these days, the system has continuously increased his lifespan.

He is really going crazy.

But let alone...

Li Yongjin found out when he moved.

His lifespan seems to be rising faster.

[You have worked and exercised your body, and gained +101 days of lifespan! 】

[You have practiced your incomparably rough Sword Technique, and gained +99 days of lifespan! 】

[You have started to practice and strengthen your fascia, you have become stronger, and you have gained +1 year of life span! 】

[Congratulations on triggering a ten-fold critical strike through your practice, and gaining a lifespan of +10 years! 】

[You stopped practicing and started to behave badly, feel better, and gain life span +21 days! 】


This is the legend, life lies in exercise.

In just one week, he gained another 250 years of longevity.

[Host remaining lifespan: 368 years and 10 days. 】

Such efficiency stunned Li Yongjin.

He suddenly felt.

Maybe I really shouldn't show off and waste these time.

When he got serious, although his strength didn't increase.

But his life has indeed skyrocketed!

"Junior brother, you have indeed worked hard these days."

Seeing the sweat stains on Li Yongjin's body,

Zhou Suzhen smiled happily.

She stretched out her hand involuntarily and held Li Yongjin's wrist.

Afterwards, Li Yongjin felt an extremely cold air flow entering Own's body.

This feeling is amazing.

It seemed like something was going in, and it didn't seem like it was coming in all the way.

After a while, Zhou Suzhen frowned.

"But Junior Brother, are you really not being lazy?"

"With your talent, you shouldn't have only a little progress. Have you not practiced?"

Hearing the senior sister's questioning, Li Yongjin faltered.

He really didn't practice turtle kung fu much.

Because compared with the system, the tortoise skill is nothing to mention.

"Brother, how many times have I told you?"

Zhou Suzhen said earnestly: "Practicing swords does not practice martial arts..."

"I'll be so easy."

Li Yongjin answered without hesitation.

She glared at her immediately: "It's nothing in the end! It seems that I need to be stricter, so your Sword Technique should have improved a lot?"

"Look at the sword!"

"Ah, Jane, are you still here?"


"Stop fighting, stop fighting, I'm not your opponent."

Li Yongjin looked at Zhou Suzhen's pretty face and seriously admitted defeat.

He was puzzled.

Why is this woman so beautiful but so violent.

One sword after another, continuous like a torrential rain.

Every sword carries decades of skill, who can stop it?

I really don't know, which blind man will marry her in the future?

Whoever marries is blind!

Anyway, Li Yongjin doesn't like this woman very much.

Even, it can be said to be a bit annoying.


At this moment, a blue light flickered.

With an incomparably fierce devilish aura, it rushed straight to Zhou Suzhen's back, and stretched out its sharp and fangs towards her fragile neck.

At this time, Zhou Suzhen is obviously in the stage where old strength has been exhausted and new strength has not yet been born.

She panted slightly, her Spiritual Qi was exhausted, and she couldn't even react.


At this critical moment, Li Yongjin didn't know why his brain had a twitch.

Maybe it's just pure kindness.

He pushed Zhou Suzhen away abruptly, facing the blue light head-on.

The next moment, he only felt his throat was extremely cold.

It seems that something has been cut open.

Gululu, that was the sound of blood spurting.

It was a green snake with a faint cyan luster, and its cyan scales were as sharp as a blade.

The eyes are scarlet, and Monster Qi is diffuse.


Zhou Suzhen's eyes were about to burst, and she felt like her brain was going to explode.

She rushed over and hugged the fallen Li Yongjin.

Li Yongjin smiled hollowly and covered his neck artery.

"Ah Zhen... the practice is too hard, I... let's go first."

Vitality is passing by.

"No, brother, you must be fine."

Zhou Suzhen took out the Medicine Pill from the storage ring and fed it frantically.

At the same time, she vigorously crushed the externally applied healing medicine and stuck it on Li Yongjin's neck to help him stop the bleeding.

However, it was too late.

The terrifying snake venom has already traveled all over Li Yongjin's body in an instant.

There is almost no cure for this snake venom that carries the resentment of a monster snake.

Only the powerful cultivator of Cultivation Base can resist.

Just when Li Yongjin thought that he was about to join Samsara.

An extremely powerful vitality emerged spontaneously.

That was the vitality of the elixir, which was healing his wounds.

[You were beaten and injured, you have a strong will to survive, and you will gain +3 years of lifespan! 】

[You are seriously injured and in a miserable situation, and you have gained +13 years of lifespan! 】


Li Yongjin's eyes widened.

Tongzi, what kind of plane are you kidding?

It's already this time, why don't you give me Gagajia, a hammer?

Facts have proved that it is still useful.

[Ding, the source of fatal damage has been detected-eight hundred years of snake venom! 】

[Because your lifespan is unfinished, you are immune to this damage! 】

[Congratulations to the host for unlocking the life achievement of being seriously injured once, and meeting the standard of three hundred years of longevity, your recovery ability is greatly enhanced! 】

[Ding, due to the large gap between the host and the enemy's current lifespan, this (spiritual poison) ability stealing failed! 】

Immune, lethal?

Listen to the cues in your head.

Li Yongjin was excited.

As for the trauma of the neck, under the double blessing of Medicine Pill and system achievements.

At a terrifying speed...


It turns out that the lifespan of own is conceptual?

Before the end of my lifespan, no one can take my life away?

At this moment, he finally truly understood.

The word "invincible" in the system prefix.

Good guy.

Thought it was an exaggeration.

Turns out you mean it literally?

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