No matter how powerful an empire is, there will be a moment of its decline.

After all, buildings constructed by mortals, no matter how dreamy they are, are like castles in the sand.

Any kind of breeze called time blows, and there will always be a day when it returns to yellow sand.

Not long after the scholar left, Li Yongjin stepped down as a national teacher.

In fact, this is exactly what the new monarch wanted.

No matter how strong he is,

But when a person is no longer needed, that's when he should disappear.

In this regard, Li Yongjin is not too touched.

Anyway, he is just a passerby.

All the scenery around him is temporary for him.

There will always be a day when he returns to the right track of Life.

He just knows.

After he left, the empire was getting worse day by day.

It turns out that there are countless problems hidden in the dark.

Under the suppression of Li Yongjin's invincible strength, they dare not show their faces.

But now, the pressure is gone.

When they spring up like mushrooms after rain, it will be a time for the new monarch to be overwhelmed.

However, Li Yongjin won't take care of it anymore.

In his mind, his empire had vanished along with the old monarch and the bard.

After leaving the empire,

Li Yongjin randomly found a border town and stayed temporarily.

At the moment, he doesn't know when he will leave Minor World.

I don't know yet how to get out of here.

So let's do this first, and I can't find anything else to do when I go out.

And this trip, Li Yongjin called it: "Sinking to the heavens".

The scholar brought him to this small town.

It's called Wuming Town.

It is said that it is the hometown of scholars.

After decades of vicissitudes, the small town has become a relatively prosperous city.

Residents in the city are all proud of being scholars, and the spread of "Great Poetry Gong" can be seen everywhere here.

Life is here, Li Yongjin always feels as if the scholar is still by his side.

Accompanied by the sound of the scholar reading aloud, every time I can fall asleep quickly.

Suddenly, he passed a storytelling stand.

"Wait a minute, spectators, let's talk about the greatest poet who came out of our town today."

"This is recognized by our empire, and it was also hand-picked by the invincible national teacher, so there is no doubt about it."


When he said this, he shot eye-catchingly.

The tourists below were immediately attracted and gathered up one after another.

At this time, a child was asked by an adult on his shoulder: "Uncle, why do you say he is the greatest poet?"

Yo, here comes the troublemaker?

Hearing this, Li Yongjin smiled.

Yes, what is the greatest?

He had never thought about this question before.

It's just that the scholar has always said so, and he also thinks so.

But all the time.

Really right?

At this time, the storyteller on the stage was calm and said with a slight smile, "Because, he only did one thing in his life..."

For a lifetime, only do one thing?

Hearing this, Li Yongjin chewed repeatedly.

Then nodded and left here.

Well, it does.

So is for the greatest.

In the days that followed, the former mighty empire collapsed.

From its heyday to its collapse, it was just another Jiazi.

In a blink of an eye, the sound of horseshoes gradually became chaotic, and the emperor's flag lit a beacon.

Li Yongjin was in the small town, watching the chaos outside.

Secretly feeling that the troubled times came too soon.

Suddenly, an inexplicable sense of discomfort swept over him.

He felt an inexplicable calling and calling.

Then, there is the irresistible recalling power of the main body.

Immediately, there was a blur of consciousness.

It feels like something is being pulled away from the body.

Poetry Heaven, Li Yongjin's body shattered with a bang,

It turned into hundreds of millions of dust particles and dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

After he dissipated, a phantom of a scholar suddenly condensed on the spot.

Holding the "Great Poetry Merit" in his hand, the scholar bowed in the direction of Li Yongjin's disappearance.


When Li Yongjin opened his eyes again, he returned to the dead sea.

When he opened his eyes, it was the dilated pupils of Guigui again.

"You kid... have been riding a horse for more than 3,600 years, why are you still alive?"

Its voice was full of despair.

How many times is this?

The giant tortoise couldn't figure it out.

Every time when it is full of hope, Li Yongjin will always give it a blow.

Can't die, he always can't die.

This is a very desperate thing!

"Three thousand six hundred years?"

Li Yongjin also stared wide-eyed: "Gui, are you sleepy?"

He remembered clearly that he had only passed two years in Minor World.

That is one hundred and twenty years.

So if it's not that Guigui is too confused, then there is something wrong with the flow of time in these two worlds.

"I sleep f*ck, you know!"

What Guigui said next was extremely full of motherhood.

Through this conversation full of asterisks, Li Yongjin also learned something.

For example, the Xuangui family is extremely sensitive to the passage of time.

Because they can continuously strengthen their own physique through sleep, and even evolve their own blood.

Even in their sleep, they can clearly perceive the imprint of time.

The final error will not even exceed three days.

It can be called a walking timer!

Now, Li Yongjin completely understood.

It really is a matter of the flow rate of time in the two realms!

It seems that Minor World and here, the speed of time flow is about thirty to one.

Minor World is one year, and thirty years have passed above.

Thinking of this, Li Yongjin sighed:

"Tuigui, don't you understand? In terms of longevity, you can't survive me. Because my life... will always be longer than yours!"

In this world, is there eternity?

Li Yongjin didn't know.

But what he can be sure of is that even the Xuangui clan has a limit to their lifespan!

And own longevity is theoretically unlimited.

In Minor World for more than 100 years, he often fished and occasionally worked hard, and his life span was increased by nearly 100,000 years.

The lifespan has since broken through 300,000 years.

But this time, there is no system reward.

Xuangui rolled his eyes at him, and was about to give him a bad mouthful.

But it saw Li Yongjin whose face had not changed, and a sentence stuck in his throat again.

Immediately, it sighed: "Hey, in fact, I have woken up several times in the past three thousand years."

"Every time I wake up, I feel your breath getting weaker."

"My joy at that time cannot be described in words."

"But today, you are alive again."


Its words are full of frustration.

It is really sad for those who hear it, and tears for those who hear it.

Li Yongjin couldn't bear it anymore.

It really, I cried to death.

Suddenly, it seemed to have made up its mind and said: "Damn it, I have convinced you kid. Since you said that your life expectancy is longer than mine, do you dare to compare with daddy?"


Li Yongjin tilted his head, interested: "How to compare?"

In other respects, he may not be sure yet.

But in terms of longevity, he has never convinced anyone.

If you really push him, he can achieve 10,000 years of life every minute!

"Let's gamble on lifespan, and use the Heavenly Dao contract as a witness!"

It raised its head firmly: "Just bet on your life! If I lose, then I admit it, do you dare?"

Turtle, actually started to risk his life.

Hearing this, Li Yongjin couldn't help being in awe.

It seems that the giant tortoise is really desperate.

However, can something as illusory as Shouyuan still bet against each other?

Moreover, Li Yongjin didn't know how to calculate his own life, which was growing all the time?

"Okay, I'll take it."

Li Yongjin also wanted to gamble once.

he wants to know.

If you really lose,

Can Heavenly Dao, who rules over the common people, take his life?

Then, a rainbow light appeared on Xuangui's forehead, soaring into the sky.

According to its teaching, Li Yongjin also separated a ray of soul, and he followed suit.

【Today, I swear by Heavenly Dao that I will bet against this person for longevity. To bet on the lives of both parties, Heavenly Dao, who is fair and upright, please be a witness! 】

The next moment, a vicissitudes of life came from above Nine Heavens.

[Oath! 】

Two golden lights rushed down, escaping into the eyebrows of the two.

Li Yongjin couldn't help touching the center of his brow, but didn't find anything unusual.

"Let's go tortoise, I admit you've got me excited."

Li Yongjin was even short of breath.

It finally felt a little oppressive.

"Hmph, Heavenly Dao please notarize!"

The black turtle snorted coldly and raised its claws, trying to make a cupped fist appearance.

The next moment.

A golden light curtain was like a big net, covering the two of them.

After entering it, Li Yongjin found that he had lost his entity and was directly transformed into God's perspective.

All around is a dead void and nothingness, nothing, nothing exists.

"Turtle, where are you?"

"What about the promised Imperial City PK, I can't see you."

With a thought in his mind, his voice suddenly spread throughout the chaos.

But in the eyes of Xuangui, there was a scene that made it terrified all its life.

It, seeing a boundless chaos,

I saw the extreme black covering everything!

And its tiny light is like a flat boat in the sea.

At the same time, a bold idea suddenly appeared.

"This kid, shouldn't it be time itself?"

"Is this f*ck still a person's lifespan? You tell daddy it's a long time, I believe it!"

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